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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. All the ex pit stop crews should open garages when they retire... You would be in and out with your car in about 5 minutes instead of the average 5 weeks we have now..
  2. At least this race will give him something to fight for... Looks like his initial thoughts of damaging the car were unfounded...
  3. Well that was a shit start for Hamilton...
  4. 6 out now they are reporting...
  5. Some interesting background on one of the divers there.. Mikko Paasi the Finnish Diver I totally love this statement... Class!! "Those who say it can't be done, shouldn't interrupt people doing it" Take a look at his instagram page... not jealous much!! https://www.instagram.com/mikkokohtaodivers/
  6. This above all else... sometimes we are at our best when facing the worst of things, great to see that people can pull together for the greater cause..
  7. Going to be a pretty worrying time for the teams and a frightning one for the kids.. hope it all goes well
  8. Bluewolf

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    This weather is just unreal.... got another 2 or 3 weeks of it they reckon.. I do love the nice weather but when you are in a sun trap doing a project at the bottom of the garden it's not doing me any favours.. beating down on me like Stan Collymore it is... It's hard to keep a knotted hanky on your head bending up and down all the time..
  9. Love that first one...
  10. Bo... Mooms doing her 60 second birthday football display...
  11. Bluewolf

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    Not yet... but if you are lucky you my get to be..
  12. Bluewolf

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    Really... Video it and post it on here or it never happened... you know the rules I want to see if you can make me laugh in a non sarcastic way for a change... Seriously though good luck with that... bet your arse will shrink to the size a sultana when you step out there... No Racist or Homophobic stuff either...
  13. Bluewolf

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    Sorry to hear that Stan... never nice when that happens We have a bloke that works up in the office, a decent bloke as well, bit of an old fashioned common sense down to earth type, We always stop and have a chat in the mornings but he was having some trouble with his back a few weeks ago and then he was off for a bit as he told me he was going to have a scan to find out what was wrong and he has not been back since.. I spoke to one of his team as I assumed it was because of his back but turns out they have found cancer and he is undergoing treatment currently.. It's being kept on the low key at the moment but I must get round to visiting him at some point.. bit gutting to hear
  14. Bluewolf

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    Well I would, however to complicate matters here is the current situation I face... The other half with her bad neck and back is not an option ( although she will always volunteer herself ) which is a shame because we do some of our best stuff together on things like this, two heads are better than one when it comes to problems or inspiration/ideas etc, and that of course her head being better than my one if you listen to all the tosh she comes out to her mates down the pub.. My Daughter is expecting again ( due September ) and is currently cramming her Health & Beauty course at College so her time is well and truly tied up. My Son who lives at home is currently on some 6 month ( see if you are up to the next level of promotion ) thing so his time is also well taken up as well which basically leaves me and Leelah ( who always wants to help Grandad ) at every available opportunity.. And as much as I love my Grand Daughter there is only so much work I will be able to palm off onto a 2.5 foot midget... At the end of the day it's just me... I don't know how I got suckered into this, maybe my old age is allowing people to take advantage but I have definitely been left holding the baby on this one...
  15. Bluewolf

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    Well it started off as a simple outdoor Playhouse replacement for Leelah but since my daughter has gotten over involved I now have a bit of a major job on my hands... The whole thing is obviously designed to suck all the loose change right from the bottoms of the corners of my pockets, you know the ones with fluff on them issued in 1974.. I will try and get some pictures up as I go with it along with how much the whole thing sets me back.. I will be intrigued myself and will be able to use it as my baseball bat to smash that home run when she is on one of her "What have you ever done for me" emotional rants.. The Playhouse has already arrived this morning and had to help the driver with that because they only sent one and he did not look the fittest of people if I was being honest.. He was puffing and sweating when I answered the door to him and he only had to walk up 2 steps to get there.. lol
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