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Bluebird Hewitt

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Everything posted by Bluebird Hewitt

  1. Metroid Prime 4 has not long been started from scratch, so that doesn't surprise me too much.
  2. That's nothing new. We all know London and the South of England basically gets everything while everyone else gets the middle finger, we'll before Brexit was even a thing. Also, I wouldn't recommend quoting too much from Walesonline as they truly are awful.
  3. Though this comes as absolutely no surprise, FIFA on Switch is basically a roster, database and kit update as other versions from the main two are. https://www.eurogamer.net/articles/2019-06-09-ea-explains-fifa-2020s-legacy-version-for-nintendo-switch I know that no one's generally arsed but this is mainly for @Cannabis as I think he has FIFA 19 for Switch. Not that it matters. EA could not bother with the Switch altogether and no one would really care. Far better games to play.
  4. Is Peterborough one of those places like the Valleys where 'you stick a red rosette on a donkey and people will vote for it'?
  5. So the Welsh Government has decided that, despite being in the manifesto for the 2016 elections and had overwhelming backing from an independent review, the M4 relief road around Newport will no longer be built, with our First Minister mentioning that 'a commission of experts will be appointed to find a solution around the M4 problems around Newport'. The reasons for it being rejected were cost (at £1.4bn before tax, though this was the same government that would have been happy to see £1.4bn being used on the Swansea Bay tidal lagoon by the UK Government. When rejected, they issued a non binding vote of no confidence on Alun Cairns because they can), environmental reasons (ignoring the fact that persistent heavy congestion will cause more issues) and 'comes at a time of maximum uncertainty' for Welsh Government finances. To put that last statement into perspective, this has been under discussion and planning for about 30 years. So not only have the Severn Bridge tolls been removed (increasing the traffic as a result), but we'll now have to deal with the extra traffic without any further road developments in place to cope with it. Take a big guess as to who this party is.
  6. The one thing that has slightly pissed me off is Nintendo, simply because they don't do the obvious. Mario Maker 2 will allow you to play multiplayer versus against others in player created maps. So why oh why can't you create private lobbies for your mates?
  7. Don't really know what's being shown tbh, let alone those that would interest me. Nintendo don't attend and do the Nintendo Directs instead (a better option really), EA might as well be an investor call topped off by an excessive mobile wankfest, FIFA wanking and wanking off their biggest game so badly that it puts you off, Ubisoft doesn't really interest me (though did collaborate with Nintendo on one of 2017's biggest surprises, so that would be interesting to see if anything else comes up) and I don't know what Microsoft have planned, but am not usually that bothered. Sony is going the same way as Nintendo as well.
  8. After the Tata steel concerns a couple of years back, this doesn't surprise me unfortunately.
  9. Bluebird Hewitt

    Off Topic

    I'm guessing the guy that contacted you was named George as well.
  10. Just been watching the latest Nintendo Direct. Ffs, I was wanting Judgement and Crash Team Racing in June and now Mario Maker 2 joins the list. Bastards.
  11. Bluebird Hewitt

    Off Topic

    Would love one of mine to do that. Unfortunately one's too small (Bischon Frise) and the other just lies on her back more often than not wanting a belly rub.
  12. I really need to get back on Resi 2. Saved it to a point but haven't played it again for a week or two. I still have Cuphead waiting for me as well.
  13. I did see that from a mate and thought he was taking the piss.
  14. Naughty naughty. Bethesda are really shitting the bed recently.
  15. Should have explained myself better but yeah, it was mainly around that specific arbitration agreement (giving up the rights to sue a company). Just seems a bit dodgy, especially in this particular scenario.
  16. Fair enough. I was hoping that this was more the exception than the norm. I can understand the competitor angle but I struggle to understand why, unless they're that shitty, a company would tell you to sign a contract of employment that states you can't sue them, even if they're breaking the law (as appears to possibly be the case here). Any particular reason? Exact same reason I saw that abomination in the cinema all those years ago. A couple of years ago, my folks thought it'd be a great idea to buy the film for me on DVD. As for Detective Pikachu, it does actually look very good and I probably will watch it should it come to Netflix.
  17. Well....... this is disturbing. https://m.uk.ign.com/articles/2019/05/06/employees-of-riot-games-to-walkout-in-protest-on-monday?abthid=5cd070ca3739c3747d001bb3 Not the walk out, but this tid bit within the article that you could argue has assisted with the walkout. Is this sort of thing quite common in America (or even technically legal) @Eco and @Dr. Gonzo?
  18. So the Sonic the Hedgehog film trailer is out. Question. How do you lower already very low expectations?
  19. Not sure if it's the same thing but there have been articles mentioning how grindy things like the Krypt and Tower of Time are. https://m.uk.ign.com/articles/2019/04/24/mortal-kombat-11-improvements-koming-to-towers-of-time-and-krypt-rewards
  20. I was still playing games a bit in my mid 20's (this was in 2010) and only had a PS3 the year before, so was going through the likes of Uncharted which I missed out on previously. Also had my Wii going as well and had the likes of Brawl, Mario Kart, Mario Galaxy and Punch out on there. My dip has mainly been in the last few years, though this was mainly due to work issues at the time. Yakuza 0 got me out of that slump but I haven't been arsed to play much more recently. Once the football season finishes though, that might change. You could argue that when you start to hit mid 20's, you're focusing far more on a relationship, career, family, social life etc than playing some games. As for gaming becoming difficult for casual players, I disagree entirely. Many games these days are 'easy to play but difficult to master' due to the games depth. The likes of Street Fighter and possibly FIFA to a small degree fall into that. Simply put, if you gave a casual player a game from the NES era, they'd be fucked before getting fucked. I agree that more choice these days is always better. Unfortunately, you get the likes of EA and Activision that are more interested in bleeding you dry than creating a good game. Thankfully, that's where the Indies come in as they can cater to a broader audience whereas most casuals would usually play your 'AAA' titles only. As for MK11, I would be tempted but you know the super duper edition with everything in it will be out in a year and for much cheaper.
  21. While I admit that EA haven't bastardised Respawn yet, as you mentioned with Dice and in particular Bioware, I just can't trust any developer while EA oversee them. Unfortunately, seeing as it's Star Wars and the fans will buy it regardless, I just have a horrible feeling that EA will try something at some point with Fallen Order. I've heard about how difficult the game is, but a challenge is always welcome. The game pretty much sold me purely on its presentation alone, as it looks like you're playing an actual 1930's style animation, of which it all flows perfectly.
  22. Out today and while I won't download it until I get back home on Monday, I've read that the conversion to Switch is practically perfect. Can't wait to give this a go.
  23. Funnily enough, I was down towards that end earlier today.
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