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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Spike

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    They are fine films but they are bad 007 films. Dalton did a better Craig than Craig.
  2. Spike

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    That is impossible when all the Craig films exist.
  3. Spike

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    Lazenby and Dalton were perfectly fine! It's popular to hate on them but time has been kind and their films are finally being seen for how good they actually are.
  4. Spike

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    Well the films were successes but I prefer my Bond films with a little cheese. They are too serious and I think Daniel Craig is fucking goofy looking with those elephant ears and blond receding hair. Which ones are your favs? And who is your fav Bond? I think From Russia With Love is my favourtie film.
  5. Spike

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    It doesn't matter anyway. The franchise is already dead. Fucking Daniel Craig and the new films aren't 007, they are English Bourne films.
  6. Spike

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    Yeah but dude, one is fiction and the other is real and Mandela's ethnicity is key to his nature, not so much Bond. But I do know what you mean; people want authenticity, but there is a lot of hypocrisy.
  7. Spike

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    Well I see him as white because all the actors have been so and the dude that he is based on is white as well. It's just an appearance thing for me, I'd be as jilted by a red headed Bond as a black one, or even an ugly white dude. You could say people are equally biased towards ugly people in films, haha. I don't see how anyone could not associate Bond with the traits I listed, because that is how he has been in the movies and novels. In fact I recall Timothy Dalton being the spitting image of some early sketches of what the character would look like. It's acting at the end of the day, pretending to be someone you aren't. In an enlightened society any actor or actress could play any character. Brad Pitt could be Malcolm X in blackface and Forrest Whittaker could be Winston Churchill in white face. But we aren't that enlightened society and we can't dissociate an actor with a character.
  8. Spike

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    I dunno dude. Maybe for some people it’s a deeper underlying issue but for others I think they see Bond as British, white, dark haired, middle aged, maverick and any deviation from the formula causes butthurt. maybe that’s just me but I’m butthurt about the loss of humour, which I feel is an important component as well. You bring up the northern accent for Craig but remember that Lazenby is Australian, Connery is a Scott, and Brosnan is Irish.
  9. Spike

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    I remember people shitting their pants because he has blond hair! Anyways people would go nuts about anything. Cast an American? The internet would explode. as I said earlier, it’s not racism it’s an aversion to change. Imagine if Lara Croft became Larry Croft, haha
  10. Spike

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    Love Bond as well. Nothing against Elba because Craig and the producers killed Bobd already with Casibo Toyale. took all the fun out of it.
  11. Spike

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    Bond is a narcissistic, manipulative, murdering, ladykilling, alcoholic, gambling, psychopath as well. Connery>Dalton>Moore>Lazenby>Brosnan>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>Craig
  12. Spike

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    That was in the 50s and it was criticised at the time. Come on, that would never happen today. Breakfast at Tiffanys did the same thing casting Mickey Rooney as a Japanese man. It isn't just white people that are miscast. For some reason the move Avatar the last Airbender cast South-Indians as the obviously Japanese influenced characters. Idris Elba portrayed the main character in the Dark Tower. The point being it's acting! It doesn't really matter, as long as the person can be believed. Hollywood is full on inconsistencies and we could argue about actors not portraying the right culture, nationality, or fucking whatever in between all night. As long as it can be believe, I think it's okay. If an actor is a white Englishman that looks Arab, is it a bad thing he is cast as an Arab character? After all all he is doing is pretending. If I can act out Napoleon (an ethnically Italian Frenchman from the 19th century, and I'm neither of those things) why can't I act out Malcolm X or Shaft? Because it isn't believable... Maybe Idris Elba can nail Bond, I dunno but when I think of James Bond, I think of Sean Connery and Pierce Brosnan the most.
  13. Spike

    Off Topic

    I disagree completely with nearly everything you've said. I think people want actors that portray a sense of familiarity, James Bond is white, usually has dark hair (only one hasn't), tall, in his late 30s and 40, speaks with a received English accent - the character is a self-insert for Ian Flemming. There'd be equal backlash if James Bond spoke with Spanish accent and was played by a midget with grey hair and a beard. If James Bond were black the last fifty years, people would want him to remain to be so, and criticise whitewashing if he were changed (but it isn't black-washing to have him black?). You are cherry picking; there has always been constant criticism to any character that is 'white washed' and to disagree with that is completely ignorant. A very biased post that implies that only white people like to see characters their own race. There is a reason why Blaxploitation existed in the 70s and why it featured contemporary references to Black American culture and Black Actors; because it is a market to be targeted. The Angloshpere is still predominately white so it makes sense to have white characters. I wouldn't expect Bollywood to change the race of one of their historic characters for no reason, aside from diversifying. It makes not too much sense really.
  14. Spike

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    Do people want Idris Elba to be Bond because he is a great actor or because they want a black Bond? I'm not sold personally, I like my Bond to be funny and a little cheeky (why I dislike Daniel Craig), and I dunno if Elba is that. Also why I don't want Tom 'mutter and growl' Hardy as Bond. Cavill could be decent, has the lock reminiscent of Connery, Lazenby, and Dalton. Why are people so desperate for gender flipping and race switching established characters anyway? Wouldn't it be more sincere just to create a new character? Not that it really matters to me (because it's just fiction), but I wonder why people think this way. Personally, I think ti'd be weird if Fu Manchu was suddenly Innuit, or Sherleck Holmes was an Uzbekistani lesbian.
  15. Co-ownership always felt like a cover for money laundering haha
  16. Spike

    Off Topic

    Should have accepted that job in Yukon.
  17. When we get into obscene amounts of money, it's just splitting hairs. There is a bigger different between the lifestyle of €1,000p/w vs. €2,000p/w as opposed to €100,000p/w and €200,000p/w. People are loyal to their own happiness, not clubs. For someone like Totti, I think it can be complicated. His family would probably get murdered if he had ever left Roma, haha.
  18. The difference between Rayo's wage and Barcelona's is from here to the moon, while Barcelona's and the Premier League's is a taint's width. €1,000p/w vs €300,000p/w Besides most normal people would prefer to live in sunny Barcelona, that fucking Manchester or Liverpool; I'm sure a huge amount of people would choose €300,000p/w over €400,000p/w just for the location. I know I'd choose a smaller astronomical wage if I was living in LA over fucking Edmonton.
  19. No, huge wages aren't part and parcel of being at a big club. I don't think River Club could afford some of their alumni's wages, no? lmao They are live and breathe money. It's easy to be loyal with millions in the bank account. Antonio di Natale impresses me with his loyalty to Udinese, not Totti's loyalty to Roma's cheques.
  20. If Barcelona couldn't pay their players obscene amounts of cash, they would've fucked off years ago. Even if they won every competition under the sun, if they had the wage budget of Rayo Vallecano, none of these players would be around.
  21. As if you know him. You're talking out your arse
  22. You can't avoid answering my question with a joke!
  23. What the fuck does that even mean? It always comes off as complete stereotypical football fan bullshit.
  24. I never really considered Xavi or Iniesta leaders, outside of 'lead by example'. It has to be Busquets for me. But ya know, different people respond differently to various leadership characteristics. Some people like the alpha male, barking out orders like a cunt (Roy Keane), others respect the composed and cool heads of players like Zanetti, and others respond to the passion of Terry and Puyol.
  25. Leaders will lead regardless of an armband.
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