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Everything posted by Gunnersaurus

  1. There is still not many indigenous brits if any. Very few peoples blood would go directly back to the original british settlers and have no foreign blood in it. The fact is that all countries have cultural influence from around the world. When immigration happens most of the time immigrants keep parts of their culture and over the generations they become more like the countries culture they are in. Countries then take parts of that culture that they like. This nonsense about loosing our culture is just that nonsense. Sure out culture will be different in 100 or so but it wont be forced.
  2. @nudge I remember reading that Finland try to keep russia happy or something to avoid an invasion. I though the Soviet union did invade Finland before?
  3. Mate you're dealing with an absolute clown who will probably get banned at some point. Might well be banned member unique
  4. You know when someone says people are becoming a minority in their own country most things they say can be ignored. Hardly anyone is completely indigenous to their country if you go back far enough and we dont know the ones that are because it goes back so far. The original Germanics for example come from Scandinavia. This indigenous bollocks that right wingers try to promote is noncence. It's even less likely in mainland Europe because it is all land that could be be walked over. Britian is an island and even we hardly have anyone who is completely indigenous. You never become a minority in your own country unless you want to use the definition of minority as people who family line is completely from the same country which is highly unlikely. This is all about people who look different. Its just a way of disguising racism. There is loads of information that can show you how the boundaries have changed and the history of invasions and conquests. Most british people are a mix of french, German,Italian Scandinavian and British. Even the English language is a germanic language. If you are seriously worried that the culture will be different in 200 years or so then you need to reevaluate your life. Most countries have a mix of different cultural influences. Most things British for example aren't originally british including fish and chips
  5. Lol mate it was a joke. You're not exactly known for your positivity though are you
  6. Well we all knew you'd like it
  7. @6666 just realised you meant tony Khan Yeah I agree there is enough talent to give it more air time now. I'd like to see a womens tag team championship now. I don't like to many titles in a wrestling organisation though so leave it at that. Personally I would of preferred a womens tag team title before a mens trios title. And instead of the all Atlantic I would of preferred a cruiserweight title .
  8. Tony storm has had a lot of air time but so did thunder rosa, so has brit baker, so did nyla rose. You know as well as anyone wrestling is about who can get the most viewers. I mean I don't like jade cargill in the ring but she looks the part and she is good on the mike so she gets a lot of air time. To be fair to aew they have improved the womens division massively. They still lack wrestlers with great gimmicks apart from a few like brit baker but the wrestling is decent. I watched clash at the castle and I didn't think there was a big difference in the wrestling quality between wwe and aew but wwe definitely gets the gimmicks better. I mean serena deeb is a good wrestler but there is nothing that makes you want watch her or listen to her. She's like a good singer who just isn't interesting. Also I get the impression wwe has a locker room full of decent womens wrestlers who can wrestle to a good standard. Where as aew only has a few. But they have enough to give it more air time if they can improve the gimmicks
  9. @CaaC (John) does the wee lady love a wee wee in the evening?
  10. So is it dangerous for air pollution? I've got the impression they are not to sure but think it could be risky? And that countries are moving away from it so it doesn't seem like a good thing?
  11. I haven't seen grand slam so no spoilers please. However I do know something that happened. I'm not gonna give any spoilers but I am gonna ask, is she good or is she more famous for the other thing? If you've seen it you will know what I am talking about?
  12. Do you ever find it quite funny how people always tag you when they want to know something?
  13. So the government has lifted the ban on fracking. Liz trust was known for her environmental policies before but I always thought fracking was bad for the environment. @nudge What is the evidence on fracking and how dangerous is it thought to be? What is the general expert opinion?
  14. The fact that Finnish people were mad about their prime minister going to a party and not breaking any rules and our ex prime minister went to a party during a lockdown, allowed other parties to happen during a lockdown and Jacob Reece mog(rat faced mother fucker as I call him) got promoted recently makes me think Britain's aren't that moral
  15. Ow right. Adam page is fine I think. To be fair the bucks are quite popular at the moment along with omega. Got to much power though. Dont think they should of won the trios championship though. For me the problem with kenny omega is the character. Omega still has some brilliant matches. However I've got the impression in japan it is more about the wrestling. Aew is more about the gimmick and the wrestling. I think that is where he struggles at times. I think he would struggle in wwe where it is more gimmick focused from from what I understand. Be good if they can get osprey in full time. I think he's amazing. Not to keen on all that gymnastic diving around for no reason though. Unless its because he's showboating. I like there to be a reason for all the moves in the ring.
  16. Aew have been quite good with the wins matter part. And if someone does get a title shot without a lot of wins generally it's an open challenge or the title holder challenges a certain wrestler for some reason so they cover it pretty well. I'm not sure if danielson did loose 3 in a row though. If I remember rightly he was chocked out at double or nothing. Then he was injured for a bit. I think he came back and won then lost lost to Garcia with interference, then beat garcia then lost to jericho who cheated. So there were no single clean losses in there. I might be wrong on that though
  17. I'm not exactly sure what you mean by that. If you are saying it would be goofy I don't think that is true. Mjf only needs to change a few things to be a face. All he has to do is stop insulting the audience and not cheat all the time. He can even keep the I'm better than you catchphrase. There have been times before when heels have been forced to turn face. When jericho joined wwe they weren't going to turn him face but he was so popular they did. The rock was heavily cheered as a heel in the 90s(Although the plan was to turn him face after a good heel run but then cheers weren't planned). Back to your other point. A agree danielson legacy is pretty solid. I mean hes short and doesn't look like a wwe wrestler but they had to change the main event of wrestlemania because he was so popular. I know it was also because they fans hated Batista winning the rumble but Daniel bryan was incredible popular at the time. So I don't think his legacy will be damaged at all by loosing 3 matches and getting a title win is he does. My worry is that mjf wins it with his chip after the match. I don't have an issue with that in terms or storytelling. I think it's good storytelling but its wwe storytelling with the money in the bank. Now copying something good is fine but I think it could damage the are brand. As for your other point I dont think aew does lack main event or aew championship talent. I mean you have moxley, punk, omega, page, danielson, mjf who are all championship material. Then you have darby Allen who could be a plucky underdog champion with a bit or a build up in a year or so(if they take him away from sting) then you have wardlow who they seem to be building up( he's not my kind of thing but no doubt he will be the champion one day) And then maybe in a couple of years you have someone like powerhouse Hobbs. The reason why I felt they had to go with danielson at the moment I mentioned in an earlier post. If think of they do go with moxley or might have to be done with a heel turn. Not sure if it would work otherwise. They may do that though it is possible.
  18. It seems unthinkable to turn mjf face but I think they might have to. He gets louder cheers than the top faces in aew. I have no doubt he will be able to be a great face.
  19. @Stan I'm surprised Rodgers is still there. Apparently you have been linked to Benitez which could be a disaster. Do you think poccentino could be a good choice? I think he's a decent coach personally. PSG is an impossible job at times I still think he could do well.
  20. I said I didn't think he should have lost 3 matches. But two was necessary and I doubt danielson would have done it if he wasn't ok with it. Also they cant just let guys go when they want if they will go to wwe. There was reports that bryan cage could go to wwe so that's why they wont release him Again and same to you @The Palace Fan why watch it? All you both ever do is complain about it. I'm not saying aew is perfect. I think it's better than it was when it started but not as good as it was last year. One thing I have noticed is the politics sneaking in. At the beginning the young bucks lost to private party and SCU were the first tag tag team champions. Jericho was the first aew champion and it felt like politics weren't playing a major role. Then the bucks won the tag titles and omega won the championship but it still felt ok because they had a high status. However then Cody won 3 tnt titles, young bucks became first two time champions even though FTR were really over, then them and omega were the first trios champions and it now it feels like politics plays a major role. Also when aew began it felt like they were getting the best out of what they had. Now they have a stronger roster and it doesn't feel like they are getting the most out of it. I do think they have improved their womens division though considerably. That being said I still find it very enjoyable. Its edgy, the wrestling is good so I still enjoy it.
  21. I dont think he needed to be the one to pass out at double or nothing. I think the loss to Garcia was important for what seems a likely face turn and him loosing to Jericho with jericho cheating played a major part as well so I can see why they did that. Out of interest mate I dont really understand why you watch or follow aew you dont seem to like it that much. Same for @The Palace Fan
  22. Hes probably aews biggest acquisition considering he main evented the previous wrestlemania and wwe wanted to keep him. Getting punk was massive but he hadn't wrestled for 7 years.
  23. I'm a couple of weeks behind so no spoilers but I dont think it was really planned. They weren't preparing for both omega and punk to get suspended. Giving it to mjf would take away his credibility because punk was stripped. (Would he really want to win his first title under those circumstances)Moxley has already had two title reigns , Jericho isn't title material anymore I dont think, hangman was getting some booes because of what happened so I dont think they have much else to go with. To be fair danielson is still a great wrestler. It was necessary for him to loose to Garcia I think because I think he has amazing potential. I'm not saying aew dont have talent because I think they do but there was a lot of circumstances that all happened at the same time and so he is probably the best option at the moment. Also he has already proven himself so a title run that wasn't planned wont ruin his legacy.
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