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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Spike


    It really isnt' that difficult to pronounce La boo skug knee
  2. that doesn't necessarily mean players. it could just mean that they keep doing the same thing on the pitch
  3. Frugality can be good for the soul, spoiling yourself only sometimes makes one appreciate all they have. Such a shame that American is predatory on countries like yours, imagine all the gifted doctors and other learned people you've lost due to the brain drain. They aren't banned any more,, the chocolate doesn't cover the whole egg, there is a very thin line of separation.
  4. Nearly right with identity politics but it is any sort of identity, not just gay/straight/white/black/a woman. Social class, locality, occupation, religion, etc. It's any sort of pandering that will associate X political ideal with Y identity. So identity politics can be 'enlightened smart people vote left, bigots vote right'. Or for you own country, 'Gammons vote Tory'. I can almost say it's a way of justifying of your own preference while putting down other's. Identity politics isn't a new term
  5. @Dr. Gonzo it's because you guys are on reddit. It's easily the worst website on the planet and each sub will eat you alive if you deviate from the groupthink you shouldn't think of it as 'otherside' because identity politics is snake oil sold to you, ,left v. right are ultimately meaningless terms due to the deviance in ideals within their own half of the divide. communism is left, but facism is right but both can be totalitarian??! then there are policies that can be defined as both left and right, but also in opposition to both (open borders)
  6. The racist thing is weird to me, didn't he do a bunch of civil rights work in the 70s and 80s? Does it stem from his part in the war on drugs and the discrepancy between the incarceration lengths of powder cocaine and crack cocaine?
  7. The accusation was 'racist' and that she believed some of the sexual harrasmen accusers of Biden. Apparently the former never happened, at least I cannot find a single source.
  8. Everyone is a rapist/paedophile/sex pest according to the news. Is that really the hill to die on?
  9. Spike


    Or Australia should just only play at the Gabba where they smack everyone outta the park.
  10. In America you have to understand their history to understand their culture. 1776 and the constitution is deeply embedded into the psyche of Americans, manifests in many different ways. America took it upon itself to be independent and free of their current government, which you can see manifested today as a culture that expects no help from the government in terms of personal success, it is deeply stigmatised to accept support from the government, ,and people are really expected to 'pull themselves up by their bootstraps'. It creates a huge desire for social mobility, in Australia or the UK, being working class can be something to be proud of, working with one's hands and earning a honest life, not so much in America, one is expected to always want more and to show it off with flashy possessions. Rather than band together and create an environment that benefits the most people, Americans have setted on 'I've got mine, you get yours' based on the merit of individual success. A person is defined by their earning power, not their virtue or actions, and I fear this is becoming deeply prevalent in other countries due to American mass media exportation. There is also a bizarre double think that many fall prey, the obsess over the ideal of 'don't tread on me' for fear of a tyrannical government but many will bootlick the administration that panders to their desires the most. The both distrust the government, but idealise a government institution like the military despite the fact that'd be the hammer of the tyrannical government they fear. I really feel this is a nation of double standards, 'I love Jesus but hate Islam', 'Help the poor, but don't tax me', 'You can't tell me what to do, but arrest that person for breaking the law', 'It doesn't apply to me, but it applies to you'. Americans have great capacity for love and compassion but also an inherent greed and desire for more, money, clothes, food, sugar, coffee, drugs, entertainment, music, medicine, it drives them forward to innovate but in a very 'monoculture' way (how can I milk the cow for all it's worth?, do I abuse the soil to maximise my crop yield?). The short term over the long term, ,always looking for the quick buck. They cannot see the forest for the trees for what is good for America, only themselves.
  11. Spike


    Still think Warner is too aggressive for a test opener. ODI and 20/20 yeah he is great for that but surely he'd be better at 3 or 4? Wouldn't you want a player with is batting style coming in on a warn in pitch and ball?
  12. Spike


    Perth is bad for ratings because of the time delay, Cricket Australia and FOX will always use that against Perth. At least it isn't raining in Brisbane, but the rest of the country doesn't matter when you can play cricket in a shut-down quarantined SYDNEY. Gladys Verysicklian must be so proud of her city's Cricket Ground.
  13. Spike


    He wouldn't be Warner if he didn't play like a midget with a chip on his shoulder. This is like contemplating the wetness of water
  14. Spike

    Off Topic

    Nobody thought to @ me
  15. Spike

    Off Topic

    Was about to join the Sporcle quiz but the thread is locked. Reminds me of the time I was kicked out of the fantasy without being told
  16. Spike


    So I'm keen to watch the boxing day test right? @Devil-Dick Willie so I thinks to myself I do, I'm gonna buy a VPN set it to Australia and use the Channel 7 app to watch it live. FUCK FOX SPORTS AND CRICKET AUSTRALIA how the shit can they sell the TV rights to Channel 7 but sell the digital rights to Fox and have it exclusive to the Kyomodoodo App or whatever it is called. I thought Apps would set us free from the convoluted mess of TV rights and cable-TV but they have somehow made it harder and more expensive
  17. That's bloody mental. 16 or not, even a 6 year old know not to use both feet.
  18. China is running 'human rights abuse' campaigns against Australia because of the incident with the SAS soldiers. The absolute nerve of those cunts, a white flag of peace in one hand while the other holds a knife in the back of their own citizens. If only we had a strong leadership that could tell China to get fucked without looking like a cowering bully talking under their breath.
  19. I just checked expedia, ,at least $7k to get from Chicago to Sydney, with two stops. Then I'd have to get to QLD, so that'd be four weeks of isolation, right? I don't even think the QLD borders are open to NSW. So many people are screwed right now, ABC seeming reporting daily on someone stuck overseas.
  20. mate flights are getting close to ten grand the last i checked, put that on top the quarantine fee and I will be waiting for a vaccine
  21. There are still like 3000 overseas,, just because there are flights doesn't mean they are flights from everywhere, nor can everyone afford it.
  22. This story should help the Aussies that the goverment has abandoned overseas out. Gotta get home somehow
  23. I think as a culture our humour is quite strange. I just came across a facebook group of working class men taking photos of themselves afterwork earing ice cream and telling eachother to cream on. What other nation has a culture where brick layers look like hipsters have a self aware ironic sense of humour? its fucken queer but probably explains why my generation has an obsession with the simpsons seasons 3-8 @Toinho @Devil-Dick Willie
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