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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. He’s out for a month. Yeah no way Matip will last the rest of the season. He’s already just had an injury and he’s probably our most injury prone player. I don’t know what the plan is for us in January, but I’m sure Michael Edwards is very annoyed because he’s pretty deliberate with his transfer plans, so to suddenly have an emergency need at a certain position is pretty annoying. It’ll be expensive too, because it’s January and there’s no secret we’re desperate for someone who can play consistently. The way this season’s gone though, is it worth signing someone that’s playing regularly and in this short season is more likely to get a long term injury? That’d just be a waste of money. And it’s almost a certainty that signing someone that currently isn’t playing regularly wouldn’t be worth it. Glad that’s not my job to figure out, because it’s a tough one to figure out.
  2. If we win the league with our first choice CBs out for the season, this is a total fucking farmers league and you should all be ashamed of the players at your clubs
  3. I think coaching? I’d take Agger or Skrtel back if they still play
  4. I’d bet it was Sterling tbh, he hates Gomez
  5. Boris is a Tory, which makes him a total cunt
  6. So if I’ve got this right the United States has: 1. Lots of oil and natural resources 2. Right wing and religious extremism 3. WMDs 4. An autocrat rejecting the results of an election refusing to leave power. ... ... Where are Bush and Cheney? It’s their time to shine.
  7. Mike Pompeo said there will be a smooth transition... ... into Trump's second term. The GOP seems to be getting more and more into the idea of doing what they can to claim they won the election despite what the state vote counts might say. A bit worrying, tbh.
  8. Now that he's got his job back and we don't have to be upset at Arsenal for sacking someone during a pandemic (which is extra cunty)... I'm going to say something that might be unpopular. The guy is paid way too fucking much for a man who's just in a dinosaur costume for, at most, a couple days a week. Also... I hate mascots for football clubs. I'm glad he's not unemployed during this COVID crisis, because I really sympathise with anyone that's lost their job (or their business) because of how the economy has slowed down. But holy shit, if Arsenal didn't give him a serious pay cut... well done to him he's fleecing them and making a mockery of anyone that's got a harder job that gets paid less than him (which is a shitload of people lol).
  9. I've been riding my bike a lot more in the past few weeks, which has always been my favourite way to get exercise.
  10. Armenia got pretty fucked by the world being distracted by a pandemic... and by concepts of realpolitik hitting them hard in the face (nobody wanting to send their troops to "help" a small landlocked nation with limited natural resources + the regional powers having a more vested interest in Azerbaijan's oil pipeline). Also the fact that Putin doesn't really like Pashinyan because he rooted out a lot of Putin allies from Armenia's government did not help them with getting Russia involved. Russia sells weapons to both sides and while they did provide military support to Armenia... I think the only thing that stopped Azerbaijan from steamrolling Armenian/Artsakh forces (because the last few weeks of the war have been utterly brutal on the Armenian forces) was Azerbaijan shooting down a Russian military helicopter. I think otherwise, Azerbaijan probably could have overrun the contested territories and won the war outright. I think the only reason they're agreeing to Russian peacekeepers is because they've pissed Russia off. A lot of people in Armenia are very pissed off at Pashinyan... but I really don't know if he had a choice other than throwing more men into the meatgrinder. But both sides were suffering casualties at around at 1:1 ratio... with Azerbaijan having much more men to throw into battle. The fortress city of Shushi/Shusha (I think it's funny the difference between the names of the city for Armenians/Azeris is just one letter) fell and was cut off from Armenian supply lines - so the troops there (where there was still fighting going on as of a few hours ago) would likely have all been lost. Reports of Turkish forces being used in as "peacekeepers" has many Armenians particularly outraged. I've seen mixed sources on whether Turkish forces would be involved (the Turkish government isn't a signing party to the agreement, so there is that... but I do know Aliyev was making demands during initial negotiations for the peacekeepers to be Russian and Turkish). I wonder what will happen with Shushi, which is the home of important cultural sites for Armenians - will they safely be allowed to return to the city if they lived there. Will ethnic Armenian tourists be allowed to visit those cultural sites? I hope the peace holds beyond the 5 years of peacekeeping. This isn't a great situation for Armenia, but it's essentially the two countries agreeing to the terms of the conflict resolution the Minsk group negotiated... just with a heavy cost of human life. Hopefully all parties can be content with how things have panned out over time - Artsakh still exists (although a much smaller territory now) & Armenia retained all of its sovereign integrity. Azerbaijan has substantial land within it's internationally recognised borders restored. Turkey gets a land route uniting "all Turkic peoples" (plus their pipeline doesn't have to pass through Armenia now). Russia gets more influence than it's had in the Caucasus since the fall of the Soviet Union (plus the pipeline).
  11. I like the second song better... I think cuz there's more Serj on it and it feels more "old school" whereas the other one sounds like the guitarist's other band.
  12. That goes along with what that "sports medicine" guy on twitter predicted when Trent first went down injured. I'd never seen him before up until that point, would be interesting to see how accurate he at "predicting" this kind of shite based off the clips of injury.
  13. Looks like Armenia is surrendering Nagorno-Karabagh, a bit sad tbh. There's now reports of gunfire in Yerevan... and an explosion in Baku. So looks like nationalists on both sides are disappointed by the terms of the Russian negotiated peace deal.
  14. At least for an injury prone guy, he’s got one important quality - he typically slots back in like he’s missed no time.
  15. Trump increased the drone campaign in Yemen though? He also had fake peace talks set up so he could blow up another country’s general (which I’m pretty sure is a war crime if you’re not the US). And if he wasn’t so beholden to Erdogan for his hotel, maybe he’d have been able to do something to stop the fighting in Nagorno-Karabakh. Tbh he did US foreign policy pretty “standard” compared to most US presidents, but also managed to piss off every one of his allies, while palling around with dictators. Biden’s probably just going to be an “ordinary” president, which means he’s probably going to be awful for a certain part of the world. But every US president is awful for that part of the world unless you’re the Saudi government or the Israeli government... And I think having a president that can read and understand what he’s read, as well as understanding general concepts of diplomacy, will be more handy for the US & the people in the world that try to deal with the US.
  16. @Eco are we still streaking across the USA and meeting in the middle? God bless Atlanta, the jewel of the south.
  17. I wonder how bad he’ll fuck things up before Biden is sworn in
  18. For everything Trump has done as President, there is a tweet from before he was President that criticises what he's done
  19. He also said he's day-to-day but Klopp won't say what game he'll be ready for until he can first at least return to first team training - which he can't just yet.
  20. Georgia is so fucking close holy shit
  21. 69 million apparently... ... it's pretty disheartening tbh, that more Americans turned up to vote for him this time - after 4 years of sitting through this bullshit - than they did the first time. I would be surprised, but like I told Eco yesterday... I've seen the same shite happen in the UK too. But Trump's a bit different to Tories just running the country into the ground over a decade and then still having the country's support - it's the same thing... but just done so much faster and chaotically. It's genuinely hard to believe that he got as many votes as he's getting - I believe it because, by most accounts (other than from Trump and his supporters) it's looking to just be an election with fairly high turnout from the US and there isn't voter fraud going on. But one of his claims from that absurd statement he made doesn't reconcile with his claims of voter fraud or being cheated. He's claiming there's widespread voter fraud to steal the election from him. He's also claiming the results of the election where his party won seats or survived bitter reelection campaigns are valid. I'm not sure you can logically hold out that an election is valid in some respects, but not valid in others... just because you don't like the opinion. It's either a fraud stealing it from him and any other candidates that lost, or it's not and he's just got to face the facts that he's less popular than other shitty members of his shitty party.
  22. Murdoch's the worst person on the face of the planet, it'll take a lot to convince me otherwise.
  23. CNN's "headline" under it saying "Without Evidence, Trump Claims Election Stolen" made it pretty fucking amusing. I'm hearing Fox news is now pushing back on his statement. That's probably a good thing, this is really Murdoch's mess to clean up.
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