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Everything posted by JoshBRFC

  1. Yes it's good. Got it open currently.
  2. What? Approximately 316 days. What? Aaaaand that's the bottom line. What?
  3. I briefly touched on this in another topic. But i got asked by one of the MD's to go and run a shift in the Warehouse. My department is Lamination and i barely knew any of the guys in the warehouse or the process. So i had to learn on the job, And it was pretty good. Learning more about SAP and other systems that i use daily. And it was a compliment being asked so i was always going to say yes. Does anyone use SAP? Anyway... the reason i got asked was because there had recently been a managerial change down there with people re applying for their jobs. One of those ended up being external with old people not re applying. I actually showed this new guy round my department in his induction... anyway.... about a couple of weeks in to his new role in our company... there's talk of him not doing well and things aren't great.... and this article finds it's way to one of the MD's. https://www.mirror.co.uk/news/uk-news/abuser-put-relationship-course-avoids-17260564 So then it's Hence me being asked to take an interim role to steady the ship.
  4. That's my team on Ultimate team. Not bad to say i haven't spent a penny and it's early days.
  5. What do people think? It's okay to be fair. But maybe that's because it's still new. They really have dropped their standards though in recent years.
  6. Stylebender is the real deal. What a man! Him fighting Jones any time soon would be a big mistake, Jones is still the GOAT, imo.
  7. JoshBRFC


    They're so stupid aren't they the writers. Rollins has been one of the best performers for years now. What a way to get the fans to dislike him.... it's not even his fault. Bray should have won clean, it's his time.
  8. JoshBRFC

    Off Topic

    Aye go on then.
  9. JoshBRFC

    Off Topic

    How are we all? Lot's happened for me in the last few months. Been very hectic! Split with the ex then one of the MD's at work asked me to go and help run another department for an interim period. A department i had no previous experience of. And it's actually been really good. Learnt a lot! And kept my mind busy when it needed to be! P.S - Sorry @Toinho for missing the Question a member. Been completely inactive from the forums.
  10. JoshBRFC


    @The Rebel CRS @DeadLinesman @The Palace Fan @Devil-Dick Willie @6666 Lita is the goat.
  11. Yeah, just like me and my mates. 19 was a bad year. Too many errors and glitches. I get sucked in every year and i'm not going to deny it.
  12. So who's getting the new FIFA? Fuckoff Cannabis with your usual "fifa iz aids" post.
  13. Hahahaha that is the best gif i've seen in a long time!
  14. TF365's finest's - alter ego's... continued @Happy Blue @DeadLinesman (especially above the neck... and above the eyes) @Cicero @Toinho @Danny @LFCMadLad @Batard
  15. JoshBRFC


    He was before yes. But it's his manager to be honest.
  16. JoshBRFC


    Enjoy one as much as me.
  17. JoshBRFC


    But you're not addicted anymore? I'm tempted to buy one just for when i'm out.
  18. JoshBRFC


    In all seriousness, well done mate... brilliant stuff. I've been one of them pointless smokers where i've never really been addicted i just smoke with a beer sometimes. Or have the odd one at work.
  19. Updated for @Bluewolf @Bluebird Hewitt @The Rebel CRS @Devil-Dick Willie @The Palace Fan
  20. These are all TF365's finest's - alter ego's. @Tommy @CaaC (John) @Teso dos Bichos @SirBalon @Stan @Bluewolf @Bluebird Hewitt @The Rebel CRS @Devil-Dick Willie @The Palace Fan
  21. JoshBRFC


    Have you really stopped smoking for that long @CaaC (John) !? That's amazing... you never said mate. Can't wait for day 700's update. X
  22. JoshBRFC


    They weren't real. . Fucking LadBible and their clickbait.
  23. JoshBRFC

    Off Topic

    Up late? There's late and there's early. I was up till about 5 last week when i went to a wedding in Preston. But i was very drunk.... what's your excuse?
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