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Everything posted by Dave

  1. To Newcastles credit, with the size of the support, the passion for football within the local area and the size of the stadium they are absolutely the first club I would buy if I had a bottomless pit of cash. It sets them a part from all the other clubs outside the top four. The foundations to improve significantly are already there. To say they are 'the only club desperate to sell' when it's a known fact that the majority of Premier League clubs have been willing to sell since Amanda Staveley's first visit almost four years ago comes across as condescending.
  2. Dave


    The have the Wrestling media on strings at the minute so I wouldn't take anything they say in public seriously.
  3. You'd think a club that was a part of the Franchise League would want to get fans back onside. Either that or there is no medium to long term planning going on.
  4. Well we warned what would happen if they kept selling fish.
  5. Well Qatar and UAE didn't buy clubs to make a profit. The motivations that have been documented will be exactly the same with MBS... - Reputation laundering - Sports washing - Opportunity to offer alternative story about Country to the rest of the World. European football offers the best platform to achieve all those objectives. Whilst we all know it's no coincidence that Saudi Arabia agreeing to settle disputes with Qatar and allowing Bein to broadcast again 24 hours before Premier League authorising the takeover is no coincidence, what this deal portrays is that MBS has now been accepted by the West following the collateral reputation damage due to his association with the death of Jamal Khashoggi. It's one of those things where I'm happy for those Newcastle fans that have wanted there club to return to the force they were in the mid-90's but I'd lose interest if it was my club due to appalling human rights violations.
  6. "The Premier League has now received legally binding assurances that the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia will not control Newcastle United football club". This could be the biggest bird box challenge of all time.
  7. Dave


    It will happen sooner rather than later. After watching Rhodes To The Top I'm now not sure whether this has been good story telling over a long period where he has everyone on strings or whether him and his wife are just really tone deaf. Creating a "look at what I've done" TV series where you come across as complete pillocks seems a bit excessive.
  8. Is there a reason they can't float the club on the stock exchange apart from 'heritage'? Surely that would remove the majority of the debt?
  9. Dave

    Euro 2024

    Just in time for Germany to have a new wave of talent to come through and crush us. The multi-host continent idea may be a good model for when Fifa eventually get there way and we have a 128 team World Cup every six months but even with limited attendances you could see the advantage it gave hosting nations and in a tournament of this size it did feel unessecary.
  10. The Government us all to work towards returning to work five days a week. Im sure they'll dress it up as we will inadvertently be spending more to help little businesses but I'm not sure who this really benefits other than the extortionate rail service and there landlord associates who own the office space. It definitely doesn't help my employer having me in the office distracting people, it definitely doesn't help the mental health of people who will be spending more at a time when the cost of living is expecting to rise significantly. Also the audacity of Oliver Dowden, a man who burried his head in the sand over any form of issue as the Secretary of State for Digital, Culture, Media and Sport during lockdown to be the one to imply we have all sat on pelotons (good luck ever affording one of them under this government) doing nothing for 18 months isn't lost on me.
  11. Dave


    This legitimately had me in tears.
  12. Dave


    December to Dismember . That crowd were so pissed when WWE hyped up a surprise and it turned out to be Hardcore Holly.
  13. Maybe Man City should sell petrol at the Etihad to increase attendances.
  14. Dave


    Both men on the floor outside. The arena went red and a heartbeat noise played whilst 'Demon Balor' was on the floor. He then acted possessed, German Suplexed Roman through a table and then rolled him in to the ring. Balor then went to the top rope to hit the Coup de Grace but the top rope gave way. The lights went back to normal and Roman hit the spear for the win. The show ended with Roman looking at the sky as if God saved him.
  15. Dave


    The whole of this year has been such a head scratch when I heard what happened I wasn't surprised.
  16. Dave


    Imagine if he'd signed with WWE after the Crusierweight Classic. He'd be 24/7 Champion by now.
  17. Dave


    I'd rather see CM Punk go up against MJF first before facing Cody. If there's anyone that can get under his skin to move him away from the "Glad to be back" persona it's him. If only MJF didn't take a big loss at All Out.
  18. Dave


    CM Punk is unlikely to turn heel until at least next summer.
  19. Dave


    Cody is a fantastic story teller and I'm sure he's aware of the public perception towards him in the last year. Hence the emphatic entrances. He still has a lot to offer AEW but I imagine Wrestling will be his second interest if his entertainment career on TNT can kick on permanently.
  20. Dave


    I think he was prepared for it based on the way the match played out.
  21. Dave


    Well deserved victory that.
  22. Dave


    Why did I have a kid.
  23. That clip of Steve Bruce running faster than all the Newcastle players on the pitch is hilarious. How has nobody at EA quality assured that?
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