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Posts posted by Azeem

  1. 3 hours ago, Stan said:

    why has @Blue starting calling everyone 'son' in recent posts xD

    Swear you're probably one of the youngest members on this forum as well.

    He recently found out he has Icelandic ancestory.

  2. Surreal performance from us. Going into this series, no one really gave them a chance but there is great balance to this team. Everyone stepped up when needed, brilliant in the field. Just a marvellous team performance.

    Ireland were tougher than England.

  3. Read a doctor's article named ' The silent shriek ' through equipment he heard the sound of the baby shrieking while performing an abortion.

  4. 6 hours ago, Spike said:

    A huge whoopdedoo is being made about her being mixed race. I didn't know she was by looking at her!  As if it matters in this day and age. I bet half is not most of the people on here have been in a mixed race relationship

    I have, and am. 

    There are a lot of racist people in this world.

  5. 5 minutes ago, Spike said:

    The duality of religion is that it does help some people. There are lessons in religions purposely told to make people better humans. There are more than just spiritual stories that are told; for instance the parables of planting seeds in soil and not dry sand, or building a house on a solid foundation. If people have the self-awareness enough to use their religion as a building block of their life, then they are on the right track. If they use it as the entire existence of their life, I believe they'd failed themselves. Objective morality can't exist without religion, right? Every single culture has the basis of it's moral code derived from some sort of religion. If there is no higher being that created a moral code, who is to say that murdering another human is immoral? You? Me? Who has that authority to mandate? And that is whole new bag of words to consider, if human morality is derived from a higher being, who is to say that the higher being exists? If it doesn't exist then it's just humans telling each other how to act. That is where faith comes into play.

    If every human being on earth feels that it is immoral to kill another human, where does that objective morality stem from? Is it a DNA memory? Is it an implanted feeling of a higher being? 

    Never mind murdering someone.

    As a buisnessman if i take the advantage of the unawareness of my customer and sell him the bad stuff for money that wasn't worth it. Does that makes me a bad person ? I never forced him i just manipulated his weakness. Why do people consider such kind of people bad ? Because its immoral ? who is to define morality You ? Me ? 




  6. Ireland v Pakistan: Day one of inaugural Test rained off


    The first day of Ireland's long-awaited Test debut has been rained off.

    The match against Pakistan in Malahide was due to start at 11:00 BST but no play was possible after persistent rain and strong winds for much of the day.

    The umpires held a final pitch inspection at 15:00 BST when the decision was taken to call it off.

    The weekend weather forecast is for brighter, drier conditions and play is scheduled to resume on Saturday at 11:00 BST.


  7. 1 minute ago, nudge said:

    None. I used to watch a lot of movies in the past, but now I prefer TV shows as the episodes are shorter and thus I can watch quite a few without sacrificing much time. Movies somehow require more focus, so I can't be bothered anymore usually.

    Same. I'm surprised at some members posting a list movies, do they actually watch it or not xD 

  8. 18 hours ago, Asura said:

    If you are talking about countries, then there arent many egyptians in europe either. If you are talking about continents there are as many south americans as there are africans in europe.

    If you dont get the above, you should join a school to learn whats a country and whats a continent. Too bad they dont teach geography in journalism school in peru I believe :4_joy:

    In @Blue's defence Australia is both a country and a continent so yeah it can be confusing :ph34r:

  9. 8 minutes ago, UNORTHODOX said:

    I believe the death threats actually from Iranians for making them look 'weak' which is ridiculous. It's only pro wrestling at the end of the day.

    That's what i am saying Persian-Arab rivalry has deeper roots even beyond Islamic times. Both have peotry and literature filled with hatred and making fun of each other 

    Do you think showing some Catholic Irish get beaten up by Protestant Irish even if its pro wrestling a good idea ? 

  10. 1 minute ago, UNORTHODOX said:

    Seems like the most McMahon thing I can think of, one of the guys who took part in it has recieved death threats for impersonating an Iranian.

    Using a regional rivalry that is historicaly bitter and has resulted in death of millions of people and for marketing and entertainement is a criminal act. 


  11. 19 hours ago, Devil-Dick Willie said:

    Brown man is too lax. I woud have used other terms, and recieved a short ban or some warning points because i'm from a country that starts riots when there are too many minority people at the beach, and you're from a country that presses criminal charges against men who teach their dogs tricks.

    Even if they are women ?

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