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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Shit like this is why I think it's mental to believe Israel, especially under Netanyahu, has been serious about a lasting meaningful peace. Backing an extremist group and continuing to prop them up when they've proven to be dangerous to both Israelis and Palestinians because by propping them up it undermines the idea of peace and a two-state solution is very much the exact opposite of demonstrating a serious commitment to developing peace after decades of bitter conflict.
  2. Oh for sure. Iranian Kurds have been the amongst the most vocal and active in the human rights movement in Iran since Mahsa Amini's death (she was also a Kurd, weirdly). But yeah, the Kurds of Syria and Iraq (and probably many other parts of the Middle East) often find themselves ignored up until the West needs them for another misadventure in the Middle East... and then they are quickly betrayed and left to fend for themselves against groups that think they're subhuman and must be wiped off the planet. The strangest thing with me is the Kurdish groups that kill each other, even though they both want the same things but have different ideas of how to get it. So rather than work together and live with the difference of opinion, they do the work of those who hate the existence of Kurds and kill each other.
  3. This is coming from a supporter of "the first democracy in the Middle East" (even though they're the second, the first democracy was taken away), which has used its freedom to elect people that for decades have shown a callus disregard for Palestinian life - including getting Netanyahu back into power but this time with a coalition that has Ben-Gvir, a man who was denied entry into the IDF because he is too radical, so they can push policies that demonstrate that callus disregard for Palestinian life... which have ultimately just made Israel less safe for Israelis. I think Israel supporters and Israelis frequently ask "why are we being held to a higher standard than Hamas/Hezbollah?" and the answer's fucking simple isn't it. They're held to a higher standard because they're a democratic country, not a terrorist group. They've got infinitely more say over Israel's government and how Israel's government chooses to operate. It's been how long since Israel's recognised the UN borders of Israel and Palestine? The ones considered the legal borders in the eyes of the international community. And they've really been treated with kid gloves for their role in perpetuating this conflict, in all honesty. So I think it's more than fair to hold them to a higher standard. And I say this as someone who's not just going to blanket hate all Israelis or Israel as a country just because I don't agree with how their government operates - I even think Israel has a right to properly defend itself and go after Hamas. I just don't think they have the right to collectively punish Gaza and the West Bank, nor do they have a right to ignore international law and violate human rights and commit war crimes. And it really does say something, when Israel genuinely had the world's sympathy after October 7th and those horrific attacks. Most people, other than the weirdos saying "killing Israeli civilians who lived in Kibbutzes that provided aid and care to people in Gaza is like a slave revolt" or "these kids deserved to die because of what their ancestors did" (aka actual antisemites or insane people) found the attacks horrific and thought Israel would be justified to properly do things to take out Hamas. And in a span of a few short months, they've managed to tarnish their image and erase all of that sympathy. And honestly, the indignance from Israel's leadership is strikingly horrible. Announcing new illegal West Bank settlements as Blinken lands in Israel to try to deescalate the situation, making it look like these illegal settlements are backed fully by the West, it does nothing to help Israeli long-term safety and it does nothing to help Western policy goals in the region. It actively works against them. Netanyahu having decades of cover for human rights abuses and war crimes by the west... and then he and his government come out and make all kinds of provocative statements about how the west is turning it's back on its closest ally. All while the west has stood by while Israel's fought this war without regard for international law. Israelis and Palestinians would be better off if they stopped trying to convince the international community that it must take a side. Most people removed from the conflict just want to see it finally fucking end, so this conflict can stop being used as a means of escalating global instability. They need to stop trying to bend the world to their will, and start bending to the will of the world - for their own good. Because all they keep doing is getting each other killed, generation after generation. I must say though, I am wildly jealous of the way Palestinians and Israelis have managed to get people to care about them. Other oppressed people in countries around the world would die happy if they could put a spotlight to get the international community to give a shit about them. Meanwhile these 2 keep killing each other and demanding we respect their "all or nothing" solutions and the world sits and listens to every word. PR geniuses, if nothing else.
  4. Tbh the present day situation is also a western made catastrophe, so predicting another one doesn't really mean things will be any better, worse, or even any different at all to how things are now.
  5. https://www.euronews.com/2024/03/26/slaughtered-uk-farmers-protest-post-brexit-rules-and-trade-deals Formerly pro-Brexit farmers very pissed off after finding out what Brexit means for them
  6. Italians look away: some people put ketchup on pizza and absolutely fucking love it
  7. Fact or myth: Any time you eat any sort of meat, you become part sausage. When you eat sausage, you become part sausage sausage.
  8. Start the thread mate, I don't want to re-write the words of @CaaC (John) - that's like going back and editting Shakespeare.
  9. In a world where there's a semblance of justice we'd start seeing a push for the ICC to be putting Hamas leadership on trial, but also Israeli/IDF leadership implicated in war crimes and human rights violations as well. We've got 2 sides that have: a.) leadership that has an appalling disregard for human life; b.) don't want the other side to exist. Break the cycle of hatred and violence because neither Israeli nor Palestinian leadership is interested in anything than ensuring this conflict remains endless.
  10. The tangible nostalgia from the last legends match was yet another moment that hammered home how fucking old I am
  11. I don't even like the royal family and I feel bad for her because she was clearly trying to retain some privacy, but a bunch of absolute morons online kept hounding her and making up ridiculous conspiracy theories so she had to come forward with the news.
  12. I'm gonna say Germany just because you can never rule them out of winning something. It's got to be them or France. I expect England to be decent up until a knockout match against a very good side and then they'll look turgid and shite and get knocked out.
  13. One of them had their testicles zapped multiple times. I wonder if these are the actual terrorists or just the first Tajikis Russian police could find. Now that they’ve been tortured, who knows?
  14. ISIS just released the body cam footage of the attack to remove any doubt
  15. I think @OrangeKhrush and @6666 are just a demonstration of the horseshoe effect in action
  16. The US warned Russia of a potential ISIS-K attack 2 weeks ago, despite aiding Ukraine in its defensive war against Russia. Putin didn’t take it seriously, then the attack happened. It wasn’t exactly private information either - the state department had a notice on their website to warn Americans there; even though they’ve advised Americans don’t go to Russia. If you’ve been paying any attention to Biden at all during this reelection campaign he’s been pretty careful not to escalate further with Russia because the idea of the US actually using troops against Russia, in his own words, means the start of WW3. Starting WW3 before an election is probably not great for his reelection chances… Personally, I think it’s a good chance it’s just an ISIS attack. Russia’s been bombing ISIS in Syria for years. Russia’s tried to establish ties with the Taliban in Afghanistan, who are fighting with ISIS-K. ISIS-K has a substantial amount of Chechens and Dagestani’s who hate Putin’s Russia. And Russia is weak at the moment - its military is stretched and engaged in a war taking far longer than the expected 2-3 days. Strategically it was a good time for a terrorist attack in Moscow. Putin should probably have known US intelligence in Russia is pretty good - considering for weeks before Russia’s invasion of Ukraine, the US was warning Putin not to invade Ukraine.
  17. Tbf there’s nothing wrong with the idea of releasing civilian hostages and having the UN recognise things that Hamas themselves uploaded to the internet in video format as fact. Russia and China just see this as a useful distraction from their own problems. But I guess tankies will always simp for them.
  18. I remember being told that adding salt to water makes it boil faster... but I'm pretty sure that's not true.
  19. Russia & China block the US's UNSC motion calling for a ceasefire between Israel and Palestine. It wasn't unexpected, but it's confusing to see where the international community goes from here. Russia and China had previously made calls for ceasefires - but if they're not going to agree with the US when the US finally is calling for one... how do they get consensus now?
  20. https://www.bbc.com/news/world-latin-america-68632912.amp Robinho’s most significant contribution to Brazil is changing the way Brazil deals with its “no extradition” policy. 9 years too little for gang rape, but glad he’s facing some time for it.
  21. "DiSnEy WeNt WoKe NoW tHeY'lL gO bRoKe"
  22. That's fair tbh. I do think things like VAR and the way these financial rules are being implemented are probably going to have a lot of people stop caring as much about football and ultimately will hurt more than they help. The only thing that I think helps the league retain interest is the people that are addicted to watching their club. I went 2 weeks not watching football after something pissed me off this season - and I'm only back watching it again because if I don't watch there's a Liverpool FC shaped void in my life. But I've really given way less of a fuck about clubs that aren't mine, when before I'd spend a lot of my weekend watching football. If these PSR things are going to be like the new VAR drama each week, I really can't be arsed with this shit for much longer. Like you said, it's going to massively change things when you look at the league table and you're seeing multiple clubs not in the position they should be in based off football merit but something else entirely. What's the point in giving a shit about any of this if the league table is just going to reflect how a particular group of people decided to randomly implement regulations rather than how many points a football club's actually earned by playing football? And yeah - if the league wants to be taken seriously, maybe do something about the 115 Charges FC.
  23. If deadlines weren't clear, might actually be a way Leicester get out of this without facing any punishment tbh. Who knows - really messy the way the prem's gone about all of this shit. I genuinely think @The Palace Fan is right that they put these rules in place never expecting any breaches - which is bizarre honestly, wildly so.
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