Reading about Ireland's abortion referendum. I love how people on both sides of the abortion argument think they are morally right. 'My body, my rights' (but it's not your body, it's someone else's body) or 'It's a human' (how do we arbitrarily decide when a human is a human). Both sides have it all wrong, if they even bothered to read an sort of literature on the subject they'd quickly know that when it comes to medical science there are papers, journals, and what have you that are support nearly all claims for and against.
Personal bias aside, I think abortion is fucking weird and disturbing outside of the extremes. Yeah, I don't mind when Sally gets an abortion because she got raped and will probably kill herself and the baby through post-natal depression. However it makes my skin crawl reading about Jen who treats abortion as late term birth-control, walking out of her sixth abortion. Then there are those weirdos that think it's just the greatest thing ever (wtf is wrong with them).
Abortion shouldn't exactly be stigmatised but it shouldn't' be normalised either.