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Everything posted by Gunnersaurus

  1. I think the recent prime minister situation in Britian is a bit like game of thrones. You had Joffrey and you thought there cant be someone worse than that then Ramsey Bolton came along.
  2. I don't remember her being like that. Not very competent maybe but I dont remember her being like that. I could be wrong though
  3. I don't remember Theresa May fucking the country in 2 weeks
  4. We've had similar comments about people with Netflix in this country. Because of course people cant afford mortgages because they spend £60 a year on tv I'm not one of those back in the good old days kind of person but it seems as if this country has got worse and worse since brexit. And it is linked into that. We had an election which the conservatives won heavily because people wanted it sorted. We have rising prices because of it. I dont know how much of it is linked to it @nudge help. But other countries have had 20% rises in energy bills where as in britian it is 200%. According to fact checker uk has price rise are not likked to Brexit
  5. @CaaC (John) @Bluewolf I don't mean this in a piss taking way. Have you guys ever seen a worse British government than what we have at the moment?
  6. I think it has literally come to the point where you can say if you vote conservative you are a cunt
  7. This is the worst kind of conservative. I'm not saying that they are all like that. But there are some. I get really annoyed by people like this. I've worked hard since I was 16 but a series of mental health issues have stopped me from being able to earn a good salary. Then some idiot like that comes out and says that.
  8. There has been a lot of debate about the salaries. The bbc does provide a lot of quality stuff. Perhaps the bbc could have a free service and put the good stuff on a paid service. From what I read ABC had a news channel which is paid for?? One thing about it though is that it would need to have free channels to be able to show certain sporting events which have to be on free to view tv.
  9. I don't know what they spend it on. But it can cost over £200 million to make a 2 hour film so a few billion doesn't look like to much when you compare it. How much does ABC cost to run though? And what is the quality like? I'm sure the BBC wasts money because it has that guaranteed income. Which is why I said perhaps we should look at cutting the tv licence fee and making them generate more of their income. But I doubt they could run a channel with no adverts completely by other means. I don't entirely know what you are arguing against I prety much agree with you
  10. @Spike I do think it would interesting to look at the ABC model though. Maybe put the tv licence fees down and the BBC has the generate more money other ways.
  11. But it still needs money to fund the 3/4. And if it was paid for though income tax it would still mean people are paying for it who dont watch it. If ABC have found other ways to generate income that is great but that's not always possible.
  12. I just googled ABC and it seems as if it is funded through tax. So you are still paying for it just in a different way. If anything a tv licence is fairer because if someone doesn't want to watch tv they dont pay for it. I dont know how all the other channels are funded but someone pays for it. Nothing is free
  13. @Spike Just googled it and the tv licence is expected to be abolished in 2027. Probably had to wait for country to be completely digital and then some time to sort it out
  14. The tv licence is used to fund the bbc which doesn't have adverts. Why you cant just not watch it and watch other channels without it though I dont know. Perhaps years ago with the analogue system it was impossible to tell which channel people had on. And also you couldn't just stop that channel from broadcasting to certain TVs. Where as now you can tell and you can stop certain channels from broadcasting so I dont know why it is still here and why you cant just pay for the bbc if you want it
  15. So I work for a recruitment agency at the moment. I've had a few shifts cancelled recently and I was told today it was because of her budget. I've never know someone do so much damage in such a short space of time. I know it wasn't liz truss's budget but she would have had say in it
  16. I did ask @Dr. Gonzothis but he appears to have his finger up his ass. From what I have read there is no way to force a early general election. My worry is that the conservatives will find a way to stay in power. Perhaps if they get rid of truss really quickly for example people will trust them more for admitting their mistake or something
  17. Think how @CaaC (John) and @Bluewolf feel. They're been through all that plus Thatchers England the extinction of the dodo and an asteroid hitting the earth
  18. @Dr. Gonzo What is your ethnicity? Were you born in England to Iranian parents?
  19. Dont know if anyone remembers me saying I wanted to get an old copy of tekken 3 as mine is scratched. I've found a website I trust. I have a memory card and the game was completed. If I get a new copy will the game still be completed as it's in the memory card? @nudge help me lol
  20. Like I said to john you are looking at it small scale. Some people will get smacked and it wont do them damage but it increases your chances in general. You teach respect to people without hitting them.
  21. No offence John but you are looking at it small term. Opinions of people who haven't studied these things on a large scale arent worth as much as experts who have are they?
  22. Mortal kombat 2019. 6 1/2 out of 10. I thought this film is good if you wanna watch some brainless film because you are having a day where you dont wanna think much. The story is pretty terrible but the fight scenes are good and it it quite entertaining
  23. I know some parents insist in smacking but most experts think it does psychological damage
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