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Posts posted by Beelzebub

  1. 19 hours ago, Harvsky said:

    Adam Smith died a few centuries ago lads :ph34r: The west has moved on from specialisation to highly complex diversification in a global supply chain operation of goods, services and capital.

    In fact in the mobile phone of every member on here there is most likely a part created or designed in the UK. Complex products don't come from singular countries quite like wine does. 


    This is common sense even a lot of parts of huge sofwares that we all use are made in Pakistan but nothing is made by Pakistan, and they can replace Pakistan if they find better labour somwhere else.

    Tell me something that is made by UK not in UK ?

  2. 1 minute ago, Pyfish said:

    I wish someone would develop some way of me knowing if it’s snowing or has snowed really bad in other cities. Twitter isn’t reliable and nor is the weather websites or forecasts. 

    I just need to know if I can get to work which is 81 miles away! I don’t want to set off and then be told we can work from home...

    Make friends ! And you can start that by gifting them smartphones so they remain in touch with you by talking about weather and other things in their life   

  3. In other news

    - Tensions rise as Greece finalize the name change deal with ' Republic of North Macedonia ' Greeks took to streets saying ' There is only one Macedonia ' referring to the Greek province of Macedonia the homeland of Alexander the Great

    Lebanon is now been in a political deadlock for eight months causing civil unrest. Saad Harriri the elected Prime Minister backed by Saudi Arabia has been failed to form a coalition government with Iran backed Hezbollah


  4. On 21/01/2019 at 10:04, Azeem said:

    A car was stopped on a routine highway check post in Sahiwal, Pakistan something went wrong and the couple in the car was shot dead infront of their two kids. Authorities say they had weapons and refused to stop............

    The report is in, Zeeshan a man who was traveling with the family whose car they rented was an active member of ISIS and their neighbour. The car was purchased from another active member who was neutralized just days ago which is why he was fleeing to a safe zone. 

    Family traveling with the criminal was unaware of his background and were killed due to criminal negligence for which a number of officers will have to face charges. 



  5. Lol Sarfraz might lose the captaincy before the World Cup for this. 

    Pakistan and India are forever sibling rivalry countries.

    One sends two players back from a tour and suspends them for sexist remarks in a show hosted by a man that can bring out the gossipy woman inside any man, that were obviously a vulgar joke that we all do

    while the other will probably remove its captain for calling a Black player by his skin tone which all people in sub continent do and his name was difficult to pronounce for him followed by a crap sledge. Both should have never happened in the first place

    And all this in a World Cup Year xD  

  6. 4 minutes ago, IgnisExcubitor said:


    Thoughts on this. That's racist. Nice to see loads of Pakistanis online are calling it wrong, instead of looking at it as harmless. Even the lad who tweeted this as a joke first has apologised. 

    Surely in today's world Sarfaraz is going to be in huge trouble. 

    Translation of Sarfaraz says there, 'Hey Blacky is your mum sitting here or what have you eaten today that you're so lucky today?

    When did that happen !

    He's in trouble but he said that is your mum sitting here (praying) for you or you have some amulet on you that you're so lucky.


  7. 2 minutes ago, Spike said:

    Not really, Beckham did it in the 90s, Best in the 60s and 70s, and Clarke did it in the 00s.

    On second thought you are right even in the 50s


  8. Just now, Spike said:

    I don’t remember players like Ponting, Tendulkar, Taylor, etc. being in the media tabloids because of whomever they were dating or doing fucking modeling gigs.

    That was a different era of sports in general and none of them dated a Bollywood icon

  9. 49 minutes ago, Spike said:

    I wouldn’t have Kohli as captain but I am biased as I don’t like media divas like him and Michael Clarke.

    How can you not be a media diva if you are the captain of the two most marketable teams of Cricket ?

  10. I would like to brag a little 

    We deserve credit for how Bangladesh, Afghanistan now and Sri Lanka before improved as cricketing nations. 

    Bangladesh played most of their early series against us, we were the first team to tour them. From 2002-03 Bangladesh's A team played in our domestic circle.

    Same goes for Sri Lanka. Lots of their A teams and club teams toured us and were invited to play different tournaments.

    Nabi, Shahzad and lots of early Afghan players played first class cricket here. 

    Nabi and Yasir Shah used to share their room during tours. 


  11. You will need to buy it from someone else and than sell it as i said there isn't anything that countries like UK, France etc specialise in like Germany does in engineering, well other than small things like cheese, wine etc

    So buying oil from Suadis in return for weapons is lot cheaper.

  12. @Stan

    Better than Wisdon cricketers of the year

    Winning a series against us in UAE is quite an achievement who was the last team to do that ? so you can see why they picked three Kiwis.

    Same goes for India with their win in Australia 

    Abbass is class and so is Rabada

    Haven't followed the Windies at all so can't say anything about Holder

    Lol only one Australian and he is bald 



    • Haha 1
  13. Lol Britian established the house of Saud ever heard of Lawerence of Arabia.

    And here is a thing about oil. 

    Not all oil producing countries are the same some countries have a better quality oil compared to others and it makes a huge difference when it comes to heavy industry.

    So why do you guys need to back the Saudis ? The sams reason Iranian/Venezualan oil is too hard and crude it fucks the engine and requires a lot of refining which makes it even more expensive while the Arabian oil is lite and pre refined mostly and it runs smoothly.

    Germany which has one of the finest engineering in the world and they make stuff the whole world wants so they can make enough money to buy quality oil.

    What does UK makes that the world wants ? Or France ? Or Spain etc so you guys need to do these dirty works and back the Saudis to get quality oil for cheap. 

    That's why Germany stopped its weapon supply to Saudis while you guys can't otherwise say good bye to quality oil on cheap prices. 

    And besides its not all about oil, West also needs to protect its buddy Israel and you need Saudis for that its not all about oil. 




  14. ' Pakisaurus ' named after the country of Pakistan is a genus of Titanosaur dinosaurs group which had very long necks, long tails, small heads (relative to the rest of their body), and four thick, pillar-like legs. They are notable for the enormous sizes attained by some species. 

    The Pakisaurus genus includes the largest animals of the group and often the Baluchetherium named after the province of Balochistan, Pakistan is said to be the largest animal to have ever lived on land.



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