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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. Generally yes, but are they massive cunts for charging a club for a breach for failure to submit audited reports? Isn't that different to what the issue was with Forest and Everton? Generally, you wouldn't fail to show audited reports to a financial regulator unless: 1.) incompetence and failing to meet deadlines, 2.) you're trying to hide something.
  2. I had a pizza like this once and it was actually fucking delicious. It'd probably kill an Italian if they ever saw it, so just don't show pizzas like that to any Italians.
  3. Yeah when you consider the general scope and pace of the Holocaust, it's just a bit ridiculous to apply what the Nazis did to Israel. That's not to say Israel's justified in committing war crimes or human rights abuses - nobody is justified in committing war crimes or human rights abuses - but what's happening there isn't really anywhere near the same kind of systematic killing of people. Israel don't seem to really care about what really happens to Palestinians. Whether that's collateral damage or supporting illegal settlements that forcibly remove Palestinians from their homes - they just don't care. And because the internationally recognised borders and laws have been disregarded for so long, they've gotten away with it and their status quo has effectively replaced the actual rules that should be enforced. It's very bad, I absolutely agree with that, but it's a far cry from the quick systematic genocide of the Holocaust. It's still appalling and shameful - this whole conflict is, in all honesty, and it blows my mind there hasn't been some kind of actual resolution to the conflict despite it lasting for decades. It's a failure of Israeli leadership, Palestinian leadership, and the international community at large that it's dragged on for this many decades.
  4. I don’t think anyone can claim there wasn’t a peep about the US wars in the Middle East. I wasn’t in the US at the time but I do remember that anti-war demonstrations popped up all over Europe. And I think Iraq and GWB put a permanent stain on the US’s reputation they’ve never managed to wash off. And again, US politicians even warned Israel right after the attack: don’t make the same mistake we did in Iraq (and the US had less reason to attack Iraq than Israel had to attack Gaza). But it fell on deaf ears because making this war as drawn out as possible is keeping Netanyahu out of court. It’s just bad leadership from someone who views Palestinian life as something to play with when given the opportunity. Honestly I think calling them “Nazi Israel” is sort of stupid - it really cheapens the enormity of what the Nazis did when they systematically eliminated people. In what, 6-8 years the Nazis came very close to eliminating all Jews from Europe. Israel’s been in power for decades, they aren’t systematically erasing Palestinians from the world in camps (like China is doing with the Uyghurs). It’s a different kind of oppression. Imo they’re closest compared to both Apartheid South Africa (because it’s hard to claim Israel isn’t an apartheid state) & the US when it did slow genocide of the native population, moving them away from their historical lands into smaller and smaller reservations. Still evil, but a different kind of evil to the Nazis.
  5. The door plug popping off mid flight on the Alaska Air flight was Boeings fault. But the recent United incidents appear to be United just not doing proper maintenance. Big takeaways are don’t get on a 737-Supermax if you can avoid it & don’t fly United
  6. The evil cunts running Iran are probably going to lock this guy up again. He'll probably avoid the death penalty though just due to being famous, but that likely won't stop him from getting tortured.
  7. Casting Pierce Brosnan as a Bond villain at some point in the future would be funny/cool.
  8. I'm not so sure about this. Israel's a country that managed to get a robot controlled machine gun to assassinate someone in a hostile country, with no collateral damage. Even if pulling an operation like that off in Gaza after October 7th was impossible (and it likely was), Israel certainly has the capability to take on an enemy with a lot more precision. Under Netanyahu, collective punishment of Gaza has been the norm - this war is no different, imo. But this I agree with. But it goes both ways, Israelis and Palestinians both need to come to terms with their histories - the good and the bad. As well as the geopolitical realities of everything that's happened in the past few decades. The extremists on both sides are not entitled to what they want.
  9. At the moment Boeing stock is up 2.06% - they’re taking a beating to their reputation right new, but in the U.S. they are quite literally too big to fail. They’re basically a part of the DoD but listed on the stock exchange. The best thing that can happen from this is Boeing being forced to rid itself of the managers and executives that were loaded onto it when they merged with McDonnell Douglas. What’s happened to Boeing is executives ignoring and silencing engineers while Boeing gotten an easier ride from regulators based off their history of success from their past.
  10. I think he's already tried that and managed to convince some morons to give him around $1.3m. So he's only got 460something million to go!
  11. Trump going mental at being unable to pay his fine to New York state for defrauding them:
  12. It's not revisionist history - former members of Lehi (who did reach out to the fucking Nazis, that's a historical fact) were involved in the Nakba. They are the ones most proud of that moment of ethnic cleansing. That's also a pretty massive mischaracterisation about what the Nakba was. It was not simply a removal of people who tried to kill Jews. It was a moment in an ongoing movement to displace Palestinian people who had been living on the land for generations had a sudden and swift removal. And it wasn't 200,000 people, it was the displacement of 750,000 - about 80% of the population in the land that would become Israel. It can't be undone now, but Israel recognising the dark side of its own history and coming to terms with its own human rights violations and participation in ethnic cleansing would be a step in the right direction to actually having lasting and meaningful peace. And the fact the Holocaust was horrible does absolutely nothing to justify a terrorist attack where the British (who by the way, fought against the Nazis for the entirety of the second world war)... where most of the victims of the attack were just hotel staff (and mostly Palestinians). Human rights are human rights - you either support them or you don't. The Armenian, Greek, and Assyrian genocides aren't recognised as genocides by most countries in the world. The Persian famine, a UK and Russian manmade famine is another unrecognised genocide that killed millions. European countries only just now recognised Holdomir as a genocide against Ukrainians. No one people has a monopoly on suffering. Enduring human rights violations is not tacit permission from the international community to violate the human rights of others. The Holocaust does not give Israel a license to disrespect human rights just because the Germans didn't respect theirs. Furthermore, Israel being conflated with acting on behalf of all Jewish people - when not all Jews are Israelis is a big part of why antisemitism is up massively. It is not something that Israelis or Jews should be encouraging. It might not seem "fair" but it's a matter of human rights - Israel is the nation that has the position of power to begin to break the cycle of violence. Palestinians live under the oppression of their occupiers and their own two failed governments. The descendants of Holocaust survivors indeed should understand the sorrow, pain, and hatred that fester. That's why while Israel does indeed have the right to protect itself, and they are absolutely right to go after Hamas, the way the IDF has approached this war and the callus disregard for Palestinian life and human rights should be a source of great shame for most Israelis.
  13. Tbf only one of those is a "news source" (and even then, it's a journo for the Daily Fail) and the other is just a fanzine turned twitter account. I'm pretty sure in basically all football journalism, if it's not from the usual reliable sources it's fake. And once the reliable sources have their work stolen by Fabrizio Romano, then you know it's 99% confirmed until the official announcement comes out from clubs.
  14. I think this is the best theory I've heard as to why these rules are interpreted the way they are. It was a massive oversight and I think it's a bit ridiculous to make a rule and never assume it would be broken, but that genuinely seems like the easiest way to explain why things are the way they are. Like many things in football, I think it's something that needs big reform. But my worry about any reforms is I'm not sure the people we're trusting to come up with reforms have the track record of making positive changes.
  15. As a big fan of the games, it looks really good. So I'm hoping they don't fuck it up because a good show in the Fallout universe would be great.
  16. Henry Cavill's a dogshit actor, the only reason he's a convincing witcher in The Witcher is because witchers are meant to be devoid of personality and emotion.
  17. Yeah sure, if you say so - but I’m pretty sure Geoffrey Howe would have said the same thing. But every option there isn’t really acceptable for a decision this impactful on multiple parties in an industry of this size and scale. The league is honestly a joke. Richer than ever and with more resources than ever to improve football and they come off as just making stuff up as they go (at best)?
  18. Even if you get “just” 2 points deducted for the second breach, which covers the same time period as the first breach… so it’s weird it’s being considered separate… that’s 8 points deducted all season. So twice as many for Forest’s breach for “2 breaches” that happened at the same time (so one breach) that they found to not be as bad as Forest’s breach. Forest also hired an ex-ref to be a referee analyst (which by the way, lol… what is that? What’s the fucking analysis: “this ref is shite/bent” every week?) - they’ve got an alleged drug lord who allegedly had witnesses against him murdered. I’m not convinced even a 4 point deduction will be something they take lying down. Everton should explore every legal avenue against the league that they can. And if this is purely down to lack of competence I’ve got so many questions. But mainly: 1) what the fuck has happened to the UK since I left? 2) how have other leagues not caught up to the prem financially when it’s run like this?
  19. Makes more sense than “let’s give Forest a lighter punishment for a worse offense” - so I’ve got no clue. If it’s not an anti-scouse thing it’s just bizarre.
  20. It’s seemingly illogical to find one breach to be substantially worse yet receives a less harsh penalty. It blows my mind there might be people more incompetent than PMGOL, but maybe that’s the case.
  21. Have you considered that it might be because Everton are from Liverpool and the rest of the country hates Scousers?
  22. Fuck whichever one of our fan/fans threw a flare into the United disabled section of their stadium. Absolutely cunty thing to do and it's something that merits a lifetime ban from football as well as criminal charges. Two arrests for that, hope they get the book thrown at them. And fuck however many thousand United fans joined in with all of those Hillsborough chants that were all audible on TV. Only one arrest made for it too lol. I will never understand Liverpool or United fans that engage in tragedy chanting considering the history of both clubs. Gotta be a real cunt to mock the dead just to wind up opposition fans. I understand hating rivals, I think that's normal... but FFS act like a fucking human being, it's only a football rivalry.
  23. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Lehi_(militant_group) These Jews also sought help from the Nazis. And in a few years many of them would carry out the Nakba. If you’re going to pretend this is some conflict where one side is blameless and the other is pure evil, you’re just as far gone as the pro-Hamas people who could make the mental gymnastics to justify October 7th. https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/King_David_Hotel_bombing Any thoughts on this?
  24. I think it depends on how decent is defined. He’s inevitably going to be compared to the rest of our attackers, but he’s some way off Diaz - who I think is probably 4th best, who’s a good but also pretty flawed player in our front 3. Is Gakpo a good player? Yeah probably. But I don’t really understand what his strengths are though. I feel for him though because he’s getting a lot of shit online right now and while I think he’s a frustrating player… I don’t think it’s fair to scapegoat him for what was an all around poor performance other than about 40 minutes of that. And honestly it’s probably a good sign that we can put a performance in that I thought was pretty pretty poor - and we scored 3 goals. But it’s just so shit to lose to those cunts.
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