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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Spike


    Not really, the game can't be played in the rain.
  2. Spike


    Nah, that is an urban myth (or at the very least for me). It means 'pomegranate' because you lot go red and white in the sun! Well, the times have changed, Italian, Greek, and all the other 'wog' types are fully assimilated into the culture and are considered as Australian as the wattle. I was reading a satirical article the other day, that joked that recipients of racial abuse of yesterday are the abusers of today! Meaning that the Italians and Greeks that were abused in the 60s and 70s are the ones that go about hating on the new immigrants. I never saw much of this stuff, most of the near blues I got into at the pubs were with Scotts or Irish that obviously had chips on their shoulder's.
  3. Spike


    It is a funny old place, isn't it? I never thought 'Pom' as a racial word anyway, more of an endearing insult anyway. Besides most Aussies are cut from the same genetic cloth as the English, it'd be kinda weird if we thought our race were superior! Kinda like how we both call the Americans 'Yanks' but I don't think we mean anything really nefarious. Also even weirder, 'wog' is a term of pride and not really that offensive back home (check out the Greek-Australian film 'Wogboy') but back on the Isles it's very offensive and referring to a different set of people!
  4. Spike


    I think it's less the Aussie deliveries and more the mindset of 'every ball is a potential boundary'
  5. Spike


    I hate the English for ruining the work 'Paki', it would be so easier to type and say than every single time resorting to the 'Pakistanis are batting well'.
  6. Spike


    Hassan was determined to win this game by himself but like the others he is caught out. Pakistan gotta watch their batting decisions,
  7. It is a silly rumour that I want to be true, anyway the rumour is that Özil cannot speak German that well, or at least speaks a mangled dialect.
  8. Spike


    Smith with an absolutely miserable hit, while the Afghans lose at least taking Finch and Smith’s wickets will be good for morale
  9. Spike


    Speak of the devil, Khan just took his first CWC wicket
  10. Spike


    Afghanistan's batting surprised me, they were halfway decent and would've had a better game if not for the opening ducks. Their bowling however, is getting slaughtered. I'm very surprised that they were able to get 1 out before 100.
  11. Messi has unreal agility and balance, that is physical; also the amount of touches he can make in just a few moments is nothing short of physical marvel. Just because he isn’t 2m tall and buff doesn’t mean he isn’t an impressive athlete in terms of physical attributes.
  12. That sucks for Arthur and de Jong
  13. Who will be giving up minutes for Alena?
  14. Well he always puts in all his effort and is willing to play just about any position on the team. That at least shows a determination that not everyplayer has, do you think Alexis Sanchez would move from winger to defender? What even defines a great leader anyway? I don't know Young at all, nor do I know Gerrard or Terry, yet for some reason people fawn over the leadership skills of Gerrard and Terry, but what is it they actually do? We don't know what they say on the pitch, nor what they say behind the scenes. Why is Keane a good leader? He is an arrogant man with a rotten attitude and a worse temper. Why is Giggs a good leader? He betrayed his brother and his own family. Why is Vidic a good leader? Because he is willing to kicked in the head to stop a goal? Why is Gerrard a good leader? I've heard that he can't even stop his wife from rooting half of Merseyside. Adams? An alcoholic. Terry? Controvery followed him everywhere. Maybe people like Young, maybe the staff and players all respect him, you don't know anything about what he is; only what you've seen and what you've judged. The point being even as I've criticised all the player listed, that doesn't mean I know why they are great leaders or not despite their faults.
  15. While hilarious that deosn't refute anything I posted.
  16. Just because Young isn't an elite player doesn't mean he doesn't have the personality and determination of a leader.
  17. You'd think after Antoine 'le wacky fortnite guy' Greasman doing it all the fucking time it wouldn't be so cringe anymore. Some thinks are just inherent.
  18. The highlight was @Toinho's mugshot with palpable disappoinment. WAxit when?
  19. Whatever happened to privacy and personal matter!? He can believe whatever he wants but I don’ need or care to know. The same is my facebook newsfeed being littered with comments on abortion, leave me out of it! I didn’t ask and I don’t want to know It is also a dual edge sword my friend, you can say something benign or scandalous and be rossted slive, it just depends on the audience.
  20. Cheek's injury could have happened at any time, during training. Calm yer fucking tits.
  21. Spike

    Off Topic

    Say what you like about his politics but Hawke could neck a fucking yardie like a fucking legend. @Harry @Toinho @Devil-Dick Willie
  22. Who actually thinks Sterling is that though? No one I’ve encountered.
  23. Ridiculous as Navas has been absolutely crucial to their success.
  24. That was the one sentence I read and I noticed it had too many twos for a sentence with tutus,
  25. World’s longest joke, I was half expecting it to end in the Aristocrats joke and I was disappointed.
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