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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. This picture of two mice brawling on the London Underground won the Wildlife Photographer of the Year award... funny stuff
  2. That's what they have PR teams for though isn't it to put their client across in the best possible light and limit damage... PR agencies, as opposed to advertising agencies, promote companies or individuals via editorial coverage. PR agencies and advertising agencies share the same goals: promoting clients and making them seem as successful, honest, important, exciting or relevant as possible.
  3. Is it just me or do these announcements always seem to be well timed to garner as much sympathy as possible and always at a time when they seem to be in the public eye for other negative reasons?? He has recently been getting a lot flack about his behind the scenes attitude and had a few official complaints put in about him and suddenly he comes out as gay?? I mean could his face have looked any more sad or needy.. could it??? Also Prince Harry has just decided to suddenly declare that he has been receiving 7 years worth of therapy relating to his mothers death, again coming at a time when they as a couple are getting a lot of negative flack for other reasons... maybe I am being a tad harsh or maybe it all just seems to be designed to manipulate a negative into some kind of positive to be getting the publics sympathy vote.. Well I ain't buying it...
  4. I must admit you wouldn't want to be stuck in a big old house alone with all that going on....
  5. So... fall asleep then or find something better to do or what??
  6. Well when the next series comes round watch it on your own....
  7. Well I am really enjoying it so find yourself some quiet time and get on it soon as...
  8. Have you watched any of it yet Nudge???? Think we have found someone new to hate on....
  9. Ahh yea.. that is the pleasure of watching stuff alone...
  10. A lot of the time we just like different things so watching our own stuff is no big deal but when something decent comes along that we can both enjoy for a change it's annoying if she just pushes on ahead without me then and has the cheek to moan at a later date because we don't do stuff together as much as we used too...
  11. Her idea of us doing stuff together ultimately means me doing them alone.... Next time she pesters me for a bit of the other I might just tell her I went solo earlier in the day and see how she likes them apples...
  12. Missus has just told me she has already watched 4 of them without me today while I was back at work... I am unimpressed at this turn of events
  13. Bluewolf

    Off Topic

    11 Brutal Truths about being the Other Woman.... https://pairedlife.com/problems/being-a-mistress Is this true @nudge???
  14. It is when it's just dumped on street corners etc making the place look a right mess but a lot of the problem stems from councils not providing adequate waste facilities for local areas, I mean there are one or two pictures of people leaving stuff in an area designated for rubbish it's just not the right type of rubbish which comes back to having more options for rubbish disposal, at least these people were not just throwing stuff anywhere and leaving it where rubbish is actually supposed to picked up... it's a difficult one
  15. Just reading a random news story about councils setting up secret cameras to catch local fly tippers and as I am reading through it there is a bit about a woman who got fined £400 for dumping black bags in the area... funny bit for me was that it was her own daughter who dobbed her in after she was pissed off about being grounded...
  16. Just watched the first of 12 shorts on Netflix called 'Creeped Out' First one was called 'Slapstick' just about to watch the next one.. Anyone else seen them??
  17. Bluewolf

    Off Topic

    Do you ever get one of them moments where you instantly regret opening your mouth??? I am not long in from work and not even got my jacket off and was making a cuppa and casually said to the missus, "How was your day??" I then get a 20 minute ear bashing that covered everything from Spiders in the seating area outside to my daughter and boyfriend troubles... seriously wanted to put my cup down and go back to work.. Also didn't ask how my day was because she clearly doesn't give a toss..
  18. Stick with it mate it's quality
  19. Didn't read any of that and yea, would be a bit silly to look at offloading him, sure he needs to improve but with all our defensive errors it would be unfair to lay the blame just at his door, having said that he is just as guilty of making the some costly howlers as those in front of him so having another keeper to keep him focused wouldn't do him any harm... To be fair it has been, and always was going to be a bit of a mixed bag season going with the youngsters and the transfer ban etc...
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