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Everything posted by nudge

  1. Would love to know what he said. Three days suspension, plus a financial contribution to social projects supported by the club. Sounds like the handbags were flying
  2. nudge


    Well, at least they got actual natives to do the job
  3. nudge


    Wow. Princess Win-A-Lotta, wtf
  4. nudge


    It's not named after a tribe, pretty sure it's a generic term used to refer to Native American warriors in the past. Don't think it's offensive in itself, either. But I can see how the Natives would find it in poor taste considering it's pretty much rich Whites making more money using Native American imagery & culture.
  5. Agreed, it doesn't make much sense to single out one of them and give a free pass to the others... Facebook has an awful business model, but so does other big tech companies, especially those that are based primarily on user data and content. They all have tapped into the market by using human psychology and manipulating it for profit. Also, maybe it's just me, but I can't stand the "[insert social media name here] is ruining society and human relationships" rhetoric or the even worse one - "internet and technology is ruining us". No, there are plenty of good uses for it all, but if the majority of people wants to use it as a replacement for interpersonal relationships and actual human interaction, or use it to one up each other and feel better about themselves by creating an alter ego with happier life, then it's just a manifestation of the human nature, shallowness, superficiality, insecurities and immaturity; don't have to blame technology for that. Also let's be honest, an average user doesn't even understand or care about the concept of privacy and is gladly sharing their personal data every day without second thoughts, with the classical answer "I dOn'T hAvE aNyThiNg tO hIdE" when asked about it. So why we're wondering, really?
  6. I was joking... But good to know
  7. You're just into Dutch Scratching, that's all...
  8. Still, 5 days is better than nothing! It's your first proper trip since Covid started, right? Bet it felt like a breath of fresh air Make sure to post some pics when you return! Crete is fine, still relatively warm (23-25 during the day), had some thunderstorms and a few earthquakes a while ago, but all good overall Finally found a rental car for a normal price (others wanted 900€/month ), so will do a lot more exploring as well. So far, I only really explored the capital city, the Minoan Palace of Knossos, a few villages on the South coast, and did parasailing. Few tourists now as well, so it's perfect. I want to hike a few gorges, and visit as many small mountain villages as possible.
  9. Sounds good... How long will you be staying there?
  10. nudge


    Yeah, until you get surprised by some deep sea monster hiding in the wreck... Or hear the call of Cthulhu...
  11. nudge


    Probably the same guy https://gfycat.com/apprehensiveorganicblackbird
  12. nudge


    Whoa Would love to see it up close like that...
  13. Same as with men's on the bottom right... They probably mean those ripped jeans with huge holes.
  14. nudge


    What is it? Looks delicious!
  15. Evolution vs Creationism too. Wait, are they even allowed to teach Evolution in Texas schools?
  16. Yeah, learning that there are more sides to a story and being able to explore them is great, especially for developing critical thinking skills. We had that approach at my school as well when I was a kid. But as you said, not for those topics where the "other side" is ramblings of some maniac at best and hateful ideology at worst.
  17. nudge


    You should! This was the first time I fried it at home, and it's reaaaaaaally good.
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