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Everything posted by Bluewolf

  1. Bluewolf

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    My Chelsea has just rung us this morning to say that her and her boyfriend woke up this morning to see a dead body of a man lying underneath their balcony... The police had put a tent around him but the wind blew it away and she saw him... All covered in blood he was... not the best way to start the day
  2. Bluewolf

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    No mass panic this time... as far as I am aware it's business as usual everywhere
  3. Bluewolf

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    Mint Viennetta for me.. I can get through one of them in one sitting... In other news it's just stopped with that light flurry of snow... bloody cold out this morning
  4. Anybody else watching the 'Alienist'?
  5. Just started playing a game called Dominations... A mix of building up from the Stoneage through the ages and battling with enemies Just started it this morning and I see if it holds my interest...
  6. Bet the Officer who let this one off the lead was going to be out of work the next morning... Not sure what the job situation is in Bolivia but doubt he will be putting that one on his CV... Did crack me up though
  7. Sade has done a cover of that great Thin Lizzy Track 'Still In love With You' Phil Lynott still edges it for me though...
  8. The original contained a lot of laughs especially with the Mr Smith character and his constant Robot bashing every time he got in some trouble.. This has a far more serious feel to it and should be a good watch..
  9. I see Netflix has done a remake of the old Lost In Space... looks really interesting, out on the 13th April
  10. Like this track for the opening sequence when they surround the random runner and convert him and then they cack themselves and have to start dancing hard... Kind of tune that gets you on the floor at the end of a decent night on the piss trying to mimic them moves while making a tit out of yourself..
  11. 'Sicario' 8/10 for me.. Very engrossing watch and quite brutal in places... Got a sequel out this summer as well which I look forward to seeing...
  12. Glad to see my Twitter campaign finally gathering pace.... Honestly though there was Snow way that was me....
  13. Nearly all melted away now... didn't last long did it! Happy Birthday Rebel... have a good one!!
  14. Knowing the way councils are raising our council tax but cutting back on services they probably have 2 gritting lorries per county and they are sending out the unemployed on the backs of open lorries chucking salt out with a spade...
  15. Noticed that here as well... They were gritting on Monday but not seen anything Tuesday and Wednesday...
  16. Talking to my daughter this morning about it when she said Hurricane Emma has hit... I said I couldn't wait until Hurricane Rodney comes.. she said they only name them after women.... All the blokes at the Met Office must be naming them after their wives or something..
  17. Run out of most peoples essentials then... how are people going to survive..
  18. Finally after all the threats of getting it and failing we finally have snow... A decent amount as well, enough for a medium sized snowman... or is it a snow person these days??? can't be sure.. Off for 4 days now thankfully, I wont have to deal with all those failed lorries not getting in to work to pick up our goods..
  19. Bluewolf

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    Just popped in the local shop on the way home and saw a deal for Easter Eggs so thought I would pick a couple up for the kids but whoever it was had taken all the eggs out of the packaging and balanced them on top of each other for a display... As soon as I reached for the one I wanted the whole fucking display collapsed on the floor.... about 50 eggs it was... Better not be on bloody You Tube or I am suing..
  20. Bluewolf

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    Fuck man... bet that hurt! Hope all goes well for you mate and you are not out of action for too long... On the work front is there not something less physical the agency can sort you out with for the time being until you are sorted???
  21. Bluewolf

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    Not personally but my eldest son does it all the time...
  22. I don't think we are going to come out of this well tonight... Can't see us being able to stop them scoring and by the same token not sure where we are going to be finding a goal from.. A clean sheet would be an absolute must if we would be hoping to go through and not sure we are going to be good enough at the back to stop them.. Just our luck that after all the other good performances put in so far by everyone else we will be the ones to drop a bollock...
  23. They are saying the Quake caused roughly fifty million quids worth of improvements....
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