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Posts posted by Rick

  1. 2 hours ago, ...Dan said:

    I definitely have it.

    Throughout the day it's not too bad (i've been spending all day in bed playing Football Manager), but at night when I start to get tired it gets bad. Last night I struggled to brush my teeth and breathe at the same time, had chest pains too. It's difficult to find a position to sleep in where I can breathe properly. I'd describe what I feel in my lungs as discomfort rather than pain, but I feel it a lot, throughout the day.

    I haven't had fever and don't have a cough. So guys, don't tell yourselves "I don't have a fever/cough so I don't have it". If you have any symptom, no matter how small, you need to self-isolate.

    I had this too, though much milder. Through the day fine, but at night I was coughing and my throat was bad. Didn’t have a fever either. I’ve had 16 days off work, and I’m absolutely fully recovered now. 

    Sucks to hear though man, you try and take as much care as you can. Bit of fresh air may help, I found it did with me. Had a window in my bedroom open through night. Wish you a speedy recovery man. 


    • Thanks 1
  2. Bullshitting about there not being the supplies available to carry out testing. Since yesterday’s press conference suppliers and labs have both came out and said that they can provide everything needed, is that not correct? 


  3. It's a shame you couldnt reply like that off the bat instead of the shithouse insults. I brought up valid points, you called me a window licker and dense. Classy

    Can't be arsed continuing with this discussion, because there clearly isnt one. If people arent willing to sacrifice a little outdoor exercise for up to one month to see what effect it has then I have nothing to say to them. People are not seeing their families and friends through all these lockdowns, if they can manage that then Bob who goes running can do without it for a little bit.

    • Upvote 2
  4. Just now, Devil-Dick Willie said:

    You're in a different country you spoon. 

    And talking about something and believing fully in the merits of, and opposing the alternative, are very very very different. You're so fucking dense light must bend around you.

    Did I once say that you "fully believed" in letting the elderly die? No, I said that you were open to it. Somebody who is weighing the pros and cons of anything is obviously open to both sides.

    Also, you literally said in your post that the lockdown had started two days ago and that you already hated it. Then you said that you were still going to your local small gym with a few other regulars. Or did you forget saying that?

  5. 8 minutes ago, Devil-Dick Willie said:

    I literally raised a topic of interest and now all of a sudden I, an aged carer since age 20 am "Open to the idea of sacrificing the elderly to save the economy"

    You're a fucking melt. 

    You actually said you were raising it for discussion,  weighing up the "pro's & cons" so dont try and back track. You even argued points FOR it.

    And you said you were still going to the gym TWO DAYS after the lockdown started.


  6. 2 minutes ago, MUFC said:

    I agree as I just train in my garage in the garden. If you want fresh air etc, do that each day via grocery shopping.

    But I'll say one thing. If you think even if the rules are followed. This will last 2-4 weeks, you got another thing coming. This lockdown will last at least 2/3 months.

    No I dont think this will be over in 2-4 weeks. I'm talking about trying to flatten the curve of the spread.

    • Upvote 1
  7. @Devil-Dick Willie was also open to the idea of sacrificing the elderly to save the economy. And has also admitted that he has continued to use his local (small, not that it makes a pick of difference) gym along with a few others. So yeah, clearly not followed the rules himself so far, and gets abusive real quick to sombody who is concerned about the few idiots that are putting everybody at risk. But yeah, @IgnisExcubitor is the person in the wrong here 9_9

    The fact of the matter is that everybody isn't following the fucking rules, and whether you say its "only a few" doesnt make a difference. The few who are ignoring the rules and guidelines are gonna mke it harder for us to get through. The pandemic will last longer, and the health services are at more risk of collapsing under pressure.

    So you can take your walk, run or biking and shove it. If you cant exercise at home for 2, maybe 4 weeks, to try and defeat this shit then you are selfish.

    • Upvote 2
  8. 12 minutes ago, Devil-Dick Willie said:

    If you don't allow exercise, mental health will bottom out. Suicide will rise dramatically.

    Fair point about the mental health aspect.

    People aint staying 2m apart though, seen people all day walking dogs next to eachother and running next to eachother. And these are adults from the same sex so them being from the same household is highly unlikely. Pisses me off.

    • Upvote 1
  9. You know, fuck all this “allowed out to exercise” bollocks. No. You should only be out to shop for essentials or to take your dog for a walk. If you’re caught out jogging without a dog then you should be given 50 lashes. 

    The number of cunts running up and down my street is beyond a joke. Wouldn’t think we are under a lockdown. Bunch of bastards, exercise at home!!

    • Upvote 1
  10. 11 minutes ago, RandoEFC said:

    First paragraph, spot on.

    Second paragraph, the greater threat has always been hospital capacity getting overwhelmed. While most under 70s are not likely to die, many of them need hospital care to get through it. I don't know what the actual numbers are but if 10% of people that get it need hospital, that's probably 9% who recover and 1% who go down even with intensive care, but if too many people go in at once, many of those 9% won't get a bed and will actually die.

    Feel free to correct my numbers science people, just throwing rough estimates to be able to make the point.

    No you’re probably spot on with the numbers, I just read my post again and it’s a lot of talking out my arse haha. Obviously a massive issue is the NHS getting overwhelmed. It’s quite infuriating that the government are JUST NOW ordering ventilators from Dyson. Why didn’t they do this 3 weeks ago? Twats. 

  11. Think people need to think about the number of people currently self isolating after showing very mild symptoms. The majority of those people will be back to normal in the 14 days. Its not an accurate number being reported obviously, so the death rate would be much much lower in reality, closer to that of Germany and others.

    Anybody dying is obviously horrible, but the vast majority of cases that become serious or lead to death are from people with underlying health conditions. Generally, if you have an immune system that isnt compromised, then you will more than likely be okay. I'm not trying to dismiss these numbers, they are still concerning, but its not the death sentence that the media and confirmed numbers are suggesting it is. The UK has a confirmed number less than 15k...I'm betting that its ten times that amount who actually have it but are only suffering mild issues like cough and slight fever.


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