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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Shame on Sheffield United. Although they’re owned by an Al Saud... so no surprise they’re not joining in
  2. Yeah that’s a satire page, I didn’t even watch that. It’s just an absurd statement to make. Especially from a Canadian. In the midst of this coronavirus panic Trump ordered 3M to stop selling N95s to Canada. Meanwhile the paper pulp in those masks come from Canada, so if Canada wanted to retaliate in kind they could block the export of that pulp. So Trump’s threatening the supply of protective gear to most people on the frontlines of this battle because... he’s an idiot and doesn’t know what he’s doing. https://www.nytimes.com/2020/04/03/us/politics/coronavirus-trump-3m-masks.amp.html https://www.politico.com/amp/news/2020/04/03/3m-warns-of-white-house-order-to-stop-exporting-masks-to-canada-163060
  3. No offense, but if you think GWB is more ignorant than Trump... then you might actually be more ignorant than Trump. And Bush was an utter fucking moron, but the fat orange guy is on an other level. I don’t even know if the orange guy can read.
  4. Fucking hell thats sad about that your German Shepherd. These people know people love their pets so much and try to exploit it for as much cash as possible - I think it’s fucked to do that to people who are just concerned about their sick pets & who are grieving their lost pets. Might be another reason I like animals more than most people
  5. The "mass" in Cosmo's throat they were feeling was his fucking Adams Apple. And they wanted to either radiate him or remove his thyroid based on that, him having a big Adam's Apple - even though the cytology & bloodwork indicated that the "mass" wasn't a cancer - or a benign lump. I'd also like to add, Cosmo's a fairly big cat. So a bigger than normal cat would most likely have a bigger than normal Adams Apple compared to other cats, I'd imagine. I felt the "lump" as well. It did seem quite big. So obviously I was concerned. Thank fuck my wife & I were thinking "hmmm.... better get another fucking opinion before we put our cat through this shit." This time we go to a vet who's said, "I'm not sure if it's a lump or not, but based off the testing the other doctors have done and other doctors feeling something in his throat - but if it were you or me or our spouses/kids, we'd do a CT scan to figure out exactly what it is." And at this point, I'm thinking he might have cancer - but I'm not going to give him treatment for it without figuring out exactly what it is. So yeah... get Cosmo his CT scan. And tbh, I'm pretty livid with the other vets he's seen it's been a bit of an ordeal thinking that there's something seriously wrong with my cat for... a few weeks now. And they did so many tests that were inconclusive. And he's a cat... so he hates fucking vet visits. So I feel like I've put him through a lot of shit (that also... wasn't very cheap) when a vet should have been telling us to get a CT scan... prior to telling me that he's got cancer and he's going to need serious serious treatment. I just don't understand how people could make that diagnosis without all of the information available. I also don't understand why I did testing to figure out "what the lump was" when it turns out the lump was just him being a big cat and having an Adams Apple... and he was groaning just because he's older now and he's got arthritis and some cats do that. But regardless at how annoyed I am at some of Cosmo's past vets... I cannot really put into words how relieved I am that he doesn't have cancer. But I feel like vets should know how important pets can be to their owners and maybe exercise a bit more caution before suggesting serious treatments for issues the pets don't even have.
  6. Well I always give you the inside scoop first, obviously. And thanks mate. I am so very fucking happy, I don't even care it cost me a load of money to find out he doesn't have cancer. He's a good kitty, he doesn't deserve shitty things like that happening to him.
  7. Haha, so because of the US's shortsightedness, it seems they've taken masks from the UK, Germany, France, and Canada. There's a saying that starts with "with friends like these" that I feel like most US allies might agree with soon.
  8. Ace looks like a good kitty @Viva la FCB Also I have some fantastic fucking news! COSMO DOESN'T HAVE CANCER!!!!!
  9. They should arrest whatever US official was also responsible for selling off masks and ventilators from the US National Stockpile to China.
  10. Netanyahu, the absolute scumbag, posted a clip from the film Pandemic and said it was absolute proof Iran was covering up the number of coronavirus deaths they’ve had. Source: https://www.businessinsider.com/netanyahu-shared-fake-tv-clip-pandemic-iran-hiding-coronavirus-deaths-2020-4?utm_source=reddit.com What a scumbag. Pandemic sweeps across the world... better use it to push for a fucking war against a hard hit country struggling with the virus. Having said that, I’m sure Iran is lying it’s arse off about the number of cases and deaths. But tbh at this point, I think with the state of leadership in the world we’re seeing a lot of that because we’ve got some of the most ill suited world leaders for a crisis like this.
  11. I think different countries have different rules on travel restrictions - so that's not going to be something other than other Canadians can ask. And even then, Canada's got states/territories (right?! lol) so they might have their own rules.
  12. Short term plan: stay quarantined for a period of time to prevent the spread of the disease Long term plan: - a vaccine could take a year (or more). I think with how infectious this is and with it's not insignificant mortality rate for people of certain ages... I think a vaccine is obviously a priority for the people who make vaccines for diseases. If there are other coronaviruses out there in animals we haven't caught yet, I wouldn't be surprised if we start seeing "coronavirus vaccines" like we've got with "flu vaccines."
  13. I don't think they're bullshitting about there being a limited number of supplies to carry out the testing. That's sort of been a theme with this treating virus everywhere it's gone.
  14. Kel’s a malnourished Nazi, she’s not pasting anyone
  15. It’s so shit that internet interaction with people doesn’t really match with face to face interaction.
  16. I think people that are unexpectedly moved from an overlooked job to considered essential because they work at the shops they sell our essential goods deserve hazard pay. While the rest of us are told to stay home, they’ve got to come in contact with everyone sick or not and sell us food and other day to day shit so that we can carry on.
  17. The secret to humanity is that we are all cunts.
  18. If they're not within 2 metres of other people, who cares tbh? You can leave your house and practice social distancing - it's when you're forced into close contact with people in big groups that we're trying to avoid right now. Some cunt walking their dog and not going near anyone else isn't going to increase that person spreading the disease as long as they're practicing social distancing.
  19. FFS Michael Gove says we’re not participating in the EU’s scheme to buy medical equipment as one bloc (to keep prices down for all countries) because of “communication issues” - which he then clarified as the government MISSING A FUCKING EMAIL. I don’t know why I’d expect competence from this government, but fucking hell at least fake some sort of competence for the public so they don’t feel their lives are in the hands of utter morons. The Western world can rightly be annoyed with China for this, they’ve “banned” wet markets (again), but it’s already got bullshit medicinal exceptions and that’s one of the reasons these wet markets are popular in China - their “traditional” medicine. But once China said “shut the economy down to contain this” that should have been the wake up call to the rest of the world. Because China doesn’t give a fuck about the Chinese, but China does give a fuck about the economy. I don’t know why so many governments around the world right now are full of people with their heads so far up their arseholes they didn’t notice the authoritarian arseholes that put their economy over the well being of their people had to temporarily put people ahead of the economy to stop the spread of this fucking disease and didn’t wise up to how serious it is. It definitely feels like some countries have the worst possible leaders for times like this.
  20. Things looked better for a few days in terms of seeing less new cases. But I think yesterday they had the worst day of deaths and the number of cases went up
  21. Lying to the TV to tell people what they wanted to hear before backtracking... so literally just done the same as he has for the last 4 years. Its pretty clear he’s not up to the job of being president. Now that we know the senate had advanced notices of how bad things would get with this virus... and that was around his impeachment trial... I think it’s fair to say that Republican senators are culpable as fuck for this administrations response. They had advanced notice of a pandemic, surely they must see what everyone else sees about Trump being wholly incompetent. And he’s trying to do the same quid pro quo stuff he was impeached for... for a deadly disease’s response.
  22. I know you’re joking, but he scratched Gomez’s face. Which is pretty cunty
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