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Everything posted by Azeem

  1. didn't said to any single person
  2. Field hockey (men's precisely) has the fastest swing speed in any sport, 103mph average. When Pakistan's Sohail Abbas highest goalscorer in internationals scored his record goal the ball went pass the net.
  3. Didn't watch a single game, as I have stated my views about Cricket in unpopular sports thread.
  4. My vaccine was single dose, I'll at least live twice longer than double jabbed losers
  5. Some insects don't have a vagina. Males stab the female in the belly with their sting to penetrate.
  6. That was evil if he continued despite knowing deaths had occurred
  7. Azeem


    Mohammad Shah Rangila, Mughal Emperor during the times of Persian invasions of Nadir Shah. When his council would show concerns of advancement of Persian troops he would reply ' Delhi dour ast ', Delhi is still far away. Nadir Shah defeated him in three hours & sacked Delhi to the extent no taxes were paid in Persia according to legend. His phrase Delhi is still far away is now an idiom in Urdu for procrastination in face of adversity.
  8. Hangry is an actual word, when someone is hungry and angry or the anger is caused by hunger.
  9. I often forget Germany was West Germany before 1990 on my Wikipedia edits, have to change the {{GER}} to {{FRG}} all the time
  10. Azeem


    Is cricket the only sport where playing field can have different varieties of dimensions or not even symmetry at highest level ?
  11. The oldest known Swastika was found on an inscription in the Gandhara civilisation site in modern day Pakistan.
  12. Lol this is true everywhere; Air Force are the mamma's boy of armed forces. Have the best accommodations, food, laxed working hours. Though their selection is also very exclusive if Army & Navy will select four guys Air Force will select two.
  13. First leader to ban Human Zoos in Europe was Hitler
  14. Azeem


    Simple 90s guys like Wasim were ego driven bastards who created prison groups in the team and some were corrupt too. Current lot may not be as big names as them but a much better team unit and unproblematic individuals, mostly
  15. Send me bobs and vagana
  16. Azeem

    Off Topic

    Seen two accidents in about a week on the main road near where I live, a lady and a kid badly bruised in them. Humans are too stupid to ride anything that goes faster than 25+kmph on roads that intersect.
  17. Varying claims whether it was a coup or not.
  18. Azeem


    De Kock has made himself 'unavailable' for today's match vs WI for some reason. SA made taking the knee compulsory for the players. It's South Africa with all the history but I don't get why it's such an issue. Indians players took the knee and asked our players who put their hands on the heart, no issues raised. It's just symbolism
  19. A former Saudi official and spy calls MBS a psychopath, he considered murdering his uncle through a poisoned ring. I honestly see some huge schism happening in the royal family either in his life or after his succession. Saudis had a tradition that the brother not the son succeeded the King, he superseded his uncle. https://www.cbsnews.com/amp/news/mohammed-bin-salman-alleged-plot-saad-aljabri-60-minutes-2021-10-24/#click=https://t.co/y7Dn86xyG7
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