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Everything posted by nudge

  1. Thought you're done with the sport? At any case, don't worry, he's not quitting. He already confirmed that he'll ride for another two years, and it looks like he might be going back to Yamaha, or rather Marc VDS now that they are switching to Yamaha...
  2. nudge

    Show us your pets

    To be honest, I didn't
  3. nudge

    Show us your pets

    My lifestyle is sadly not suitable for pets, so I have to resist the urge of getting one all the time... However, I've been sort of taking care of a few strays in the last couple of years, they just used to come and go as they please. This one was my favourite: She was absolutely terrified of people when I first met her (accidentally), but after a while I gained her trust and she used to come for food and water daily, and really enjoyed being petted. I was ready to actually take her in, she was so lovely... turned out she was not really a stray though, the owners were some local farmers and just didn't bother to take care of her. I offered to buy her off them, but they were having none of it, cunts. Then I had to move to a different place and never saw her again Still miss her.
  4. nudge


    This is 100% me, haha! I love dogs, nothing comes close to it as a pet. But when it comes to wild animals, felines are absolutely incredible. So elegant, intelligent and dangerous.
  5. nudge


    That sanctuary looks great, this is the one I'm going to: https://www.wildlifealliance.org/wildlife-phnom-tamao/ The conditions there are definitely not ideal, as they are lacking in infrastructure and financial support, but at least it's something... I see they also have a sponsorship schemes where you can "pick" an animal to sponsor continuously and they send you updates, photos and stuff haha, it's a gimmick to attract donors for sure, but a good idea nevertheless. I mean, here I am, considering it already So beautiful, I actually only learned about this particular species a few days back as I was searching for wildlife sanctuaries and rescue centers nearby, and came across the one I just described above... They are apparently the oldest of all existing cat species!
  6. nudge


    I'm officially in love. Found a local rescue center that's home for clouded leopards (among other animals), going to book a tour for next month...
  7. nudge


    Fishing is not my thing, but I find it very interesting to see how the locals do it here. Hardly anyone (except children and tourists on fishing tours) uses fishing rods, the most common way for the local is various nets and bamboo traps. Then there's also mud fishing in rice fields and deep hole fishing, mostly for catching catfish and snakeheads.
  8. nudge


    Nah, but I'm moving to a small town in the countryside right next to the national park, the jungle and the mountains, and my new place is a few hundred meters from it all So I've been seeing a lot of wildlife there already that I haven't seen before! Insects here can be so weird, although none are really dangerous...other than the mozzies and centipedes which are very nasty, but I have found a perfect repellent for it, haven't even had a single bite when I'm using it, haha. The snakes are plenty, too, including highly venomous cobras, kraits and vipers (I think we have over twenty kinds of venomous snakes here!), so while I'm fascinated by them in general, I'll definitely need to take some precautions when outside after dark...I've seen a King Cobra once on a short trek in the national park two years ago. There are quite a lot of scorpions as well, very painful stings, but none of the seriously dangerous ones... Ants can be very annoying and the bites of certain ones are very painful, but not really dangerous, either, and it's good to have a few geckos and spiders at home to take care of them The best thing though is all kind of birds, exotic plants, lizards, beautiful butterflies, and even gibbons (although a rare sight these days) which are incredibly lovely! I hope I'll be able to post a few pics up some time in the future
  9. nudge


    Relatively small, but so fast and intelligent... On the topic of birds, I saw a Great Hornbill in the mountains a few days ago, sadly I didn't have my camera with me. What an incredible and unique bird that is! The sound it makes is very weird too, sounds like someone's trying to rev and old bike up
  10. Fucking hell Brake failure, takes out Hartley too.
  11. 5 second penalty for Hartley for speeding in the pit lane
  12. Damn, beat me to it Hamilton first to pit, used ultrasofts?
  13. Sirotkin under investigation AGAIN because there was work done on his car during the stop and go penalty
  14. you'll probably get served Kronen Pils anyway, that's their local beer
  15. Not exactly sure what was it all about since that post is from last year But I reckon we were talking about languages? Estonian is Finno-Ugric and thus related to Finnish and Hungarian (not Indo-European like the rest of Europe) , and has very little in common with Latvian and Lithuanian, both of which are Baltic languages. There are some similarities between Latvian and Estonian though due to the influence of Livonian language (an extinct Finno-Ugric language).
  16. Just paid the deposit for the new house, moving in in 10 days!
  17. nudge

    Off Topic

    You created a monster! Nah, as long as she's healthy, some babies just grow at a different rate, hehe.
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