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Posts posted by Rick

  1. 8 minutes ago, Stan said:

    Have you seen the schedule for this season? He'll get more than that I think.

    Also, I don't think he's arrogant at all. For all we know he might just be confident enough to not worry about reputation and still want to play at a decent level. We have no idea how much he's being paid or what his mindset is :what:

    He’s going in as third choice. He’s not got a chance of making it as their first choice as he isn’t better than Lloris. He’s not exactly gonna be playing at a decent level though. The schedule doesn’t make much difference. Lloris will play 50 games this coming season, anything over with go to Gazzaniga. You and I both know a GK is the least rotated in the squad. I just see this as pointless for Hart, who has said numerous times that he wants to be playing football at this point in his career. 

  2. 11 minutes ago, LFCMadLad said:

    But they didn't do it? Oh I'm not getting into another ding dang with you, I really can't be arsed over something so unimportant ffs xD

    Well it’s you again, backtracking. It’s not important at all, but you made a point of quoting me to “correct” me when I was already speaking the facts. 

  3. It was bad enough that rich premier league clubs were using the furlough scheme (I was disgusted by Liverpool doing it after a record turnover) but this is another level. Players taking pay cuts with the assurances that no jobs would be put at risk. The club have proper acted snakey, with no intentions of following through on that ‘promise’. Arsenal really are very easy to dislike at the moment. 

  4. 1 hour ago, nudge said:


    Füllkrug is definitely starting as long as he stays fit. There's no need for Kruse to start ahead of Füllkrug anyway, as if he joins, he will most likely play behind the strikers, the same role he used to play so often (and so well) during his last stint with us and the one which Osako was supposed to fill after Kruse left. 

    Fair enough, but I need some funds from somewhere! 😂

  5. Apologies for hijacking this topic with Liverpool crack

    @LFCMadLad The transfer window is open. You have said it at least twice in your last few posts that we should leave things up to the club, and that I “think I know better” because I said I wanted Havertz. You’re the only one talking like a child here, and it’s staggering how ignorant you are. 

  6. 5 minutes ago, LFCMadLad said:

    Don't know mate. I'm not the one in charge of that side of Liverpool's business. 

    You talk shite. Why are you even a member of this forum if you don’t want to discuss anything? 

    @Stan no more talking about who you want Leicester to sign cause it’s not your decision in the end. @Cicero same with you with Chelsea mate, give up the Telles crack. @DeadLinesman you can stop talking about how you want Lingard to be given a new 5 year deal, it’s up to the officials at the club to make that decision. 

    Shut the website down.

    • Haha 3
  7. 8 minutes ago, LFCMadLad said:

    I think you need to trust the people in charge and stop talking like you know best.


    Coming from a guy who made a topic called “ManFIFA Utd”, you telling me to stop talking just isn’t going to happen. 

    I am allowed to want certain players signed. If it’s not up for discussion, and tactics aren’t up for discussion then why the fuck are we members of a football discussion board? 

    Edit: You have just said yourself that you wished we had signed him. Christ, make up your mind. 

  8. 31 minutes ago, LFCMadLad said:

    In place of who? Serious question? To fit him in we would have to drop one of Firmino, Hendo or Keita. 

    Hes a great talent but again, he doesn't walk into our team like he does at Chelsea. 


    Are these players all guaranteed a place in the first 11 until they retire then? 

    Club will never build on this success if we don’t improve the squad! Wish people would stop acting like it’s silly to be looking towards the future. Sick of this debate. 

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