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Everything posted by Danny

  1. Danny

    Off Topic

    I think that proves my point, once in a blue moon.
  2. Watching United vs Real Madrid, second half at least anyway. United went in 2-0 so must have been decent in the first half, but Real have just come out and passed the ball about with ease. United don't look like a team that wants to score another goal, just sitting back and hoping for a 2-1 win I guess. Friendly anyway so who gives a shit what the score is. Bailly looks alert, has probably been one of United's better players. Sanchez suffering from speedboat without a driver syndrome, Luke Shaw just looks completely off the pace....why? He's had a whole summer off, get fit and come back sharp. De Gea just looks like De Gea. Didn't see a lot of Fred but he looked decent. Reckon United are due a slow start this season with the way their pre-season seems to have gone.
  3. I watched Mamma Mia! Here We Go Again and I'll give it a solid 7/10 Saw Ant-Man and The Wasp which I thought would be complete and utter gash but it was actually one of the better Marvel films, a 7.75965266/10
  4. I was tempted to give it a go but thought it looked a bit shit, I did like the cast mind.
  5. Danny

    Work/Jobs Thread

    Ah when I said online I meant a website like Seek, jobs etc posted on it, agencies advertise on. Will apply for what's on, get my CV to a few agencies on there and then speak with them after and see what occurs.
  6. Danny

    Work/Jobs Thread

    Still here mate, in Auckland and will be for most of the year. Just saving up to travel round the south island. Got me third comedy gig on Wednesday in a pub so that'll be fun
  7. Danny

    Work/Jobs Thread

    Ha yeah...it's easier to do as I am just a backpacker really, only in New Zealand for a year and have some money to live off of so no need to put up with the shit that came with the job any longer. Should speak to my agency tomorrow and hopefully they'll have something, if not there's plenty of jobs online over here so I'll crack on with that tomorrow. But also, yeah a lot of emotions so just taking it easy today
  8. Danny

    Work/Jobs Thread

    Ha yeah mate I walked out this morning, I would have given notice normally but sometimes you've just gotta go.
  9. Danny

    Work/Jobs Thread

    Ha you cheeky bastard. I processed applications to loan cars, deal with dealers everyday, paying deals out etc. The way some of the dealers would speak to you...once money becomes involved some people just try and treat people like shit.
  10. Danny

    Work/Jobs Thread

    So following on from my last post....has anyone walked out of their job before? Had it really, I work 8:30am-5pm but could probably count on one hand the amount of times over the last 5 months that I've finished at or before 5pm. Most days/practically every day doing 15/30 mins overtime, sometimes up to an hour. Every Monday I've worked through my lunch to then do more overtime at the end of the day. I've probably got the most unapproachable manager I've ever had. Got a bollocking today over not informing a customer that they'd have to wait an extra day to get their deal done because I was on the phone till 5pm pretty much dealing with shit from someone else and thought at 5:15pm fuck this, I'm going home. The concern wasn't about being overworked or overstressed, just that the customer knows it'll be late To cut a long story short, I had an email exchange with my boss which was essentially I don't care if the customer isn't aware, I was busy and then I decided not to do more overtime than I already do. That was followed by a meeting in which I was called disrespectful and unprofessional because when I was late to work I told the 2IC that I was late and not her (you'd think they communicate ) and was told I was wrong over what was said in the emails. 10 minutes later I walked out and am currently unemployed...though have money saved and will have another job soon enough as I'm confident enough in finding another.
  11. Danny

    Off Topic

    What I'd say with voting is even if you don't want to vote for one of the main two parties, either spoil your vote or vote for an alternative party as a protest. Politicians won't come after your vote if they know it's not there. It's all well and good saying nothing will change but it won't if you don't even use it.
  12. Seen a few supermarkets do that, good move. We've got a sensory room in our new stadium, never been in or seen one but I like the idea.
  13. Danny

    Rugby League

    Put more points on the board than the other team...if you've ever watched Rugby Union this is just faster, fitter and require more skill across the board.
  14. Danny


    Derek Chisora what an absolute monster, proper tear up
  15. I'm the young Brit who spends most of his time travelling around Australia, unless we've another one of those
  16. Aimed at a Brit living in the UK throughout the vote But don't worry ear to the street hard knock life FIB will tell you the real truth straight outta Rebel Media
  17. Nigel Farage stirred it up, Islamophobia and Brexit walk hand in hand. The rest of Europe hasn't pushed a vote to leave off of the back of people's continuous racism and islamophobia. I'm aware of the terror attacks, two of them happened in my city. A third also happened in my city and the leader of a religion that is vilified more than any other and targeted in this attack managed to protect the terrorist from being killed by the people he tried to run down. I was ten pints in so may have exaggerated some points, but If you can't connect the dots between how Brexit was campaigned in the media (in which the majority of the media supported it) and the rise of racism and Islamophobia in this country I guess it's not just me who's the clown. It wasn't reporting of the inner workings of the EU that turned the vote, it was the scaremongering over Turkey joining and all those Muslims flooding the country, the targeting of Polish lorry drivers doing what any other British driver has been caught doing, the multiple adverts across Facebook linking Muslims and black refugees to anything and everything bad that has ever occurred in Europe.
  18. This wasn't the worst thing I've written on here after being ten pints in.
  19. Still a pretty poor argument seeing as leaving the EU was based on extreme benefit compared to what was to happen now. Leaving the EU was said to have lasted a decade atleast, just to create our own lawss not bound by EU law. Brexit is a mess because the people who voted it thought it'd be a quick and easy fix to whatever anti-immigration, anti-Islamic problem that was set ahead of them and it's turned out to be something much more in depth and something that effects the everyday person more that they could have thought. Regardless of your personal opinions on the EU, the sooner the openly racist opinions from the majority of media and everyday person backing it has been questioned and pushed back the better. Brexit has only created an atmosphere of anti-immigration and anti-islamophobia within the UK, anything to do with actual questioning of EU law has been few and far between which tells you what you need to know about Brexit.
  20. And won an unprecedented treble in Spanish football. Ironically something only matched by another Barcelona team, could you imagine how much Tesco would polish Real Madrid off if they'd won two trebles?
  21. Completely changed the way the game is perceived around the world. Honestly those two Champions League winning sides are the best football teams I've ever watched. It was peak Guardiola and we'll probably never see anything match it again.
  22. United don't have a bad team as it is... Do they need another striker when Sanchez has come in? Probably not if he's at 100% this season. I like Pogba but he's never carried United, at Juve he was always part of a strong midfield with the likes of Pirlo, Vidal, Marchiso...you had creativity, teamwork and defending with those three alone...however the support of their current players hasn't been enough. I'm guessing Matic, Fred and Pogba is the expected midfield line up this season?
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