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Posts posted by Rick

  1. POSSESSOR - 10/10 

    Holy shit this was good. Wow. If you like science fiction horror thrillers then this is the film for you. Original and clever. I was hugely impressed, the performances from the two leads are phenomenal. Highly recommended. 

  2. 1 hour ago, LFCMike said:

    Shouldn't have loaned out Karius. He's definitely better than Adrian and playing behind closed doors would have been a good time to get him back in the side

    Yeah it pissed me off that one. No logic in keeping the older, poorer keeper. There’s nothing Adrian is going to learn now, he’s set. Karius could have improved next to Allison and as you say, playing behind closed doors to build his confidence. Proper knackered ourselves. 

    I don’t expect anything to happen today, but a GK & CB in would be ideal. 

  3. Nobody is saying that Klopp hasn’t worked wonders with what he has been given in relation to the spend of other clubs. But he hasn’t spent really anything in 4 windows. In that time we have sold players for profit. Don’t tell me that we are penniless cause it’s bollocks. It comes down to the owners choosing not to invest into the club. It’s worked for them up to this point, but like I’ve said numerous times, I think this squad has hit its peak and without some freshening up it’s only going to fall behind. It’s not sustainable. 


  4. Whether Klopp has loyalty to Origi or not doesn’t change the fact that, bar two Big performances, Origi has done very very little in a Liverpool shirt to really justify being the first choice back up to our front three. I am allowed my own judgement on a player. But I guess you’re going to make out Origi is something he isn’t to suit your argument? 

  5. 24 minutes ago, LFCMike said:

    Rick has been moaning over the last few weeks that Liverpool didn't sign Werner and Havertz who would have cost upwards of £50m and £60m each. Let's not pretend this is because we're not spending £20-30m here or there. Werner may well have happened without a pandemic but it didn't so just suck it up. 

    Werner I’ll give you, I wasn’t happy at the time because his price was cheap in relation to his ability. I haven’t mentioned Werner for weeks. 

    I’m not having that I moaned about Havertz. I said I was gutted Chelsea signed him because he’s a generational talent. Funnily enough, I don’t want our rivals to be signing amazing talents. Yes, I did say that I would have liked us to have been in the running and that he would have been perfect in our system, but I’ve hardly moaned. And I haven’t brought up either of those players in this debate, you were the first to mention them. 

  6. I’m being realistic about expecting the same small group of players to have both the energy and the mentality to go big for another season. 

    Origi and Minamino are the two from that list who will get the most minutes in attacking positions. I’ve made my feelings clear on Origi, I don’t know how you look at his time here, and decide he’s a good back up to the likes of Sala, Firmino & Mane. He is so far away from their quality. Minamino is one you can’t make a judgement on either way. The signs are that he’s still adjusting and shy (hardly what you want from who is expected to be an impact player) but he was good at Salzburg so let’s hope he can replicate that here. 

    I’m asking for Thiago because he would automatically improve our midfield. He’s better than anything we have already. I’ve not commented on LB, cause we have strengthened there and I’m happy with it. I’m talking about CB position. Apart from Matip, we have a young lad who hasn’t played a competitive game and Fabinho as a make shift centre half. Leeds walked through our midfield in that first half, and we only started to improve once Fabinho was brought in to sure it up so I do not want to take him out of that position. 

  7. 9 hours ago, LFCMadLad said:

    Klopp said only the other day that he thrives on improving players in training and isn't interested in using the transfer market to fix things. Do you think he would committ another 4 years if he wasnt happy with how things are going? Expanded stadium, merged training facilities, CL win, Premier league title, club world cup etc etc... 

    If you think hes lying then fair enough.

    The transfer window isnt even shut yet ffs. Honestly you come across as a little spoilt bitch. 

    How is it spoilt to want the club to really freshen the squad for the first time in 4 transfer windows? 😂 Stop talking nonsense.

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  8. 13 minutes ago, LFCMadLad said:

    Jones has to replace underperforming players? Are you for fucking real? xD

    Those underperforming players haven't lost a home game in 3 years you dullard xD

    Sorry for your fears but if you knew anything remotely then you wouldnt be doing what you are doing for a living, you would be Klopps side kick. 

    Sorry mate but you don't half come across as a spoilt brat.

    Christ, clearly I’m talking about Jones having a job of replacing players who underperform this season. 

    You always go back to this shite line “if you knew what the crack was you would be working for the club”. Trying to use it to shut down Any discussions that you don’t like. Grow up mate, it’s possible to have a debate without resorting to childish shit like that. 

    Klopp doesn’t tell the press or fans his true  feelings on everything. Would you air your dirty laundry about your employment or employer to the press? Course not. It would be very very very surprising If Klopp wasn’t wanting players in to freshen up the squad. You win the Champions League and then the clubs first Premier League title, you sort of expect to have the tools to build on that. Especially when you’ve committed yourself to the club for the next four years. 

    He and the coaching staff have worked miracles since we brought Van Dijk and Allison in but surely the legs and mentality of these players is being stretched to the limit at this point. One or two serious squad injections isn’t a whole lot to expect from the club. We bring in a quality CB to push Gomez & Thiago in to the midfield then we already look a lot healthier. 

    Nobody is asking for a half billion pound splurge, so stop reacting like we are. 

  9. 18 minutes ago, LFCMadLad said:

    Hahaha you have no affiliation with Liverpool whatsoever so fuck off xD

    What do you want, for the youngsters coming through to be pushed to one side in place of a shiny new toy to please you?. You know absolutely fuck all in the grand scheme of things. Klopp and the team of staff he has assembled know slightly more than you im sure. 

    I'm not sat in no bubble mate, you are! I can see things for how they are. You can question any decision you disagree with all you want kid, ill trust the people who have got us to where we are.

    You really should be a Chelsea supporter to be honest. I want this, i want that,  i want this, i want that.

    Grow up ffs

    Aye okay, Curtis Jones has the extra pressure of having to replace under performing players. Let’s throw him him. 

    Origi is going to be our back up striker/ attacker this season. You happy with that? He’s scored big goals, but he needs to be here on merit, not for sentimental reasons. He has not done enough since he joined to justify being a first choice back up. 

    What about injuries to the front three, or at the back? You think we have more than enough if Salah or Mane we’re to be injured for a couple of months? I certainly don’t think we do. Especially at the back. God forbid if Van Dijk is out....we would be shafted having to rely on a seriously injury prone Matip to come in. 

    Oh here we go. Was waiting for you to mention Chelsea 😂 me wanting squad depth is equal to them spending over 200m On first 11 players. Have a day off.  If this club doesn’t want to take out loans or finance moves based on future income, that’s their decision. But don’t expect us to maintain this success by standing still. Burnout is real, and I fear these players are on the edge of it. 

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