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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Because as we get older we have selective hearing.. It tends to filter out criticism and general moaning but amplifies compliments and such like...
  2. The Nose and Ears are the only things on the human body that continue to grow until you die... I took this selfie this morning just to prove its true...
  3. Bluewolf


    You would hope at the very least the embarrassment of getting caught would be enough for him to reconsider if he ever wanted to take up the bat and step foot on a cricket pitch again but I doubt that will happen... Sports in general are under a bit of a dark cloud these days and all this makes you ask how long this kind of thing has been going on?? With so many cameras and media knocking about in sports it's harder for someone to get away with it now but before all them cameras were highlighting every single thing going on it makes you wonder what people were possibly getting away with in the past... How anyone in any sport can take satisfaction in a victory brought about by cheating their way there is beyond me...
  4. Bluewolf


    It's no wonder cheating is a viable option if no-one really gets in much trouble... Sports all over are pretty fucked up these days..
  5. You say that but that Hamilton fella seems alright.... Agree with the rest though, The rules, regs, technology and such has ruined it as a competitive sport... Might as well have a crash test dummy in the seat going round and round... Scalextrics for adults...
  6. Have to agree with Nudge here... Well I beg to differ... how can you call it a race if no bugger overtakes anyone??? Just an endless stream of drivers stuck pretty much in the same positions almost from the start of the race to the finish.. Might as well be stuck on the motorway for all the overtaking that gets done.. just an endless 2+ hours of bettering lap times really.. I used to like this sport when there was some passion and a bit more of an aggressive attitude from drivers wanting to win... Now the most excitement we get is watching a driver shave a nano second off his gear change time on lap 42 or throwing away his lead by coming into the pits or when something goes tits up with the car... I have a mate who loves this sport and sometimes I call him while I know he is watching it just to wind him up by talking loads of bollocks when I know he is just dying to hang up on me... that's about the only fun I get out of the sport these days..
  7. Bluewolf

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    I don't know much about cooking to be honest.. you could probably engrave all my knowledge on a smartie lid.. My other half is the master chef in our house, getting all that meat, gravy, yorkie puds, sprouts and other assorted goodies all out at the same time piping hot on the plate for 5 is an art form and no mistake.. We have ours much later though due to work/other etc.. The missus prefers it earlier as do I but with one thing and another that's the way it has to be..
  8. Bluewolf

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    If you are doing Yorkie puds this time in the morning I will assume that your Sunday lunch is around 12-1pm ish
  9. Dixon, Speedie and Nevin of course who was our then equivalent of Eden Hazard... He used to have some silky skills on the ball he did... The 80's were not the worst times but it had it's ups and downs... In the early 80's we were in the old Second Division and we were up and down like a yoyo at times however we did go on to win the Second Division in 83/84 went up then 4 seasons later got relegated when they had that stupid play off system in operation rather than the straight 3 up 3 down rule.. That was a massive low point for me personally.. But we did bounce back in style winning it again in 88/89.. Funny how that season started as we had drawn 2 or 3 and lost 3 odd of our opening 6 games if I remember correctly and it looked like it was going to be another shit season then we went on this amazing streak of not losing for something like 20 odd games and smashed it... We ended up beating City by a country mile who were at the time the favourites to win the league.. We did win the Full Members Cup twice in that time as well.. The City game was a cracker!
  10. Probably the silliest bit of the film....
  11. Bluewolf

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    At 18 the world was my oyster with so much to look forward too in life... Find it hard to imagine that someone of a similar age sees only dark clouds and despair..
  12. Have another drink then you will probably find it amusing.... without one the whole thing will seem a bit disturbing and possibly invade your dreams at some point..
  13. Bluewolf

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    it might be a reasonable guess that maybe he slashed himself or something and then fell from one of the balconies...
  14. Bluewolf

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    Spoke to my daughter this morning and it turns out that the bloke under the balcony was a Polish teenager who they believe committed suicide, only 18 with a bit of a history of self harm she was told.. She said the whole thing was horrible as they were unable to clean up properly due to the weather conditions and they were out there yesterday with salt trying to remove all the blood from the floor and the windows.. Apologies if that's a bit over graphic for some but can't really find another way of saying it... Shame to think someone as young as 18 feels they have no worth or are so down they feel that's the only solution..
  15. Bluewolf

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    Headaches and feeling tired, Check Slightly sexy and deeply huskier voice than normal, Check Body feeling like lead with aches and pains, Check Being asked how I am feeling only to be told 'men are such babies' upon my reply, Check For sure its the Man Flu....
  16. Ahh I see... I don't normally mind if someone has a belief or something to say/sell etc but not keen on those that get right in your face with it, Having a break and a bit of chill time shouldn't be seen as an opportunity for someone to crowbar their views onto me and I don't tend to take kindly to that so normally do what you did and shut those conversations down quickly... We used to get 2 dear old ladies turning up our doorstep once a year selling the Watchtower and talking about God etc.. and I always used let them down gently though, I am not so subtle with those people that step right in front of you as you are walking round the shops selling the Big Issue or Clipboards and Surveys being waved in my face... I do think she had the right idea with the dog though... Slowly work her way in and lull you into a false sense of security then BLAM!! let you have it..
  17. Bluewolf

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    The Community is much different now from what it was when I was growing up.. You knew everybody and everybody knew you even up to a couple of streets away.. You could be in and out of peoples gardens and houses all day long and no-one batted an eye, Loads of you would gather outside and play games in the street together.. With technology these days it's taken away a lot of that togetherness in your local area and apart from about 6 or 7 houses in my street I couldn't tell who anyone is... I could give a rough description and tell you if they had a pet or something but to know them by name or what they do for a living, no chance..
  18. Bluewolf

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    Don't know anymore than that really... It's possible that her fella may have known who he was as he lives there but these days you can live next door to someone or in the same block of flats and still not know who people are other than to say hello to in passing..
  19. Bluewolf

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    She seems ok mate, not sure what happened though, He was in his PJ's so either he fell and died or was a victim of some other serious crime? Don't know if he lived in the same block as them or not but can't have been far if he was in his Pajamas.. I will probably get more detail when she gets back home tonight..
  20. That's a bit naughty... accosting someone who is just about to eat, I think I might have been inclined to tell them that the world was going to end a lot sooner for them than they might have been expecting if they didn't move away from my table....
  21. Bluewolf

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    Not the nicest thing to see first thing in the morning... she seems ok though
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