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Everything posted by nudge

  1. My postgrad research supervisor, a highly-rated professor with a leading role in the field, has literally manipulated my research study design to ensure that the results supported his theory that he was publishing at the time that was the point where I decided to nope the fuck out of academia after getting my degree. Scientific method itself is great, is just that there's a lot of politics and infighting for money, titles and positions in academia. Peer review is also a deeply flawed process that is also heavily affected by the aforementioned politics. That said, it's still the best we have.
  2. Seems we're not really understanding each other here I mostly agree with you, but the problems is not the deaths, but rather the fact that hospitals and especially ICUs are filling again (with both vaccinated and unvaccinated), and that is what drives the new wave (no pun intended) of restrictions right now. It doesn't look good in most countries. Probably no hard lockdown again, but most restrictive measures are being brought back again in many places, and I expect even more in the next couple of weeks.
  3. I emailed IgnisExcubitor a while ago, but never got an answer either
  4. Who cares, it's still the same crap.
  5. Saw him liking some fb posts just a few days ago, so he's alive at least.
  6. Only two years, apparently... From 1626 to 1628. But then it sank just over 1 km into its first journey, so they obviously didn't do a great job
  7. He's at home in Austria, so it's unlikely that there will be more cases in the squad, fortunately.
  8. nudge


    Yeah, hippos are overly aggressive and unpredictable. Imagine a 3 ton monster charging at you at full speed
  9. Look at the size of it... Incredible.
  10. nudge


    Whales are not fish, they are mammals
  11. Yeah, it doesn't change the fact that the majority of deaths in the last three weeks were not unvaccinated in certain countries though. Are the raw numbers completely pointless though? They might be pointless in evaluating the effectiveness of the vaccine as they do give out a wrong impression, but they are important if we talk about overloading hospitals and healthcare system in general - the main reason of new restrictions and lockdowns in European countries at the moment. The fact that breakthrough cases are rising significantly (and more than expected previously) and more and more fully vaccinated land in hospitals and ICU is very concerning, and signals that current vaccines alone will not be enough to end the pandemic. Yet instead of talking about that, the politicians are playing the blame game and creating a narrative where the unvaccinated alone are solely responsible for the spread and clogging hospitals which is clearly not the whole truth, is it?
  12. nudge


    Insects are animals too, John
  13. Yes, and the rates per 100.000 reflect it well. But as much as I'm aware, @Harry was not talking about rates, he was talking about actual number of deaths, - and it's obvious that breakthrough cases have been on the rise and are becoming a reasonable concern, so the outdated narrative that the unvaccinated make up the huge majority of positive cases, hospital and ICU admissions, as well as deaths is simply not universally true anymore, and yet it is still being almost universally used to justify highly questionable things like domestic vaccination passports, "lockdowns for unvaccinated", or in extreme cases straight out banning democratically elected MPs from participating in the political decision making process, not to mention dividing the society. Not every COVID discussion is or has to be a "pro-vaxx vs anti-vaxx" battle, either. It's fucking tiresome. The vaccine obviously has its advantages and contributes a lot to preventing severe cases and deaths, but it's not some miraculous solution to all our problems, and it should be possible to discuss its shortcomings - whether it's the limited prevention of infection and transmission or waning immunity after just a few months - without getting drawn into the whole anti-vaxx vs pro-vaxx nonsense, no?...
  14. If you're talking raw numbers (and not rates per 100.000), then it's not necessarily true for every country anymore. In the UK, over 70% of Covid deaths in the last three weeks were fully vaccinated. In Germany, it was around 40%, a huge increase compared to previous months, and appears to be rising. In Ireland, it's about 50% since April.
  15. Same... I loved it when Ryan Reynolds' character was whistling the Indy theme when they were entering that Nazi bunker in Argentina
  16. Red Notice (2021) A silly but enjoyable heist/adventure movie - something of a dumb mix of Ocean's 11 and Indiana Jones. A good action popcorn flick for Friday night. 6/10
  17. I feel you, I've visited 4 countries so far this year... It's understandable, but such a bloody nuisance. The worst part of it is having to keep things flexible and have a backup plan just in case the test turns out positive and you have to reschedule absolutely everything.
  18. I can't see tourist destinations closing their borders again, to be honest. Shouldn't be an issue, especially since you're vaccinated. Fingers crossed!
  19. All that with 85%+ vaccinated adult population and implemented COVID "green pass". It's going to be a fun winter again.
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