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Everything posted by nudge

  1. When you add the pic, DO NOT clik on "insert", but just submit post right away. The only way it works.
  2. This is just a test.

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. football forums


      See, it works! 😁

    3. football forums

      CaaC (John)


      I read you and Eco post wrong and seen what you meant, upload the pic but don't insert it but just press the reply 😁




    4. football forums


      😂 Oh John...

  3. All that junkie shit and hallucinations in episode 4 is doing my head in.
  4. As expected, Kapino now wants to leave as soon as possible. FC Basel are said to be interested, as well as a few other clubs. Meanwhile, we're being linked with Lirim Kastrati.
  5. Hugo Millán, a 14 year old motorbike rider, was killed in a crash during a European Talent Cup race yesterday. RIP.
  6. Sorry to hear that, hope you feel better soon... That said, worrying won't help at all, it just makes things worse. Did you talk to your doctor yet? He/she might recommend something to alleviate the symptoms. Definitely call them if you feel your condition is getting worse though! I believe there were quite a few posters on here who also had covid and suffered some breathing issues, too. @...Dan ? @The Premier Steve's ? @Danny ?
  7. Will do! Granted, it will likely take me ages to get through all 4 seasons, but I'll do my best!
  8. Well no wonder, he was obviously busy as a team principal. In all seriousness though, he's one of those actors whose face is very familiar, but I couldn't tell their name or their previous roles...
  9. See, they even share the first name!
  10. I spent almost three episodes wondering whom does that Mr. Robot guy remind me of. Finally, it clicked. https://i.guim.co.uk/img/media/fb4df2a1bb68a007b10fa0bde93c966a5f33eaf3/0_16_5472_3283/master/5472.jpg?width=1200&height=1200&quality=85&auto=format&fit=crop&s=187613518332d59106599be7b0a93132
  11. Yeah it was similar for me as well, I remember watching the first few episodes when it first came out, but then completely forgot about it somehow until you posted about watching it and since I don't have any other shows to watch, I thought I'd give it a go...
  12. Tbh I'm extremely disappointed @Tommy didn't react to this
  13. Finally got back into watching Mr. Robot!
  14. Watched the 2nd episode last night, really good so far. The cast is really spot on and the acting is excellent... Especially Colin Farrell. The setting is very well done, really pulls you into another world, or more precisely, onboard of a 1800 whaling boat and its grim and brutal reality.
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