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Bluebird Hewitt

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Everything posted by Bluebird Hewitt

  1. 200GB isn't far off half my PS4 storage. I would consider the same with my mates but none of them really play much.
  2. I would have been tempted to give it a shot if it wasn't for the ridiculous download size (I think it's free if memory serves right).
  3. Working from home for me so can't jump on the PS4 or Switch until I finish.
  4. Started Yakuza 4 and liking it so far. Better than 3 in terms of storyline and that it refreshed the series by having more playable characters with there own moveset. Think I'm near the end of the main storyline already though.
  5. Finished Yakuza 3 as much as I can be bothered with now. I'd heard beforehand that it was arguably the weakest of the series and while I'm yet to play 4, 5 or 6, I agree with the general consensus. While it wasn't a bad game, the story was a bit meh really (there were a few chapters where it seem to focus mainly on kids and just seemed to be filler when you consider the amount of chapters overall) and I thought the substories were quite weak overall. It had a couple of moments that were pretty funny and the end game was a bit nuts (as they usually are) but compared to 0, Kiwami and Kiwami 2, it was the worst so far. On to Yakuza 4 now methinks.
  6. Can say the same for the Welsh Government as well. The media here are so snuggly up their arse and barely do any scrutinising whatsoever.
  7. In the same boat for me in bold as well. Losing to Swansea in the final (if both get that far) would be the death of me really.
  8. I played it up to the point the androids turned up, but never continued for some reason.
  9. I might do, though the one issue I have (not sure if it's more personal or a general sense) at times with games is series fatigue. If I play the same games too often, I tire of them and end up not carrying on. It's happened with the Metal Gear and Assassin's Creed runthroughs I was doing (though the latter was for the best as I wasn't arsed with the last one of Ezio's lot and not bothered with 3 either). I'll probably break it up with something in my collection I've yet to play or finish, something like Alien Isolation, Breath of the Wild or Mario and Rabbids.
  10. Labour have agreed to pay damages to whistleblowers in the party, while Jeremy Corbyn has stated that the apology and payments made was 'disappointing', stating that the party's legal advice had a strong defence. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-politics-53489611
  11. Extra to add onto this as well. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2020-07-21-fresh-report-into-ubisoft-culture-highlights-reluctance-to-let-you-play-as-a-woman-in-assassins-creed Fair play, if Ubisoft want to take the title of 'Cuntiest Video Games Company' from the likes of EA and Activision, they're going the right way about it.
  12. Still fannying about with Yakuza 3 atm, though hoping to finish that shortly. Not sure whether to jump into number 4 or buy Last of Us Part 2.
  13. I had a bad cough and sweated like hell but never had the breathing issues which makes me think it was coincidental more than anything. However, I highlighted the part in bold as mine also occurred in December and due to articles like these. https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-52526554 https://www.bbc.co.uk/news/world-europe-53106444 On top of China basically being dodgy as hell with it all (I can't remember but I think you live near China?), there's a good chance that you could have had it without knowing. Not to try and scare you or anything.
  14. Tbh, when I think of face coverings, I think of face masks in general as the other options would surely provide minimal protection.
  15. Yeah, I can't understand why they wait for things like this. The only thing I can think of is to allow people time to get facemasks (if they haven't got them already). Still, it's better than our dithering lot, who announced yesterday that face coverings will be mandatory on public transport from 27th July. Shops are optional.
  16. Bluebird Hewitt

    Off Topic

    Tbf, that's probably payback for how I won last week. Heads up and I had to claw back a massive disadvantage (5k or so compared to my opponents 35k - 40k) to turn it around. I had a pair of 5's (not a great hand but considering the cards I had for most of the evening, I'll take it) and decided to try and take my opponent out (same person who beat me with ace of hearts). He calls it with ace and 7 unsuited (giving me a marginal advantage). Flop turned up nothing for either of us. Turn produced a 7 and gave my opponent the edge, leaving me needing another number/picture card on the board (for two pair) or a 5 (for three of a kind). River produced a 5 and I won.
  17. Bluebird Hewitt

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    Shows how bad my luck can be @Stanwith poker. Heads up against my mate and four hearts are on the table. Nothing else can beat a flush in this instance and I have a king of hearts. The chance of my opponent having the only card that can beat me (ace of hearts) is very slim. I go all in. He calls it. Cunt had the ace of hearts and I finish second.
  18. Bluebird Hewitt

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    Nice. Sounds like a great time for both scenarios. I know you mentioned it was a while ago but wasn't sure if you played a bit now or haven't played it at all since.
  19. Bluebird Hewitt

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    I've only really played against 10 mates and with three work colleagues more recently, the latter being a tenner each. Came last in the first match when I generally had poor hands but won last week after what can only be described as an absolute collapse by my opponent. You should never lose when I only have 5k and my opponent has 35k - 40k chips. That part in bold is me unfortunately. I'm useless at attempting to bluff and if I try it, I know it will completely backfire. In fact, I've been so cautious that when I played in a small tournament locally a few years back, my mate said that I was 'tighter than Rambo's headband'.
  20. Bluebird Hewitt

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    Nicely done. That must have been pretty tense near the end (unless someone was running away with it). My mistake in regards to variations. I only play Texas Hold 'Em as well, but noticed that there were different tournament types of Texas Hold' Em (normal, 'spin & go', 'freeroll', 'bounty' etc). Never heard of any of the latter trio prior to registering.
  21. Bluebird Hewitt

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    Not bad. How often do you both play? I've not long registered on Pokerstars (first one I've signed up to) and just trying to navigate my way around it as when I first opened it on my desktop, it looked confusing and cluttered as fuck. Also, I never knew there were different variations of the same game in tournaments (for example, 'bounty hunters'). Got a little bit of money to play with thanks to the tickets when making a deposit so will have a small buy in at some point.
  22. Bluebird Hewitt

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    After a mate suggested a small tournament, I've been getting back into playing poker a little in the last couple of weeks. Any poker players on here (I saw Lucas was one a while back but haven't read many threads in the pub area)?
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