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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Bluewolf

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    I see Danny Baker is doing his best not to get a knighthood
  2. How the battle of Winterfell should have ended...
  3. For fucks sake... these quote things are getting on my tits... where is my guardian angel on these matters... @nudge
  4. Interestingly this is how I saw the season going for the top 6 in the seasons predictions thread.. Not too shabby I have to say.... For me personally it was always going to be about how much influence Sarri was going to have across the course of the season and in the early stages the team were buzzing and playing some great football, it was a pleasure to watch but as the season rolled on we lost something?? Our final third finishing and our defensive lapses have cost us dear this season and let's not forget although a 3rd place finish is more than I thought we would get we are only going to be able to get that potentially due to the likes of Spurs and Arsenal hitting a brick wall results wise. Although we are playing some nice passing/possession football it's no good unless we can get results with it and some of Sarris tactics/substitutions have left a lot to be desired.. If it was not for Hazard I am fairly confident we may have finished outside the top 6. On the plus side I am pleased with our passing/possession play overall but just feel that the team are one level below where Liverpool/City are currently with regards to attitude, passion and quality.. we have no real leaders in the side and that needs to be addressed, given the investment this side has had over the years you would expect us to be challenging but we are some way off that at the moment so in that regard it's disappointing, Finishing in the CL spots and a possible Cup Final I will gratefully grab that bonus with both hands...
  5. So what are they trying to say there then... Thank God for Mothers because Dad's are useless????
  6. How dumb are they not to have got the hell out after saving the first bloke....
  7. Seems as though there are some season end leaks out there floating about... beware!!
  8. Totally agree on both points, It's been our downfall in a few games this season where we had chance to solidify our position and threw it away with lack lustre performances.. It is a worry when the team are not giving it 100% Saw the highlights and they had us on the ropes for periods in that game where I was really unsure how they managed not to score.. 3-0 flattered us
  9. @Batard the Abramovich of TF365 Anyway.. it's only fitting that Batman comes and saves the day...
  10. Well played @Viva la FCB Cheers for running this @RandoEFC good job mate..
  11. Cheers, as you can probably tell I didn't find it that amusing to start with but thought there might have been something side splittingly funny that I just didn't see....
  12. I know I probably shouldn't ask but I feel there is a joke in here somewhere... Can someone please explain??
  13. Bluewolf

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    If you want to keep your relationships intact I would say so yes...
  14. Bluewolf

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    Can you stop it please or my image of you will be forever tainted...
  15. Bluewolf

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    What!!!!! about bloody time..
  16. It's safe to come in here now I have watched the latest episode... Well that was full on from beginning to end... Relentless and Intense probably sums it up..
  17. Bluewolf

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    My two daughters were up bright and early this morning annoying me while I was trying to have a peaceful cup of coffee in the early morning quiet of the day and my youngest recently picked me up a few bits while she was out shopping the other day and couldn't help but pass comment to my other daughter how it's funny that I transferred the exact amount I owed her in to her account ( £7 ) and nothing more... " you would think Dad might round it up to a tenner wouldn't you, but he gives you just the right amount" she said.. I had to laugh... a couple of weeks ago she passed her driving test and got herself a cheap little runaround so I asked her how much the car cost and she said £960 and I asked her why she didn't round it up to a £1000??? and she said "because that's what it cost" "Exactly" I said...
  18. Yea it was work.. I was up there for 18 months in total
  19. I found living in Nottingham a huge change from life here... So quiet and peaceful, not many people, hardly any cars about.. On the downside of that there was not much to do and I missed the hustle and bustle of it all sometimes.. coming back home was a shock to the system especially in the house, the noise levels were through the roof compared to what I had been used to, almost tempted to go back at one point... I went from a house up there with just 3 of us and hardly seeing each other to coming back to what we have now and that's 7 altogether including the grandchildren... sometimes there is just no peace at all, drives you mad it does
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