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Everything posted by Spike

  1. What!? I've never seen this! If it is true, you'd be the first in this thread to mention it!
  2. United the threeway loser today, spanked by CARDIFF and their only solace is that the team they hate the least out of their two most hated rivals will win the league but that is based on personal preference.
  3. They also typically aren't described as having the 'wrong team'. Mental that when Barcelona fail it's Messi fault, but when United fail it's because Pogba isn't 'unlocked'. The logic and gynamistics is madness. Absolute joker.
  4. Twas but a joke about Newcastle ‘English
  5. Twenty-seven is better than ninety-two! I'll take it.
  6. Chelsea doesn't really need that much of an overhaul. Just consistency. Pedro and Willian can leave, replaced by Hudson and Pulisic, Drinkwater and Cahill don't need replacing, buy Kovacic and Higuian, and that is about it. I'd ideally replace Alonso, Zappacosta, and Palmieri, but that is too much in one year for that. It should be a gradual change.
  7. Spike

    Off Topic

    Years easily. At least 5 years to a decade
  8. Spike

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    fuck yas then, don't answer me question ya dog cuntz
  9. Spike

    Off Topic

    How different are the new recipes for lucozade and ribena? I haven’t had them in years and I was feeling nostalgic for them recently. I don’t want to try them if they are shit now, though
  10. Embarassing. Boycott social media! Come on, that is something a child can do. Have some balls and do something big!
  11. Spike

    Off Topic

    I wouod have it called ‘passion’
  12. You say this as if the UK hasn't always been multicultural. Welsh, Scottish, Irish, English, there was cultural issues for time immemoriam... Normans, Anglo-Saxons, Pictish, Caledonian, Cornish, Bretons, Celts, Romans, and so forth. Cultural clashes have existed long before different colours made it easy to identify. I garuantee you that if all the people non-indigenous to the Isles vanished one day, it wouldn't be long before all the nasty hatred reserved for 'Pakis' was redirected at something else, Catholics, Protestants, northerners, Irish, Scots, etc. Racism is just a funnel that people use to funnel the blame, hatred, and evil into; it's very easily redirected into something else. People like to believe that time and progress is linear, you say 'this day and age' as if we are meant to be more enlightened as a species than 500 years ago. Well we aren't, we just manifest our evil differently.
  13. Spike

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    Only without pornography.
  14. Spike

    Off Topic

    Reading about the Australian election and inparticular immigration. Some of the parties state that Australia is built on multi-culturalism and that it's a multi-culture society...since when? Australia for most of it's colonial history has been overwhelmingly British, English in particular. That is an outright lie told by the parties. They also talk about how assimilation is easy and how different cultures can be Australian and whatever their original culture is. Maybe for some people, but for myself as an immigrant I don't want to be culturally American. I am a productive member of society but I outright refuse to acknowledge Americanisms as my culture; and I'm sure a lot of immigrants from all over the world feel the same, they embrace a new home but refuse to adopt it entirely. Only until several generations later does assimilation occur. How would these fatcat politicians know what it feels like to be an immigrant anyway? They don't. I can't imagine their interactions in Canberra and Sydney are that multicultural either, between themselves and other middle-aged Anglo politicians. So full of shit.
  15. It is the low-hanging fruit of insults; just pick a difference and turn it into a negative.
  16. Spike

    Off Topic

    I just rewatched Trainspotting and to be fair, I'd be a heroin addict if I were Scottish as well.
  17. Sometimes the tits have to go up so you can suck on em
  18. I don't know much about the collective German mindset but it could be due to a preference of stagnation over upheaval. Better to not move at all than potentially move backwards (whatever backwards means). If change were to be instigated who would cast your lot in for manager and chancellor?
  19. I have only played GOW really
  20. Just picked a PS4 for me bday. I have a Nioh, God of War, and Bloodborne already
  21. The captain doesn’t even start for the club, you goofball. Leadership =/ talent
  22. My last shit looked like AC Milan. A giant turd with red stripes.
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