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Istanbul Mayor elections

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So Erdogan's facist AKP regime lost Istanbul, which is a huge deal for whole of Turkey. They say the one who rules Istanbul, rules Turkey, which is a major setback for wannabe dictator Erdogan. A very positive step for Turkey towards a modern and western-friendly future. 

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West friendly lol that's one of the reason why west creates so much problem for itself, if its a west friendly actual dictator than no worries and would even support his dictatorship by interfering in internal matters of the country which makes these dictators feel like they are Gods because West is backing them so they do all kinds of stuff i.e political prisoners and assassinations, empowering one section of the population and suppressing the other, secret police i.e Reza Shah, Sisi

Which in result creates an unrest among the masses which leads to revolution waiting to be hijacked by socialits, Islamists, communists etc who very anti-West once they are in power. 

And the cycle continues 


At least it seems the Putin comparisons with Erdogan were overstated. There's hope yet, though with the results in Ankara and elsewhere it seems Turkey's heading into an era of tension between the more metropolitan major cities and the more pro-authoritarian countryside.


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