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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Dr. Gonzo

    Making Music

    Unfortunately, I can't watch that with sound right now - bet it sounds great though, it's got the Vai signature pickups, doesn't it? I normally hate the way JEMs look lol. They're always a bit too flashy for my tastes - I'm sure they play really well though... they're expensive guitars designed by Steve Vai, who might be the best guitarist in the history of the instrument. And it's an Ibanez, they tend to always play great... even the cheap ones. That one's finish is really really nice though and I like the pickguard as well. Can't stand the fretboard or that weird design on the pickup covers though lol. What's the body made out of?
  2. What’s wrong with making a scout Director of Football? We made our head scout director of football and he’s been brilliant in terms of judging players and assessing the value of them (and of our own squad). It actually makes a lot of sense to me that you’d promote a scout to be a DoF - it’s their job to assess and value players already, so that’s a big part of a DoF’s job. If it’s true Walsh identified top players at good prices for Everton and wasn’t backed - that’s really not his fault at all tbh. I wonder if these signings weren’t considered “ambitious” enough - as it’s a got more glamour when you buy from Ajax and Barca. Either way, no sense in dwelling on a relationship that didn’t work. If the board didn’t back him you’d hope they learn their lessons and back Brands.
  3. I’m a bit worried about the protests in Iran over the petrol rationing and the petrol prices skyrocketing. The internet for the whole country has been cut since Saturday - nobody’s heard from my uncle in days.
  4. We only have 2 fit CBs with this fixture congestion. And one of them is Dejan Lovren, perhaps the most injury prone defender in the league.
  5. It’s from the group of people that first told us there wouldn’t be no deal and that we’d get a good deal from Europe, then they saw what kind of deal we’d be getting... then convinced themselves no deal was in our best interests. Then after that looked like it wasn’t a possibility, they convinced themselves “it’s fine, we just need any Brexit.” Self-deception is their specialty
  6. Regarding the whole broadband thing - how exactly would it work? I assume the government would assume control of Openreach - which is currently owned all by BT right now. It’s a good idea in theory - but what’s the impact on the people who work for the businesses that’ll obviously be impacted? Granted, these businesses themselves are really not that innovative and is already reliant on government subsidies to be a viable industry. But I imagine a lot of people would lose their jobs as a result, which is pretty shit for them.
  7. I know what a champagne socialist is but you might want to look up the definition of socialism. Fucking hell lol
  8. I'm lazy, so I use a console for gaming mostly. But a lot of the time it's more convenient to game on PC - especially as you can upgrade the hardware, whereas with a console you can't (or it's very hard to and breaks warranties and whatnot). But it's also cheaper to just buy a console and you can use it for other shite like Netflix and whatnot (not like you can't use a computer for that though).
  9. The reviews for it are really really good
  10. Well you're to the left of right, therefore a socialist. And I'm assuming you've had champagne at least once in your life. Ergo, champagne socialist.
  11. Streamers and high level players hate SBMM because they just want to crush n00bs - this is especially the case for streamers. And when you're really good at a game, you get matched against other people that are really good - which leads them to get killed more than they'd like and then there's the constant bitching. Every new COD that comes out too, social media goes insane regarding the SBMM... even though it's been in every COD since the third one. I never really got into Overwatch, a few of my friends play it... but they got really good before I ever got the game. So for me it was just a really frustrating experience - and I probably won't be playing the sequel.
  12. One young player has reportedly lost his trust in the process: https://www.dailymail.co.uk/sport/football/article-7676259/Manchester-United-starlet-Tahith-Chong-decided-against-renewing-contract.html
  13. That says could. Meaning it could be true or it could be bullshit. Given that every account I’ve seen of this says one person walked away while the other was aggressive, it begs the question why he’s have to be pulled away by his face? And taking the “golden generation’s” stance on this really doesn’t account for how we had great defenders, a great group of midfielders, and a Rooney yet did fuck all with it because they never had any team chemistry with them. Maybe if they’d been able to separate club football from the international side they’d have achieved something. And since this side has already looked like it might achieve more on the international stage we should maybe learn from the mistakes of before, rather than repeat them.
  14. Also he should cut his fucking fingernails, long fingernails are disgusting.
  15. The scratch did come from Sterling - have you seen it? You're not getting a scratch like that from being separated from a scrap. Also none of the stories I've read about that have said anything about him getting scratched while separated. Especially a scrap where the reports are he was just backing away and the only person that needed to be kept away was the aggressor. Seems like Mr. Anti-Racism But I Take Money From Slave Owners is alright with bullying younger members of the England squad if they've upset him in some way (like winning). And apparently that's okay if you're a world class player.
  16. Tbh I don't know why it's being called a fight or a scrap. All the accounts of it online are that Gomez was minding his own business and Sterling grabs at him and tries to put him in a headlock, scratching him in the process. And rather than escalate, Gomez backs away two or 3 times as Sterling has to be physically held back from following Gomez. That's a not really a fight, because nobody is fighting back. It's just an important member of the England side lashing out at a younger player, that's trying to establish his international career, just because he was pissed off about what happened over the weekend in the league.
  17. Rio Ferdinand and other media coverage about this has turned me well off the England side again tbh. I just hope none of our players play in these England matches and come home uninjured.
  18. It was £100 to sign up for the Brexit party. At least 3000 people signed up to have the chance to run as candidates - so that's £300k they gave over to Farage. Now, if you've watched Farage operate over the years... you shouldn't be surprised that he's a workshy grifter that's just trying to get easy cash without doing anything. So it shouldn't be surprising to some people. Yet there are members of the Brexit party that are absolutely furious right now. No sympathy for them though, they should have done their homework. £300k for nothing - not a bad grift from arguably England's finest grifter.
  19. Farage: I was joking when I promised a Brexit manifesto. Or more accurately, any time he's telling a promise, he's really just lying to the public. The people in his party are absolute mugs.
  20. Apparently Sterling wanted to fight him and grabbed him by the neck. Sore fucking loser, very unprofessional
  21. I'm offended by the use of "666" next to all of these racial slurs. Why drag Satan into this racist bile? He's already got to deal with Jesus saying all of that shite about him in his book, and after all this time has been the bigger man by not responding. Now some racist cunt is trying to invoke Satan with his racist shite. Also why can't he make up his mind as to which terrorist is going to be doing the decapitation. Is it a refugee? Is he going to do it? Does that mean he's a refugee? Now he's talking about sending Bin Laden's grandson to do it? Doesn't make it clear which Bin Laden or which Bin Laden grandson either.
  22. Dr. Gonzo

    Making Music

    @Mel81x please explain to me how this is fucking possible: https://www.thomannmusic.com/harley_benton_g112_vintage.htm That's got a Celestion Vintage 30 in it, that's a nice speaker. But also... https://www.thomannmusic.com/celestion_vintage_30_gitarrenspeaker.htm HOW IS THE SPEAKER BARELY CHEAPER THAN THE CABINET? I ordered it because that doesn't make any sense, but it's Thomann's brand - so I'm not overly concerned about the authenticity of it. Is it an OEM made in China Celestian Vintage 30 rather than the expensive English ones?
  23. That absolutely nothing will come of this just speaks volumes to the state of our "justice" system.
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