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Everything posted by JoshBRFC

  1. I’d be interested to see on here by some sort of poll who people thought the better President would be. Or who you’d vote for. Biden is by no means perfect, and I’m shocked he’s the best alternative to Trump. But Donald Trump ffs. Surely anything and everything is better than him? When I discuss with people the main thing they cling on to when supporting Trump is their dislike for Biden. And these pedophile claims. Does anyone think there’s any truth in those claims? Yes he’s a bit weird but I can’t see it...
  2. I’d rather not pretend you can just give athletes Ant Man’s suit and just simply evaluate their longevity, opponents, title defences etc etc
  3. Talk of Blachowicz Adesanya possibly waiting now so he can defend against a 41 year old. Surely not..
  4. JoshBRFC

    Off Topic

    Since I last posted I was staying at the Sandman across from St James and had a weekend out in Newcastle and I met our very own Geordie.. Mr Danny Hays. I was absolutely smashed when i saw him and we didn't have a proper beer but will be doing in the future. Bloody love that City and those people
  5. It’s a fun game to play, had some real laughs with friends. But it frustrates the **** out of me how bad I am
  6. Better than ever thanks mate! Hope all is good for you and the Wife to be
  7. Whittaker turned down the fight, pretty much. Bizarre. All this Khabib the goat talk, JJ said it himself. Look at their title defences. Jones and GSP are the 2 goats for me. Khabib is top 10 for sure.
  8. JoshBRFC


    I used to have high hopes for Selby, even higher than the great things he achieved. And I always enjoyed watching him, I was gutted at the time when Warrington beat him. A very skilful and technical boxer. He seems past it now though.
  9. JoshBRFC


    Wilder has absolutely embarrassed himself to the point where people are fearing for his mental health. His claims against Fury are ridiculous. And only the conspiracy crew will believe it. Where are those who said AJ ducked Wilder anyway? Now he’s admitted in one of his rants that he turned down a mega offer for the AJ fight?
  10. I’m going on Furlough for the second time this year. But I’m really not fussed, it’s for the good of the company and it will mean 0 job losses. I’m not massively impacted by the 20% loss and it means I get to spend more time with my daughter. Seeing the positives and all that
  11. Hello everyone... been a while! Hope you’re all good :107_hand_splayed:

  12. Has anyone broke lockdown? Like secretly? I bet you have. I have... not bad. Just curious ha! I’ve gone to a private snooker room a few time with one friend. That’s in a lockup storage style building in an industrial estate away from the world. I’m in there with the owner, his best customer and he’s only allowed himself and his best mate go. And every time it’s been thoroughly cleaned before and after we all go. I just feel naughty and want to tell someone . And the person I’ve been with we have been more than safe. Distanced etc. Is that even that bad?! Judge meh. More chance of getting something when I’ve gone Asda when i go a few times a week. I tried online shopping once early into the lockdown and because everyone was using it.. after about 3 years I got a call saying we’ve substituted your eggs for a set of ladders. . No thanks. Other than that I’ve behaved. A lot of walks... avoided people and situations etc.
  13. Career mode is for the weak who tell themselves how good they are by beating a computer but can’t handle getting beat off real people like TF365’s fifa king(for over a decade) - yours truly.
  14. Just realised it was me who created this topic. I’ll edit the OP now with all your gamer tags. Edit - added all of them to the OP. When I’m next at work on my PC or bother to get my laptop out from home I’ll clean it up a bit. Just did it on the phone now.
  15. JoshBRFC

    Off Topic

    Jim Broadbents?!?!? Hahahaha
  16. JoshBRFC

    Off Topic

    I have in the past when I’ve gone through certain things, but I’ve kept it during lockdown. I’ve had to delete a few Jim Broadbent's off my friends list though who post nothing but conspiracy shite all day every day.
  17. Rosberg is actually a half decent pundit I think. I always like it when newly retired sportsmen/women go straight to punditry. As they’re still raw and fresh from their experiences and who better to share their knowledge?! And it works when they’re alongside experienced media trained professionals... it’s a good balance. However, it’s so clear that the whole retirement to spend time with my family was a load of crap. He was just mentally fucked after what he achieved. He’s a world Champion and it’s in the record books but he would have never been the same again, mentally but also motivation. Some people once they achieve their goal that’s it. That’s what separates the good(Button/Rosberg) from the all time greats. (Hamilton/Schumacher). That’s why it’s been frustrating to see Alonso in the position he’s been in for so many years as he’s in the latter category. Where reaching the pinnacle once or twice isn’t enough.
  18. JoshBRFC

    Off Topic

    Normal lockdown day. Nice walk in the morning with the daughter now followed by Minions or Twirlywoo’s on repeat and lots or arts/crafts games. And endless books being read. Followed by a nice cold lager after dinner for me.
  19. JoshBRFC

    Tips & Bets 365

    I hope everyone’s had a nice break from betting during lockdown. I know mates that have resorted to betting on Fifa games. Looking forward to a nice fun bet again!
  20. @Carnivore Chris we need to have a pint mate when this is over. @CaaC (John) the forum needs the wise old heads like you and @Bluewolf to look after us all.
  21. JoshBRFC


    Get out! Wasn’t the best fight by any means but Mayweather was the better over 12 convincingly.
  22. Enjoyed the event. You could hear the sounds of the blows and the punches and the fighters breathing heavy etc when tired. Very different experience but good card nonetheless. Ferguson is an animal with his chin but his tactics and performance were really bad. Credit to Justin though, exact opposite he was brilliant.
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