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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. I assume the people most up in arms about this in Finland are much older (and uglier) than their PM
  2. Things people do when they've got under 5 braincells
  3. I think this is hilarious: https://www.salon.com/2022/08/17/everyones-saying-no-hires-florida-insurance-lawyer-as-top-attorneys-refuse-to-work-for-him/ No decent attorneys want to take his case (because he doesn't pay his bills - and attorneys care about getting paid) - so he's got to go with a grifter from the news network that makes Fox News look like it's sane.
  4. I'm convinced the guy only cares about two things: his own ego and his bank balance. Him being president allowed him to funnel a lot of money into his hotels and golf courses (especially as he'd force the Secret Service security detail into staying at those hotels/golf course resorts - and he golfed fucking constantly). Once he was no longer president, he couldn't just funnel US treasury money into his bank balance. I don't think it's really coincidental that Jared Kushner got $2b from Saudis for an unspecified investment - I think they've been doing illegal deals.
  5. The player power at United is just so toxic. The people are morons, so they won't do this, but they should be doing it to protect their investment in the club so they can keep leaching money through dividends... because it seems obvious (and they should know this as the owners of Tampa Bay's NFL team) - but being good and winning will make them make more money than being mediocre. Perhaps they were so simple, they thought signing Cristiano Ronaldo would be the same as signing Tom Brady with Tampa Bay... but it shows a critical lack of understanding of the numerous problems United have on the pitch and in the dressing room. But what they've really got to do is clear out a shitload of these dickhead players that think that because they're at Manchester United it means they're world class so they don't have to up their game. And that because they're "world class" in their minds, they think they know better than their manager. Your skipper with the massive slab for a head saying things like "I must be good, because I am picked every week" despite playing like shit and United suffering for it (regardless of any international goals against sides like the absolutely massive footballing powerhouse of San Marino) just sort of exemplifies what is wrong with the players at the club. That's the captain not taking responsibility for his own bad performances or for his team constantly underperforming. No fan wants to see that - they want to see their captain be a link between the fans and the players, someone who can be honest enough to say "I'm not having the best season, my teammates aren't having the best season... but we're stopping at nothing to try to right the ship." You know... a leader in the dressing room... a captain. And if that's the guy who's meant to be the squad's leader... I think it's safe to say that the club is full of players with an attitude that think they deserve success and think they don't actually have to work for it. Ego and entitlement only get you so far when you're trying to compete against sides that have the talent and desire to be truly competitive. And sure, those clubs definitely have players with massive egos as well... but at least they back up their ridiculous egos by having the talent and desire to show they're amongst the best in the country and the continent. What the fuck have these United players done in the past few seasons to back up these egos? The only one I can really think of is Ronaldo winning stuff at Real Madrid and Juve... and tbh, that's not just down to Ronaldo. He thinks he might be too good to not be playing in Europe... but he's part of that squad that failed to qualify for the CL.
  6. Wow that happened pretty quickly, if true. The ego of these players is remarkable. It takes some gall being way understands for multiple seasons and then telling the manager "nah we don't want to learn your new tactics, we think you should do things the way our last permanent manager that got sacked did things." Take the time to learn the fucking new system and learn how to adapt rather than just give up immediately.
  7. I think it's a mix of modern tactics sort of leaving the position he's best in behind & him not really adapting. And being lazy in training means managers think he doesn't take his career seriously - and it's not like it looks like he's worked particularly hard at finding a way to make a role for himself at a club outside of playing the role he's best in. The laziness isn't going to fly with a lot of managers in this era of football if you want to compete at the top end of the league and in Europe, nor is being unable or unwilling to adapt to new roles to allow for the manager to make a system that gets the best out of more players. He's a good example of why talent alone doesn't necessarily mean you'll be a good player. You need the right attitude to go with that talent.
  8. I think Everton just don’t want to pay Spurs in 7 matches
  9. He's claiming they've taken all 3 of his passports. Which begs the question... why the hell does he have 3 passports? Anyway, that means the FBI thinks he's a flight risk. Which is understandable because I think they clearly think he's been giving classified information to foreign powers.
  10. Flat out admission because he's basically a human projector
  11. Dr. Gonzo

    Off Topic

    I saw a report saying that she had alcohol, cocaine, and fentanyl (which was probably just in the cocaine she took... if it's true even) in her system. I saw another report say it was just large amounts of cocaine. I have no idea where the media gets their info from. But yeah, from that footage... really lucky nobody else got hurt. Another report says she went to a hairdresser who picked up a wig(?) - one interview with him says she smelled strongly of alcohol... another says he did not suspect drugs and/or alcohol. Apparently the woman who almost died and her pets are all relatively okay, which is decent news considering how bad it was for Anne Heche. I guess it's different though reacting to something crashing into your house at high speed and the resulting fire than... being in the thing crashing into your house at high speed and bursting into flames. It's one of those things though where I feel really bad for her and her family/friends... but I also think "wow what a shitty and selfish way to accidentally kill yourself - thankfully nobody else was hurt."
  12. Dr. Gonzo

    Off Topic

    RIP... but she was definitely a bit of an arsehole drunk driving on cocaine like that. She almost killed the woman in the house she hit (and her pets)... and the resulting fire made her lose her home and most of her possessions. Sad way to go for her, I think even if she did recover from the coma she had been burnt beyond recognition with severe burns. But... great example of why you shouldn't drink drive or do hard drugs and then drive.
  13. The last 3 FBI heads are all lifelong Republicans - I don't see how they could be "too close to the Dems." I think the raid is simply the result of having a brazen criminal as President of the United States and him managing to skirt all accountability while he was President. I find it ironic what's gotten him raided is a law he's signed into power and his own refusal to cooperate with an FBI investigation after he hounded his first electoral opponent for her FBI investigation... while she was cooperating. It's America too, it's not like former Presidents have ever really faced accountability - nor do rich people really feel the sting of consequence for the crime for the most part. So it does blow my mind that he didn't cooperate with the FBI as he probably would have received a slap on the wrist. Also taking Ted Cruz's word on anything is inadvisable.
  14. I’m enjoying the “law and order” crowd now crying about how someone they like isn’t above the law & that the FBI should be defunded. I also like DJTJ crying about how “it wasn’t the FBI alone, the DOJ was behind it all” - even though the FBI is a part of the DOJ Very amusing to see people defend the indefensible, sometimes demonstrating incredibly limited understanding of any of the basic concepts of what’s going on.
  15. He’s denying it’s nuclear documents that we’re sought, but still refusing to release his copy of the warrant. My guess is it was definitely nuclear documents and he’s now going to challenge the DOJ trying to release the warrant. Because he doesn’t want us to see the warrant. Will be interesting to see his defenders suddenly do a 180 and start saying Garland shouldn’t produce the warrant after demanding that he should.
  16. Dr. Gonzo

    Off Topic

    I thought about getting one before going to a wedding, but after looking at the prices I’m definitely not spending much on a watch at all. Even shit like Casio & Timex seems well overpriced to me. “Oooh it’s got lots of little gears and no batteries.” Fuck off like that makes it suddenly magically expensive
  17. Sounds like a good film where a rich ex-footballer just lives his post-career life acting as a WUM on a random forum in 2022. But tbf this is the best random forum there is so it’s actually plausible.
  18. Oh my god he had documents relating to nuclear weapons. I hope to fuck he hasn’t sold copies to the Saudis. Last thing we need is nuclear wahhabis
  19. I'm not a Spurs fan, but to me that seems like an unnecessary transfer considering the addition of Richarlison.
  20. What bait? Guy's said something I don't take seriously so I'm not taking it seriously.
  21. Imo pundits getting in weird hot takes early in the season is a good omen considering past seasons.
  22. Dr. Gonzo

    Off Topic

    Fuck, I set myself up for an answer like that. What's the real answer though?
  23. Dr. Gonzo

    Off Topic

    Why the fuck are watches so expensive?!
  24. The FBI basically gave Trump the victory by announcing the investigation into Hillary Clinton, though. The NY office of the FBI was even referred to as Trumpland: https://www.theguardian.com/us-news/2016/nov/03/fbi-leaks-hillary-clinton-james-comey-donald-trump Clinton, in contrast to Trump, complied with the investigation. And was eventually cleared of all wrongdoing, after over a year of inquiry into the matter. The big contrast there is: Trump has refused to comply for over a year and that's why a warrant was issued. And it looks like the FBI received a tip from an informant. This is an FBI director appointed by Trump... investigating Trump for a law that... Trump signed into law making his crime a felony. I don't think it's the case that the director of the FBI that he appointed has been out to get him from the start. It's made all the more funny that it's over a law that Trump passed. With regard to the Epstein assassination, I'm sure it was done by people within the DOJ that controls the Federal Bureau of Prisons - that Trump and Barr had full control over. It's looking now like the Trump team is worried that someone in his inner circle is a government informant. There have been some claims as to who is suspected: from former Chief of Staff Mark Meadows to his wife and kids. He's apparently asking people if they know "who's wearing a wire." Which doesn't really sound like the actions of a man who thinks they're completely innocent. The DOJ wants to unseal the warrant. It's also been pointed out by a lot of people that if Trump wanted the public to see the warrant, he's within his rights to put that all over the internet. So I think it's interesting the government is ready to show the public what they were looking for... but Trump isn't.
  25. I don't think we're ever likely to overhaul the midfield and I'm not sure players like Bissouma and Phillips are what we'd really want. Personally, I want a player that replaces some of the dynamism Ox used to give our midfield - and that we sometimes see from Keita... although nowhere near as often enough. I'm also not that convinced Tielemans would be the right fit for us either - I think he's quality when he's up for it, but the way he played for Leicester last season when they needed him to come through big for them was... pretty disheartening I'm sure for most Leicester fans. He looked like he actively didn't give a fuck about their goals for the season... and that's not really the sort of mentality you want to have around a side that's looking to compete for as much as they can. We can't really afford mistakes and signing players for the sake of signing players is no guarantee of success - our strategy has worked for the most part so far. This has been the best era of supporting Liverpool in my life and probably yours. Yes, it's annoying we have to compete with a side like City that has just incredible depth... but we can't afford to spend a lot and be wrong without really feeling the consequences on the pitch. So you're probably not ever going to see us make sweeping overhauls to a whole position over one transfer window - we'll make probably one or two big signings and a few squad/youth signings while Klopp is at the helm, imo. And it's not so bad, we've got a good squad - we've got young players we're looking to develop to compete at a high level - and we've got seasoned veterans. We're fortunate enough to be in a position where we can spend a lot for really highly rated players in Europe - we just don't have an endless pile of cash to draw from and that's shit, but we're still in a much better position than most other clubs. But we can't suddenly act like we're City because we're trying to compete with them.
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