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Everything posted by Dave

  1. Dave


    Spoilers - Don't read if you still intend to watch Wrestle Mania. Overall that was a very good showing, but unfortunately a lot of people judge a Pay Per View by the final match and for me that could have been scripted a lot better. I understand why they did it as now the legacy of Roman Reigns is cemented forever. Even if they lay off his push as the leader of the company he will never drop as Lex Luger did because he has a convincing victory over the Dead Man to his record. He's the Guy that will forever be known as the person who retired The Undertaker and is now in a position where he can be justified as the unstoppable force in WWE. The only thing that annoys me is how they've done it. Since he won his Slammy after being injured for a third of the year people recognised what was happening. He was going to be chosen over the other Shield members and Daniel Bryan to be the person to lead the company after John Cena. I wasn't against it as he looked the part and could hold a half decent match but when you have as many fans at live shows revolt on the multiple occassions that they did you have to alter the approach. Making him heel with Heyman as a Manager would have been perfect, but like John Cena they were content on getting him cheered and I think that still harms him. Because of that his weeknesses are highlighted more. He hasn't got Cena's charisma or likeability factor, and he's also showed himself to be absolutely terrible at selling a match. The whole main event was pretty painful to watch. They teased a whole 'new era' bollocks with AJ Styles and the NXT guys last year but when it comes to the big events, the ones that people remember, the ones where everybody around the world takes notice, the inner politics involing Roman Reigns and the part timers always seems to take centre statge. Unfortunately nothing will change any time soon as the script writers did a very good job in ending it so Roman Reigns wouldn't turn heel and hurt his merchandise figures (anybody who goes to a live event will know why him and Cena out sell everybody else), and the fans wouldn't be able to do a WCW revolt by the way The Undertaker left the ring. To focus on more positive the return of The Hardy Boyz was probably one of my favourite Wrestle Mania moments of all time. Everything from how they were announced, to the flow of the match, to the moves they performed, to the stunt Jeff Hardy did to how they got the crowd going at the end was played out magnificent. If you want to bring somebody back from the past that's how you do it. I was plesently surprised how much I liked the Lesnar / Goldberg match. We knew it was going to be short and lack moves but jesus it was as intense as it could have been. Then there was the Shane McMahon/AJ Styles where Shane really did surprise me. AJ Styles can work against anybody. I know he's not got that Roman Empire build but if he was in the ring against an ageing Undertaker I imagine the match would have been of a far better quality. As expected the womens matches and the crusierweight match didn't disappoint. I think all those matches had the right outcomes too. Infact I think every match apart from Roman Reigns and Mojo Rawlley's wins had the correct outcomes. If The Deadman was allowed to go out in to the sunset I would have said this has been one of the best Wrestle Mania's ever. I did have a couple more gripes. The ending to the Randy Orton / Bray Wyatt and the Kevin Owens / Chris Jericho matches could have been a lot better given how good the matches were. I anticipated that they were rushed on time with that. John Cena and Nikki Bella's moment was cringe as hell. I would have liked to have seen Samoa Joe and Finn Balor interfere in the Triple H / Seth Rollins match instead of having a similar finish to the year before too Then there was the kick off show. I have no idea what Dean Ambrose / Baron Corbin was doing on the kick off show. They must have been fuming to make way for Pitbull. The Andre The Giant Battle Royal was a complete waste of time again. Anything that screams problem with decision making the most in WWE it's the attitude of 'let the former football player with celebrity friends win a big match'. I'd give it an 8/10 overall. Better than last year, but not as good as the year when Seth left as The Champion.
  2. With the amount of times you referenced Mark Warbuton I have to ask... who are you trying to convince here? Us or yourself?
  3. Dave


    Without giving away anything... some of the matches I wasnt looking forward to turned out to be really good, one moment is possibly one of my favourite wrestlemania moments ever, and there were three matches I was disappointed with which I don't want to overshadow what was otherwise a good show.
  4. Dave


    It's great but it's got a tendency to freeze in the middle of a big match.
  5. Dave


    So tonight is the night... Will Brock Lesnar and Goldberg have a long match? Will Roman Reigns beat The Undertaker? Will Shane McMahon be the only one allowed to perform a big stunt again? Will John propose to Nikki? Does anybody really care about any of the above questions? Is this the most boring WrestleMania line up in history?
  6. Dave


    Sounds like WWE have clocked on that Roman Reigns beating Undertaker is going to cause a riot that's going to ruin the Brock / Goldberg match so they're going to put the Roman match on last.
  7. Dave

    Health and Fitness

    Been going gym five times a week and having one 'cheat day' a week since January. Want to get back down to a 36 chest and 32 waist this year. Currently at 37/33.
  8. Another summer of explaining to people why our transfer valuations are so high. I cannot wait.
  9. Family tree loop hole? He was born in Ivory Coast. Did Nigerian born Victor Moses do the same thing? I don't blame him for picking another nationality. If I was as talented as he is and was constantly left out for underperforming drovel associated with a top club I think id look elsewhere and score a brilliant solo effort against Russia too.
  10. In Zahas position there is plenty of top six talent available that has always been preferred to him once they've played some form of first team football.
  11. Gareth Southgate has said Wilfried Zaha didn't have the passion to play for England. I'm sorry but what planet is that spanner on. What's Zaha meant to think when he constantly gets ignored for players like Lingard and Townsend. Id argue that he showed more passion in creating that goal for himself against Russia the other night than any of those fuckwits did against Russia in Euro 2016 and similarly shitter opposition in Iceland and Slovenia. I can't say id use passion as a word to describe our performances since either. England have lost out on a player who can add something different to our squad because of an unhealthy FA obsession of picking players from a top six club.
  12. Dave


    You lucky fucker! I saw the Taylor/Wright match. I thought Wright was going to knick a draw with the way it was finishing.
  13. Dave


    The face of the WOS brand on ITV looks like it's going to be Nick Aldis. Probably the best name they could have hoped for alongside Drew Galloway given Stu Bennett is focused on acting. Interestingly WWE are plugging their United Kingdom tour with the stars from The UK Tournament more.
  14. Dave


    It's inevitable it will happen at some point. The cryptic tweets were always going to happen after the year they've had. I just hope it's after they've had a decent length feud with The Young Bucks. --- Playing WWE2K17 today. My God the fucking glitches on this game are embarrassing.
  15. Dave


    Reigns / Lesnar again. God that doesn't get me enthusiastic at all. World Of Sport is returning to ITV on Saturday evening for a ten part series. It's being produced by Impact Wrestling's Jeff Jarrett. Really hope it's successful. LU under the AAA umbrella shows it can be done. There's so much British talent at the moment it's impossible for WWE to hoover it all up. I imagine with his Impact return that Magnus will be the focus of the shows.
  16. Dave

    Off Topic

    I'm tempted to put up a 'kitchens for sale' thread and just put a link to this forum.
  17. Scott Dann picked the wrong season to lose all confidence.
  18. Dave


    Roman Reigns beating Undertaker may be the best thing to happen in the long run. The fans would be livid and that would run in to the Lesnar/Goldberg four minute match. A crowd booing the biggest two WrestleMania matches may be enough to make the decision makers recognise that people don't like the part timers being the focus of attention at the biggest and being felt like we would have to eventually accept Roman Reigns as the face of the company. It's the only way I can see change happening. They're not going to care if they keep breaking record figures every year. It will be there justification to bring back historic faces to hold back the present talent next year. The company looked to be getting it right after the last two WrestleMania's with Rollins winning the title and Shane ushering in a new era. They've got both of them wrong in the long run and I can't see anything changing unless something drastic happens at WrestleMania. Vince McMahon is becoming Awsene Wenger.
  19. Dave


    Videos of Paige gone viral. With the losers of her NXT class like Brad Maddox and Xavier Woods too. Poor girl. Too talented at a young age.
  20. I wouldn't say they were divas. It was a team made up of individuals that completely neglected the type of players you need to make up a team. Michael Carrick or Paul Scholes would have made a massive difference.
  21. Are Danny Rose and Andy Carroll injured? Surprised we've gone for nine defenders and Theo Walcott has been left out but other than that I don't mind this squad. Given Jack Wilshire fails to start every game for Bournemouth it would have been a pisstake on others if he made the side. It's no really Southgate's fault we're so light up front but i'm happy we've put a clinical finisher in Jermaine Defoe back in the squad. We shouldn't struggle against Lithuania but i'd fancy him to score if he had twenty minutes and we were pressing heavily.
  22. Dave

    Members Pictures

    Just realised I haven't posted a picture of myself in about two years. So here's some stereotypical tourist photos of me in Ireland at the beginning of the month: And here was me at the football museum a couple of months back: Contrary to what these photo suggest I did not attend these places by myself.
  23. Dave


    Some big news outside of WWE World as we step back out of 2004 and in to 2017... - Theres a court dispute between who owns Matt Hardy's persona between The Hardy Boyz and Impact. This led to a pretty brilliant Twitter rant from Matt's wife which ended with the tweet "and fuck that owl" You can see why TNA want to claim copyright of something that has been brilliant but if Matt has been the sole creator behind his best gimmick it's a pretty dick move. - He's finally done it. Christopher Daniels has won a major world championship. The greatest wrestler of the last three decades that is yet to wrestle in WWE and has put on several five star matches in his career with AJ, Joe, Kazarian etc finally gets the major gold in the company. Good for him. I thought they were heading that way when they split him and Kazarian up via The bullet club but didn't see it ending this quick.
  24. Whilst we're going through an inevitable period of uncertainty at the moment I wouldn't say there's any need to feel that disheartened at present.
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