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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Us: Give us the details! The Government: hang on let us celebrate like we’ve won a World Cup! It’s a Tory government celebrating, so don’t be surprised if we’ve sold every person that earns under a certain amount per year to work as slaves in France or some shite like that
  2. I'm sure the horrific abuse played a part in him being an absolute nutcase. But honestly that was never really the issue he had with us. His behavior was fine with us, tbh, other than the fact he's one of the laziest players to have ever stepped through Melwood. But he's been given so many chances, in Italy and outside Italy and even when he does hit a good run of form... you just know it'll be temporary and he'll go back to being an incredibly lazy player. He's honestly one of the worst players I've ever seen for us, just because of his astounding lack of effort. We hardly even got to see the "flashes of quality" you get when you sign a player that's good but doesn't fit in - just his one goal against Spurs really. Other than that his time with us was a total waste and he played like someone who never wanted to be at the club in the first place. I'm surprised he kept playing football after us, tbh, seemed like his heart was well the fuck away from the game. I'll trust Edwards & Klopp if we sign him, they've not been wrong often (only really one signing I'd say was a poor signing, and even then that's a bit harsh on Karius because he did end up being a keeper good enough to go to a CL final - and I think that final is what ultimately killed his career as a "top" keeper).
  3. How old was Balotelli when he joined us? I’ve seen this lad look like he couldn’t be arsed to run while he was at Bayern Munich. I don’t care how old you are, if you’re at a team that big and you play like you don’t give a fuck... I doubt you’ll ever be professional enough to remain at that level.
  4. Yeah every super power is cunty. Plus since the end of the 2nd world war we’ve held the US’s hand and showed them the ropes as they took to fucking the world up
  5. It's pretty reckless - especially here where a pandemic is (for some fucking reason) a hyper partisan issue in a country where partisan politics has exploded in a very uncomfortable way. People turn to the government and media for guidance and the government and media here don't provide any guidance whatsoever.
  6. They've added a lot of data to it compared to when I first saw it. Makes me think the website/article/whatever we want to call this went up online and was sent around by people before it was really ready to.
  7. It's also changed a bit since I first saw it a few hours ago - so fuck knows how accurate it is. It looks like the editor is still working on it.
  8. Should probably stay there then after so many years of not living up to his potential and finally making the grade.
  9. https://www.kpbs.org/news/2020/dec/21/covid-19-outbreak-locations-san-diego-county/ lol it’s changed since I last saw it this morning though and supermarkets aren’t #1
  10. Nursing homes were #2, prisons were #3. Churches were #4 or 5. Schools haven’t been open for very long here, maybe a month or two (idk I don’t have kids) and recently closed back down. Considering my local supermarket feels like I’m strolling around Mogadishu in the 90s since this pandemic has hit, I believe it (at least for here).
  11. Yeah it seems there have been a lot of factors floated as to why it affects some people so severely and for some people it's just a minor thing. I know two people that same age who got it, one basically just felt ill with a cold for a few days but decided to get tested because he couldn't taste or smell. The other one has been feeling the effects of it for months and says he's short of breath constantly and going up the stairs feels like climbing a mountain. There's something floating around the local news here where someone's apparently looked at the stats for the (very limited) covid tracing that's happened here to determine what places you're "most at risk" for covid. Seems like the place you're most likely to get covid is at a supermarket - which makes sense because pretty much everyone on the planet has to go buy groceries and bogrolls and shite like that. But I'm not sure what releasing that information does to the public other than make them terrified... or encouraged to make Jeff Bezos richer and have him provide pretty much everything right to their doorstep with Amazon.
  12. Yeah and then he proceeded to be shit everywhere for a while
  13. Think it’s more for Gini looking likely to leave (sadly). I think Renato Sanchez is shite though so I hope it’s not true
  14. I agree with this. I actually think a lot of politicians have been struggling with doing what is going to be more politically popular vs. doing what will save lives. And what we've received in return is tons of countries around the world with these sort of half arsed approaches that sort of do something but don't really do anything. Then there's an inevitable spike and we're all told that we have to lockdown again and that normal life is further away than we'd previously thought. And we all want normal life back, so we wind up getting incredibly frustrated. Honestly, I blame governments and the public pretty equally. A lot of bad decisions were made, worldwide, because so many governments wanted to protect their reputations and "protect the economy." So now almost a year into this bullshit and... we've them completely fail to protect the economy, we've lost a lot of life that we probably wouldn't have otherwise, and we've pretty much fucked up ordinary life for everybody. Blows my mind that so many governments worldwide don't have their reputation in complete tatters by the voters, tbh.
  15. I don’t want this guy he actually looks pretty shite
  16. Yeah, but he’s not wrong that Sterling wouldn’t start over Mane and Salah. Mane basically was the year late replacement for Sterling that did everything Sterling did but better. And Salah’s ridiculously good and of the 3 is the best all around attacker. But if we had him back, he’d probably be starting alongside them (and with Salah more central) or he’d be fighting for a place with Bobby or Jota. Either way, glad to see Sterling still struggles with being the main man. Guess that explains his England performances if he doesn’t have Kane and Sancho to carry him.
  17. I've seen it loads of times where the senior pro's tired of being hacked to bits during the U23 match and does something petulant. Is it a bad look from Drinkwater, 100%... but I do understand why players get upset and lash out when it happens in a youth match. I feel like it's sort of embedded into the culture of youth football, to show you can get stuck in against someone who's made it beyond the level they're at... but that doesn't make it right. I can't defend him, but I don't really blame him either.
  18. That seems like a pretty weird bone to pick with the game though - the diversity of the "cast" & I suppose what they were expecting to get out of the diversity of the cast. I remember not too long ago, there were a lot of complaints about a lack of diversity in games. And people said things like "we just want representation in gaming!" And, imo, that's fair - even though in some historical war games (I think the last 2 Battlefield games), some people complained about how this "wasn't historically accurate." Now we're seeing more games with more varied types of people in the world's created... and now it seems as though the reviewer had particular expectations with how his identity was expected to be portrayed in game. And I think that's a bit weird... I'm half Middle Eastern, 5/8 times I see a depiction of the Middle East in a video game I don't get all furious that they just make everyone from that part of the world look like a terrorist. We don't see these kinds of shite with games like GTA... where a lot of identities have been portrayed as trope-y as they possible can. I'm just not so sure this identity politics critique is really the most important viewpoint in terms of how good of a game it is.
  19. Project fear! A failure of statecraft to not get a deal! We hold all the cards! Oven-ready deal! A bunch of fucking Turkeys that voted to be cooked for Christmas, who are now surprised the oven door is being shut behind them.
  20. Raiola’s an agent, he’s been disruptive before a big game because he’s been instructed to get his player out of there. I think at this stage of his United career, you’re not going to inflate Pogba’s price off a good match or two. Any recent form isn’t going to wipe anyone’s memories of how disinterested he’s been at United for the past few years. With his poor attitude and performances on the pitch, you can see why Mourinho called him a cancer. United have given him more than enough chances. He’s not repaid the faith shown in him. They probably should have sold him in the summer and just taken whatever the loss would have been. But they need to sell him ASAP, I think having a player with his attitude in the squad is just harmful to getting a side with a winning mentality. A bit like Sakho with us.
  21. Uhh is this... allowed? Why was the goal allowed to stand? https://streamable.com/na5z19 I’m going to tag @Stan because I’d feel like he’d know.
  22. How long will it take for people to realise this though? I’m really not optimistic and scapegoating and pointing the finger elsewhere worked before I don’t see why it won’t work again. I’ve got very little faith in most of the leave voters to ever admit they were wrong.
  23. We need to pay Gini Wijnaldum and keep him for 2-3 more seasons, imo.
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