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Devil-Dick Willie

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Everything posted by Devil-Dick Willie

  1. @Gunnersauraus howd you find them?
  2. Graeco roman has evolved a lil
  3. I swear blading is all cody knows about fucking wrestling
  4. The moral implications of the Drake Maverick result in the NXT cruiser weight tournament Drake Maverick was released by WWE on "Black Wednesday" A day where over a dozen TV talents were released from their contracts. Many of the wrestlers responded to their axing with video clips voicing their feelings on being released, with Mavericks being the most emotional and the most famous as a standard bearer for the tyranny of WWE. WWE did anounce that Drake would continue to wrestle until the end of the cruiser weight interim tournament. Drake goes on to make the final of the tournament, not winning the interim cruiser weight championship, but getting a contract in NXT This means one of 2 things have happened. 1. WWE have seen Drakes vignette, and rehired him based upon public support for him, which means they told him hes lost his job in no uncertain terms, then after him breaking down in response, have immediately rehired him, which is both a fucked up thing to do, and unfair to every other released talent who did not have the same chance as Drake. 2. WWE lied about firing him, during a period where a dozen other wrestlers were fired, for the sake of an angle. Which is in horrifically poor taste. In the case of the first instance I'm glad Drake has his job, even though he suffered unnecessary stress and trauma, but in either case WWEs actions are reprehensible
  5. For in ring wrestling? NJPW. Then daylight. Then NXT. Then AEW. Then main roster WWE.
  6. my bad, dumb search engine. Heres the real part 2 of 2018
  7. Since the Sanada match looks like it was filmed with a carrot
  8. Zacky big tekkers is a god. ZSJ vs Sanada G1 climax 2019 is an awesome one @Gunnersauraus Omega okada part 1
  9. I reckon the virgin is correct here. I bet becky is too.
  10. The annual Bundesliga relegation thread is open for business. We've got it all this season. A cover up, a chinese poet and stellar commentary from Martin Tyler. 

    1. football forums


      Better late than never eh ;) 

  11. Now I am the oldest Aussie hippo
  12. What do you do and what does your house have in it? I need interior photos, exterior photos, nudes, ect ect
  13. I got asked a detailed question last day of uni semester (from home of course) my answer was "I'm sitting in my comfy chair wearing boxers secretly watching TV. How the fuck am I supposed to answer that?" Working and studying from home sucks
  14. He's gonna look like Fin Balor
  15. Honestly, he should have told me I'm so dense light bends around me then said that people shouldn't run baths because they might drown, straining the NHS unnecessarily
  16. I never said getting fish and chips was work purposes. But if people can move long distances for work purposes they aren't strictly limiting the virus spreading between communities are they? In fact, being A symptomatic and spending the day at work will lead to way more people in this new community being infected than grabbing a takeaway fish and chips one would speculate
  17. Not on you anyway. I feel sorry for your bird
  18. Except you are allowed to travel long distances, for work purposes, and to infect people you have to come into contact with people.
  19. Honestly this might be one of the dumbest arguments I've ever been in. This is similar to "Don't open your windows, you're fading your wall paint unnecessarily" Don't drive far you're more likely to have an accident fuck me
  20. Look, it's not my fault I've been single so long I can't get off without seeing a woman get decapitated mid orgasm as a minimum mate.
  21. I didn't dismiss anything. Accidents happen. You're being dumb again. Almost 29000 people have died of C19 in the last few months in the uk compared to 1700 people dying on English roads in accidents per year. They're incomparable. The idea of "You should drive short distances to reduce the risk of traffic accidents to reduce the stress on the NHS" is fucking bonkers convoluted garbage.
  22. Sure, statistically you're more likely to have an accident, purely because you're physically spending more time on the road. Never mind that a huge portion of accidents happen within 10 minutes of a persons home, and that most people won't have an accident at all in a year. You're chances of an accident go from under 1/3rd of a percent to another, larger number at under 1/3rd of a percent. Very good. Then on top of that to need the NHS it needs to be a serious accident. I don't know how you fuckers drive in England, but I've been in 2 car accidents in 27 years of life, both were very minor as a child. As a motorist I've had none. Most people I've ever met/known have never had an accident that needed a paramedic. Thought exercise. 2 identical Stans. Both get in the car at 9 am and go to Tesco. One goes to his local, it's a 10 minute commute. The other goes to one 30 miles away because he feels like going for a cruise. Both arrive at Tescos, spend 15 minutes purchasing groceries and drive home. Both were exposed to the public for the exact same amount of time. You could make that 100 miles if you wanted, I only didn't because you'd be restricted in what you can purchase and bring home before it spoiled. That's my issue with the travel bans. The only argument against it (other than shite about accidents, fuck me) is that you'd use more petrol and therefore be more exposed to the public at petrol stations unnecessarily. But social distancing and good hygiene are factors there too. Travel bans only exist so the cops can judge the nature of your trip by looking at the home address on your license.
  23. They travelled 100 miles. It's a there and back 200. Unless you stop at a petrol station the outcomes are exactly the same.
  24. Your last paragraph is dumb. Strange what ifs and butts. Anyone can have an accident at any time and those outcomes aren't predetermined by the legality or distance of their commutes. The most confusing law of this outbreak has to be the restricted travel. If you drive directly from your home to your destination then the outcome is the exact same no matter the distance. You left your home, got in a vehicle, arrived at your destination. I understand the restrictions on WHY you can travel (only for essential purposes) but distance? Very odd. Everyone breaks the law all the time. When was the last time you J walked, trespassed, took drugs, streamed something illegally, ect.
  25. I'm not saying he shouldn't have been suspended or banned. But stop being a huge fucking pussy. If he sent bullets to your house with your name engraved on them, or photos of you eating out somewhere or something, sure, you're a victim and he should go to prison. But theres worlds apart between that and. Hey brian, I'm gonna kill you for talking shit on the internet. Because I don't know exactly where you live i'm gonna nuke all of peru you dog Got my strap right here cunt.
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