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Everything posted by nudge

  1. Fascinating. The idea of an omniscient director AI is very cool. I also love how the Alien unlocks its behaviour trees based on the player's behaviourial patterns and then adjusts its own actions accordingly. Very neat. Also I would poop my pants if I had to play it
  2. Yes, but only thanks to the description and got the the year wrong would have guessed Ferrari haha
  3. Frankly I only got some teams right due to the hints at the pic description
  4. This was tough. Got the teams mostly right but the years were too difficult...
  5. You can do it yourself here: https://talkfootball365.com/settings/country/
  6. https://www.profil.at/oesterreich/polizeistaat-corona-strafen-bespitzeln-denunzieren-11439938
  7. nudge

    Show us your pets

    Not exactly a pet, but... Popork trying to combine exercising with stuffing his mouth with Easter food. https://streamable.com/zemmgw
  8. They are thinking it's a relapse rather than reinfection, but further investigations are necessary.
  9. Unfortunately no details released so far, epidemiological investigations are ongoing...
  10. Three possibilities there: a) False negatives early on, meaning the patients were incorrectly cleared as having recovered while they weren't b) re-infection c) virus staying dormant in the body and then reactivating again This is concerning if it's not a testing issue...
  11. Juan Gimenez, an Argentian comic book artist, passed away a few days ago. Best known from his art in Metal Hurlant/Heavy Metal and Metabarons.
  12. maybe lower the difficulty for a while and then change it back to Jedi Knight once you learn more tricks?
  13. Which difficulty level did you choose? I started on the easiest story mode but it turned out too easy, so I went up one level to Jedi Knight difficulty and it was just about right for me...
  14. https://www.aljazeera.com/indepth/opinion/coronavirus-conundrum-human-rights-200320120352737.html A good read about the potential dangerous implications for political and civil liberties.
  15. Yes, and it keeps on changing as new evidence comes into play. It will take years to get a full picture.
  16. I get your point, but to be fair I think making predictions on a novel virus with a limited data is not the easiest thing to do... Hindsight is a beautiful thing, but when you're dealing with it as it starts happening, failed models resulting in poor predictions are inevitable.
  17. There's always the question if the findings in Gangelt are applicable to other places in Germany, never mind in other countries. I think it should be taken with a grain of salt as different countries and even different regions within a country will have a different fatality rate due to numerous factors. However, I believe that it's also similar to the fatality rates reported in South Korea and Denmark, and even on the Diamond Princess; to me that just confirms that the virus itself is not as scary as long as the hospitals aren't being overrun, hence why lockdowns and other containment measures matter a lot until there's a vaccine/proper effective treatment . That said, Spain's number of actual cases are definitely gigantic either way, I do believe that your estimates for Madrid (or Italy, or any other country with high death count) are not far off. This is an interesting study from Imperial College London. Their estimates are approx. 6 million infected in Italy and 7 million in Spain (as of March 28th). https://www.imperial.ac.uk/media/imperial-college/medicine/sph/ide/gida-fellowships/Imperial-College-COVID19-Europe-estimates-and-NPI-impact-30-03-2020.pdf
  18. Preliminary results of first large-scale randomized study in a heavily affected district in Germany (Gangelt in Heinsberg) found that 14% of population has already been infected and developed immunity. Study shows that the actual case fatality rate is only 0,37%. Original link (in German): https://www.land.nrw/sites/default/files/asset/document/zwischenergebnis_covid19_case_study_gangelt_0.pdf
  19. Who was the last one you couldn't think of? I spent 10 minutes thinking of who the heck had 55 podiums. I think I completely blocked him out in my head
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