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Dr. Gonzo

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Everything posted by Dr. Gonzo

  1. The survivors who had to go elsewhere cos all their farmland was destroyed, though.
  2. In Yorkshire they put down rebellions by slaughtering a lot of the natives and salted the fields to make it harder for people there to survive.
  3. Yeah, probably the worst kind of people you can trust tbh. I'm neither of them, but surely Thatcher is up there.
  4. Rhinos are a lot faster than you think - assuming this is a normal sized room, I think you'd be pretty fucked with a rhino in the room. If I've got a laser pointer, I think I could distract the cat. If I've got nothing, I'll take my chances on trying to befriend the gorilla for 37 minutes like @Tommy
  5. Wtf is up with the tactics this season? Why's Trent drifting so far inward? Why's Salah set up so wide? It often feels the way we set up this season has us set up in a way where we're isolating our most creative player (TAA) and our best goalscorer (Salah)... at the expense of... being worse at defending? A bit weird. I'm sure there's a reason for it and we're persisting with it until it clicks... but when so many players are looking out of confidence & form, questions about the tactics are always going to be an issue.
  6. Students massacred at Sharif University (the country’s top uni) in Tehran
  7. That housing issue is happening even in places that don’t have as open of borders as Canada though. Canada’s immigration policy isn’t really much like the US’s for example - if you want to move for work you don’t even need a sponsor. I also wouldn’t say leaving the kleptocracy of the Philippines is really anything like leaving the autocratic theocracy of Iran. In 2022 it’s virtually impossible to emigrate to the US from Iran, it’s difficult enough to get a tourist visa for them. And in Canada they can only get in from Iran if you’ve got a lot more money than the average person in Iran has. So it’s either Iranian doctors or people closely connected to the regime. Or students who won’t be there permanently. Most Iranians you meet in the west aren’t people who’ve come over recently. It’s people who left around the revolution and around the end of the war (I suppose some countries felt a bit guilty about supporting Saddam’s war crimes?) Which is why I think Trudeau’s condemnation rings a bit hollow. Condemning the brutality of the IRI is a good thing. But its pretty hypocritical when you make it difficult for the victims of the IRI to get the fuck out… but you make it so easy for the children of IRI officials to escape the hell they’ve created. Imo it’s complicity with the regime - condemning them and in the same breath taking in their money they’ve stolen from a country. They should be given the Huawei heiress treatment & locked up. They’ve got more direct ties to the government and behavior being criticised than she did. Or they should be deported and made to live in the hell that their fathers created.
  8. They’ve got a long-standing policy of wanting to encourage immigration to have a constantly growing workforce, so it’s an appealing place to go for a lot of people. And Canada’s got a reputation of being pretty welcoming of immigrants. So I guess it’s understandable that in a time where migration is more possible than ever (flight more affordable for more people than earlier), Canada’s had such a big shift in that time period. But I didn’t know anything about it until you told me to look at the demographics
  9. Yeah, what you're saying is absolutely true. It's why "trickle down economics"/supply side economics is generally ill advised - it doesn't actually stimulate the economy. Instead what you're saying is absolutely true, it gives extra money to the people who don't need to spend that money out of necessity and they're much more likely to save that money and not directly reinvest it back into the economy. I agree with you - if Labour doesn't win the next election it will be an astounding and almost unbelievable failure. For such a long time Tories have just been running the country into the ground - it's been over a decade of their mismanagement. They keep getting rewarded by voters for it, though, and Labour should be appalled that they've managed to somehow reduce themselves into a seemingly permanent opposition party.
  10. Shit like this is why I don't really have any respect for Justin Trudeau. Talks a big talk, but then is happy for Canada to be a second home for the children of the people running an awful government that in one breathe he's condemning. Because he's happy for Canada to be taking in rich people, regardless of the source of their money being wealth stolen from another country.
  11. If it was Russia, it sort of makes sense from an authoritarian ruler perspective. If he’s ousted, there’s no easy way for the oligarchs to return to printing money again. If it was the West, it’s sort of a strange message to send to Russia. I suppose it would let them know that they don’t care if Putin decides to turn off the taps in the winter. We’ll never know though.
  12. The Azov battalion was absorbed into the Ukraine military a while ago, the original leadership hasn’t been affiliated with them for a while. So not really like them at all. Yeah except US soldiers (not mercs) when attacked by a much larger force of Wagner mercs in Syria, they massacred the Wagner mercs at the Battle of Khasham. And the Ukraine war is proving that even outdated US equipment is proving to be effective for a smaller and less advanced military on paper.
  13. 1940. *edit* actually, no that's wrong. In 1940 it was £1 to $4 - which is much higher of a rate than it's been in my life. They may never have ever been equal before. Yeah, they've never been equal before. The closest was in 1984 when it was £1 to $1.07... just like it is today.
  14. On the one hand, I can understand why western Europe's put so much reliance on the US for defense. WW2 ended and the Cold War began - no European country was really quite in a position to properly defend itself from Russia. And honestly, seeing what the US (and NATO, but a lot of the heavy lifting has been done by the US) has been able to do to Russia by arming Ukraine to the teeth... I'd say Western Europe can look at that and quite comfortably say relying on the US for defense is a pretty sound decision. Russia's only gotten to experience a fraction of first hand experience seeing why the US doesn't provide it's citizens healthcare... and it's made the "might" of the Russian military look a lot less mighty in less than a year. I think it's pretty mental actually, they've managed to make NATO look like it has a purpose again after the end of the Cold War... and not too long after pretty prominent politicians had publicly questioned the purpose of NATO. And now it's pretty clear if Russia did want to start shit with a NATO country, they'd have to be prepared to get nukes otherwise they'd get humiliated on the battlefield. I still think it was most evident that Europe needed to do something about its energy dependence on Russia in 2014. Or even before that, when Russia rolled into Georgia. That was really all the evidence needed to show that Russia is a European power that has aims of expansion into the rest of Europe. But rather than actually address that, Europe remained reliant on Russia. A big problem, for Europe... but really everyone in the world.... is that there's a hell of a lot of issues with any of the big energy producers. None are really ideal to do business with. There's a tradeoff between maintaining dignity, morality, and standing up for "western ideals" and keeping energy affordable.
  15. I don't even know what you're referencing regardint the spec-ops gear shit but I think it's funny to paint what the federal government, who has jurisdiction over migrants in federal custody, to a governor telling people he's flying them one place... and then flying them elsewhere to score political points with the MAGA idiot crowd. Gotta say though, it's impressive how willing you are to fight a culture war for a country that you don't even live in.
  16. Yeah of course they don't want one, but if they keep offering up rubbish candidates as PM and don't like anyone they actually put up it's kind of hard to say we're a proper democracy without actually giving the people a chance at picking the next PM instead of a group of tory weirdos that can't help but find a candidate worse than the last.
  17. Trickle down economics is based around the premise that the ultra rich and the companies will pay workers more with the higher profits they receive, rather than just pocket the extra cash. History has shown that time and time again, this sort of "supply side" economics just gives the people in society who already have the most even more. And I'm sure @Inverted would know more than me - but I think companies have a statutory duty to look out for shareholders, not their workers. So big profits with low overhead trumps paying workers more because companies have more. There's reports that Tories are already putting in letters of no confidence with Truss. After 3 prime ministers that weren't elected, I think it's a bit rich that the tories want to pick yet another PM. Time for a general election if the tories think they've gotten it wrong, AGAIN, imo.
  18. Dr. Gonzo

    Off Topic

    Not when I was a kid
  19. The pound taking a fucking beating has me thinking I should take a trip home soon and live like a king for a few weeks.
  20. I think it’s already pretty violent and if the protests keep going it’s only going to get worse in that regard.
  21. I think he’s been pretty lucky setting up to be a defensive side that relies on set pieces, but he’s been figured out and it shows.
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