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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. These people are fucking idiots. I also think the people stockpiling should probably be shot, just for the good of society. They're holding this back and making people feel the need to routinely check supermarkets and go into big gatherings is going to increase the number of people that get sick.
  2. Fucking hell that makes their mortality rate around 7.5%.
  3. Someone at my Uncle’s work in Tehran’s tested positive (Iran was given a load of testing kits by China, so start to expect a bit more news out of Iran regarding confirmed cases), so I think it’s only a matter of time before he gets it. He’s my oldest uncle by some distance, so I’m fairly concerned. Especially as the situation’s proven to be pretty bad there. Still think it’s mental our government’s seen what’s happened in Italy and seems to be moving more slowly.
  4. Tbf that’s far less than the people that escaped the Wuhan quarantine that ultimately tested positive.
  5. Most of the new cases in China lately have come in through people coming into China. I know a city that’s been in lockdown for a month was due to return back to normal after a week of no transmission. Then someone came back into the town (not sure how that works with the lockdown mind you). They recently went to Italy and when they entered they tested positive. Now the lockdown will end 2 weeks from Monday.
  6. Italian doctors are reporting success in treating it with arthritis medication.
  7. I think that fluid includes droplets from coughs and shite like that, rather than French kissing or anything. I don't think the 50 cases in New York that all stemmed from one lawyers office involved 50 people swapping fluids with their lawyer, most likely the lawyer felt he had a cold so he covered his mouth while he coughed and sneezed - but still shook his clients hands. Seems like common sense to me to avoid large gatherings of people right now. The long incubation period means people can be carrying the virus and not show any signs at all, while passing it on. And so many people who've had the "it's just a cold/flu" mentality or the "I'm young, fuck it it won't affect me" are going to lead to having it pass on. Italy didn't really take it seriously until too late, but in China and South Korea we've seen 2 very different methods at containment show signs of success. South Korea's done it through government transparency and people listening to the rules that have been imposed on them and taking it seriously; China's done it by just being authoritarian AF. Neither of those I can really see happening in the West unfortunately. I think it's mostly up to us as individuals, rather than hoping our governments will step in to help us, to slow the spread of this disease, given our culture. But unfortunately, given our culture... I'd also say it's unlikely that most people will be willing to follow medical advice and back out of social events planned. I think we should be looking at Italy and learning from their mistakes. I do think it's pretty worrying for the US that the mortality rate is about double the next highest country. Granted the stats might be skewed that one of the first places it showed up in the US was an elderly care facility.
  8. Do you have an N95 respirator mask? Or are you able to get one? If you had one of those + wash your hands as much as you can anytime you touch anything at the airport or on the plane, you'd be relatively safe (obviously not as safe as not going to the airport).
  9. Yeah I know fuck all about Welsh or Scottish politics tbh. That thread could be a good idea from an educational standpoint from my perspective.
  10. Tbh, I think it's pretty mental we had our CL match with a packed Anfield considering the news. It's even more mental to keep things going ahead as though things are fine when we need the government to be stepping in to make sure that people aren't going to be spread the virus unknowingly. So I think Vaughan Gething's being really reckless and/or incompetent with this.
  11. Don't worry we won't ban you for making health and safety suggestions regarding coronavirus
  12. That'd certainly be an effective way of getting those bog rolls from the selfish cunts who're hoarding them all.
  13. I think it’s because heat is supposed to “kill” this virus. So I think that’s why a lot of people are expecting it to die down late Spring and in the Summer. I think people are expecting it to strike back though because it’s still a new virus & it’s still got no vaccine. So if it does make a return with some mutations in the winter, I think that’s got people fearing the worst. I think it’s good to plan for awful situations because even if they don’t come up, you’re probably ready for the next awful situation that comes up. So even if this does die down as we reach hotter months, I think it’s still a good idea to expect it to come back.
  14. I noticed people being racist to Chinese people here the moment the news about it spreading in China came out, I’m sure it will leave an effect At the same time maybe not. I’m pretty sure the Chinese government is paying for media pieces for the virus not to commonly be called the Wuhan Virus & urging people to avoid this term as its racist. But where the fuck did the Ebola virus come from? A place called Ebola, right?
  15. I think it’s a bit funny that whenever people think of society crumbling the first thought is “how will I wipe my arse?!”
  16. I think it’ll be similar to the Spanish Flu. Which I think means that we’ll see the disease start to fade for a few months before we see it come back with an extra deadly wave. We’re already seeing how fragile the global economy is with the virus’s spread.
  17. Oh if the CDC says anything that conflicts with what your state’s officials are telling you, who’s advice do we go with?
  18. Interesting how places where I think the competence of the government is questionable at best seems to have coronavirus spreading amongst the people in that government. We've got 4 Congressmen (and the President lol) reportedly exposed to the virus. We've got BoJo's government and this health minister getting infected... and we've got Iran (a government I never expected to really see compared with the US and UK in terms of competence, because Iran's government has always been incompetent since the Shah was put in power by the West) having 8% of MPs infected. Wonder if there's a correlation between incompetent governments and seeing people elected to lead people through health crises like this getting infected and being a part of the crisis.
  19. Yeah, that's true - that's why it's important not to touch your face. But washing your hands constantly is a must right now.
  20. Washing your hands constantly is the easy part. You know what I've learned pretty recently after trying to make sure I don't get the virus or spread the virus... I ABSOLUTELY LOVE TOUCHING MY FACE, I TOUCH MY FACE ALL THE TIME WITHOUT THINKING ABOUT IT AND THEN CATCH MY HAND ON MY FACE AND THINK 'AW FUCK I'M NOT SUPPOSED TO DO THAT.' It's ridiculous, I never knew how much I put my hands on my face.
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