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Everything posted by nudge

  1. Racing bikes never really appealed to me, for some reason. I love speed, but I prefer experiencing it in a car The rush you get from driving a fast car, especially at a racing track, is something unbelievable... I'm sure it's even more adrenaline when you do it on a bike, but I do care about safety too much to do that mysef... I also don't find most racing bikes aesthetically appealing. Well, they do look nice, but I much prefer cruisers, cafe races, mini choppers, etc. Do you still ride?
  2. nudge


    She's soooo cute Mangoes and blankets, huh? I'm sure we'd get along Seriously though, it's good that sanctuaries like that exist...
  3. Yes, the whole town is extremely beautiful, I absolutely love it The downside is that there's not much going on, and certain things (imported goods in particular) are hard to find since there's not a single supermarket in town, just a few tiny minimarts + a local market for fruit, vegetables, meat, etc. + fresh seafood market. Any shopping bar the essentials has to be done in the next bigger town some 30 km away, so sometimes it can be a bit of a nuisance, but it's not the end of the world... I already have two decent pubs to go to though, so all good Going back there this Wednesday, hoping to finally sort out final details of the rental contract, and then move in in a week or two... Fingers crossed, haha. That turn by the sea (and the whole 2 km beach road loop that it's a part of) is one of the reasons I want to get a bike in the first place
  4. Thanks a lot, that's a lot of helpful advice!!! I'm pretty sure that bike will already be gone once I make my decision I'll message you some pics of other ones when I'm close to buying it, if you don't mind? I'll surely get a test ride regardless of what I buy, it's not a problem at all, everyone does it here. I'd normally ask a friend who's an experienced rider to help me with that, but he's not here for a few months... I already found a good garage nearby, as we had to have our car brakes checked last time we went there People are also very helpful here, so no worries about it at all. The roads in my new town are really good for the most part, well the main ones at least, but I don't plan on doing a lot of traveling out of town either way... Lovely backdrop of mountains and the ocean too... Can't wait...
  5. I added a pic in my previous post Yes, everyone here rides either a bike or a scooter, so plenty of options to choose from, and all pretty affordable too (well except those monsters above 500cc haha, but I'm not tired of living yet...). I'm moving to a small town, so the traffic there is very light, which is the reason I'm finally getting a bike too; I have little experience other than some limited one with motorcross bikes some 15 years ago and an occasional 5 minute drive on a friend's scooter recently haha, so I'm obviously a bit cautious... The colour... I like black, red, or orange
  6. Yamaha RXS100 looks lovely, it's the type of bike I'm looking for - not too heavy (I'm a lightweight), not too powerful (don't need a local license up to 125cc), reliable. This is just a random pic of the model, I'll upload an actual photo from my phone a few moments later... Just looking into different options now, but it has to be something that's relatively common down here, as otherwise it will be hard to repair or even find new parts. Considering this Suzuki, Honda FTR or Honda Win at the moment, although I'm not yet sure if I should just make it simple and go for a decent scooter instead, haha. EDIT: Here's the actual bike:
  7. Have you seen Rene Rast's crash yesterday in Race 1? that was awful.
  8. I don't mind Ericsson, to be honest, I think he's a decent enough driver. And he brings money to the team, of course. Definitely plenty of more talented guys out there who don't get a seat in F1, but hey, that's motorsport (and particularly F1) for you...
  9. As long as Sauber continues their positive development, I'm happy enough, hehe.
  10. Sad, but not surprising, really. Expected him to do better
  11. You want to me to publicly announce to the whole town that I took somebody else's flip flops by mistake? It's a good thing I'm moving...
  12. I would probably have instantly noticed if it was THAT bad
  13. I would have returned them the following day if I noticed it earlier, but now a few days later, it's probably weird to go around with a pair of 5$ flip flops asking is someone was missing them
  14. Was in a beach bar, left when it was dark already, and apparently took a wrong pair when I went home Only noticed it today when I wanted to put them on to go to a corner shop, they look exactly like mine just a size or two bigger
  15. So... today I realised I accidentally stole somebody's flip flops last week
  16. nudge

    Off Topic

    The old one, this was some 10 years ago...
  17. nudge

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    You know what I meant by that And no, I didn't go haha. I hate crowds and don't particularly enjoy taking part in mass psychosis. Now, if she offered to go to a pub afterwards, that could have been a different story altogether... But don't worry, there was a group of people going anyway, I didn't leave her on her own
  18. nudge

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    It really is a mystery to me. I remember when I was living in the Netherlands, their Queen was visiting my town at some point, and it seems like everyone went completely nuts - both Dutch and foreigners alike flocked to the streets and squares, dressed in orange and waving small flags, all just to see her get out of the car, wave to the public and disappear again I tried to reason to a friend of mine who wanted to go and drag me with her, saying it's just a person like everyone else, who just happened to be born into an institution that follows some pompously ridiculous ceremonial nonsense from centuries ago that has absolutely no relevancy or legitimacy nowadays. All to no avail, as my friend simply rejected my argument saying that she's not like any other person, she's THE QUEEN, doh! Fuck sake, I guess many still are peasants deep inside and actually believe that the monarchy has the divine right and is well above the people.
  19. We're getting thunderstorm/heavy rain alerts for the next couple of days too... I actually kind of hope for it as it's a perfect excuse to stay in and do nothing the whole day
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