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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. I’m not so sure they’d feel constrained to Boston just because they’ve got history there. Otherwise they wouldn’t own us. That’s probably John Henry’s ideal side. Not like LeBron’s got any history with them though (although tbh I don’t know if he does, but I don’t think he does). No NBA side is cheap though.
  2. Hope I’m wrong, but I think there’s a lot of indication that he’s wanting to buy a basketball team and teaming up with FSG as a partner probably makes that more likely for him. But on the other hand, Liverpool’s been a sound investment for him. So I’m sure he wants to keep seeing us do well. I just think his priority at FSG is going to primarily be with basketball.
  3. Sad but true. You can also see Boris lean into authoritarian tendencies with this anti-protesting bill. Which, tbh, is a pretty horrific piece of legislation.
  4. That's a fucking incredible return on investment, holy shit. Still pennies for him with all of his endorsement deals I do think much of RedBird Capital's investment into FSG, he's made no secret that he one day wants to own a basketball team when he retires. So I think he'll primarily be focused on expanding FSG to basketball, rather than growing FSG's current sporting investments. I suspect they go in for the Boston Celtics or something soon. I'm not convinced that this means much for Liverpool.
  5. I don't understand what the need is for us to increase our nuclear arsenal by 40% All I can see this doing is encouraging Russia and China to make more nukes. More nuclear weapons in the world is a bad thing. I believe when Trump was still president, he also wanted the US to increase it's nuclear arsenal. I just can't see two allies doing this without other countries outside of that alliance thinking "oh shit, we've got an arms race now." One of my biggest fears, we will see people forget what nuclear war entails as we get further and further removed from the end of WW2 and what happened to Hiroshima and Nagasaki. Similar to how before WW1, we saw people forget about the devastation and carnage of war between powers with massive militaries. Because like WW1 and the mass mobilization of Europe's military might - technology has moved on. It made militaries more deadly and dangerous than they were prior to WW1 and shitloads of people firsthand got to experience that sort of carnage. Similarly, the capability of modern militaries to drop bombs has massively moved on from 1945. To the point where I wouldn't be so worried of nukes like the ones dropped on Hiroshima and Nagasaki - because the next country to nuke another in warfare isn't going to be dropping a bomb from a plane. It'll be launched from a missile from miles and miles away. The prospect of an arms race developing while so many countries around the world are seeing a rise in nationalistic politicians and parties (and in a disturbing number of places, the worst kind of nationalism imo, ethno-nationalism)... is a bit frightening if you know what's come before.
  6. For the first part - it's really tough to say, imo. This season just really isn't much like an ordinary season (unless we count City running away with the league as the new ordinary of the league) - so many sides, not just us, suffering from injuries or looking really inconsistent. And I think that's a result of the condensed season because of the global pandemic. And I think United this season have at times looked the same as they did last season, and at other times, looked a much better team than I remember them being last year. So that's a bit of that inconsistency I was talking about. But as for whether Solksjaer is the right man for the job... I really don't know mate. I don't think he's terrible or woefully out of his depth - I also don't know if I think he's good enough tactically to take United around the corner and back to the glory days. I also don't know that he's not good enough tactically - he's still relatively "new" to being a manager, certainly at a club the size of United. And I do believe that experience as a manager is underrated to an extent - I don't think you can just give a manager who's had a decent start to their career a ton of cash to blow and expect them to do as well as someone that's had the experience building a successful team. Basically, I think he's probably not the right man for the job right now... but it's not beyond the realm of possibility that he grows into the job. And unlike a lot of fans of other big clubs, I think Manchester United - a club legend who, imo, has demonstrated he has improved on the job - are the kind of fans that can/will afford him some patience to grow on the job. As for what would make the season a success - finishing in the top 4 (obviously, the higher in the top 4 you finish, the more successful) and winning the FA Cup and/or Europa League. For me, personally, if I were a United fan... I'd want the club to be focused on finishing in 2nd place (or 1st if City somehow go on a horrific run), then winning the Europa League. Doing well in the Europa League I think would be a big step for the manager - it's just good practice for playing in the CL really.
  7. Dr. Gonzo


    Oh shit, congrats @Rab!
  8. There’s a log? Also yeah mate of course. This is my little sanctuary on the internet gotta keep it afloat
  9. Did my £50 ever come in? I got charged for it, so I hope it did
  10. Holy shit, that’s awful news. He’s only 36 according to wiki! I remember he had such hype around him but never really showed it - but regardless of how he was as a player a heart attack is always bad news. Especially when it’s so young.
  11. I think if anyone's going to fuck things up for the Democrats, it's going to be the Senate Democrats that do it more than anything Biden does. The 50-50 split of senators and the moderate democrats from deep red states (and even in some swing states) sort of creates an opportunity for Republican obstruction with support from these moderate democrats. Although I do think the word "moderate" for democrat needs to be adjusted a bit when they're against policies that 60-80% of people in the country support - because being against stuff with big support from the public isn't really very moderate.
  12. Tbf I thought the first election would be the peak of his popularity. But after a disasterclass 4 years, he got more votes than the first time around. So there’s definitely something weird as fuck going on in the American right wing that you and I will probably never understand
  13. I mean if they can’t win without moderate support... they should probably just do what most parties do in democracies and adapt to society changing.
  14. What’s he even trying to say? That if there were 4 more years of his presidency no Americans would be vaccinated til he’s out? It’s super disheartening seeing how much of a sway he has on his own party though, despite being twice impeached
  15. Happened to Ashley Cole in Surrey while he was away on England duty, Lampard's house got hit while he and his girlfriend were asleep sometime before 2010 & I think Ian Wright's house was broken into and an FA Cup winners medal was stolen as well. It happens in Italy and Spain too, I think a ton of Madrid based players got all by the same gang not too long ago. I think Ancelotti got robbed fairly recently as the Napoli manager while they were playing in the CL against us. Unfortunately, football players (and managers) are popular marks for burglars because they've got a lot of wealth. So even though most (if not all) of these guys live in fairly safe neighborhoods, careful thieves that do their planning are going to know when these players are away from their homes. The scariest ones are the ones like Lampard, where someone breaks into the house while they're there. Was that what happened with Olsson? Because having machete wielding dickheads robbing me at home would probably be traumatic. Feel for the fella there.
  16. Got Assassins Creed Valhalla last night, I think it’s pretty good
  17. I think Hamann left us shortly after we won the CL - so you're probably right about him not being part of that midfield that had the greatest song imo ever written about it. Hyypia, though, put in top performances for us until he retired - even though he went from being a first choice to a squad player. As a tinkerer though, Rafa usually kept us with some depth in the side which even if it wasn't the best quality... he'd still have options on the bench to be able to change things around. So I just think that while we have, definitely, a much stronger squad in terms of overall quality in our best XI... I do think Rafa's squads were better built for shite like unexpected injury criseses. Easier to say, though, despite Rafa never really having an injury crisis like the one we're having right now. Us losing every CB we started the season with is something unprecedented (at least to me). And yeah... that's more of my lines of thinking. And tbh, Milner's recent form since his last injury is a bit worrying because it looks like his age might be finally catching up with him. But hopefully he just needs a bit more time to get back up to speed. It's hard to say really considering how fucking poor we've been.
  18. It feels very surreal, but hey... something good happening to me is nice for sure Turns out treating the stock market like a casino is the way to go
  19. I bought GME stock around 55-56 and rode it up and down it's first big spike... regretted not selling at that spike ...but now it's at 240ish and I sold almost all of the shares at 236 Not bad for a business that I think only has a high price per share because of memes
  20. Under Rafa, for many years we had: Carra, Hyypia (imo the best CB we’ve had in my lifetime til we signed Virgil), Agger in his prime, and Skrtel in his prime. That’s 4 top level CBs for 2 positions. And out of them only Agger was a sick note like Matip & Gomez are, so the odds of all of them being out were pretty low. Under Rafa we also had 4 of the best CMs I’ve ever seen at the club at once. Gerrard, Alonso, Mascherano and Sissoko was unreal depth. I can’t remember when Didi left us, but we also had him around too. We had serious depth in the spine of the side. Whereas now I think we’ve got a great XI, but not much on the bench to call on when we need to change things. Or in our situation now, in an injury crisis at the back... the midfield has fallen apart and the entire side has unraveled as a result. Seems tough for me to say this is the “most depth” we’ve had.
  21. I think Rafa’s sides actually had a lot of depth. Just not as much quality overall in the first XI. But I don’t think he’s ever go into a season happily with just 3 senior CBs. We’ve got a lot of depth in some areas, not much in others. (Like CB or much quality behind Jota to compete/rotate with the typical front 3). Comparing that to some of the clubs we’re competing against and we’re well behind in depth. But probably a bit ahead of some of the clubs that are in the positions we’d rather be in this season. I think without the CL next season, we’re likely in a sell to buy situation... so it’s all very frustrating because it could potentially undo a lot of the good work Klopp’s done in his time here
  22. FSG now getting a bit defensive about their backing of Klopp - saying they did all they could for us in January (which, tbh, if it's true... is a bit shit and maybe they're funneling money out of the club? but I don't think there's any way that's true). They're also saying that Klopp's definitely not going to be sacked and the last 2 months are being viewed as an anomaly , which I do agree with. But I do think that FSG have been pretty complacent and that's why we've got a first XI that's really good... but I think beyond that starting XI there isn't much depth and we're seeing that now.
  23. The US will only ever spend more on military spending - never less. So if it’s more expensive and will permanently boost military spending for years to come, they’ll probably happily do it
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