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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Neymar is the physical manifestation of everything wrong with football.

    1. football forums

      El Profesor

      Spike, don´t you like Patrick Kane? xD

    2. football forums


      Patrick Kane? Yeah, I do. Why do you bring that up?

  2. Spike

    Off Topic

    I bet if guns were banned overnight in the USA, Mexico would be flooded with more guns than they'd know what to do with.
  3. Spike

    Off Topic

    Guns are banned in Chicago. Banning them does nothing if the laws can't be enforced.
  4. Those bastards are/were endemic to rural Australia for years. Poor electrical wiring, and gas piping led to many lives, homes, businesses, and jobs being lost.
  5. Spike

    Off Topic

    Sandy Hook, Virginia Tech, Aurora, Columbine, Isla Vista, San Bernandino, Orlando, Charleston Church, all have one thing in common. Small arms, every single one of these massacres was perpetrated with small arms fire, some of them used a combination of rifles, assault-rifles, shotguns, knives, and explosives but all of them had some form of small arm. In fact several of them (Virginia Tech, Isla Vista, and Charleston) only used small arms. @Eco ARs are scary, large, and powerful but they are a scapegoat by the media because they are exactly that; scary, large, and powerful. It is easier to send a message of doom across the news with an AR than a pistol. I hate to use Australia as an example but hand-guns are the most difficult gun to procure legally. Fully-automatic rifles are flat out banned but not ARs are fully-automatic. The gun I mentioned earlier, the common Colt AR15 is only semi-automatic, firing in bursts. In fact I'm 95% sure that automatic assault rifles (military grade) aren't legal in the USA. EDIT: I am correct, fully-automatic weapons have been banned since 1986.
  6. Spike

    Off Topic

    A person can carry more than one small gun. A tec-9 can have a clip up to the size of 50 rounds, a Colt AR15 has up to 30 rounds. Four guns = 200 rounds, it doesn't take long to reload a magazine either. A person with even a little skill can do this. You have to appreciate that smaller arms usually fire smaller rounds. The key difference is that firing and shooting technique that both guns facilitate. An AR15 would be far more lethal in the hands of a skilled shooter, but a tec-9 is far more dangerous to the unskilled. These guns are smaller than my forearm.
  7. Spike

    Off Topic

    People are so obsessed with ARs, well you know what? Anyone can shove a Tec-9 down their pants and you'd none the wiser. Small guns are equally horrifying, at least with larger guns you'd think they'd be hard to smuggle in open (but I guess not because LV).
  8. Spike

    Off Topic

    There is violence on all levels of humanity, it just manifests itself in different ways and to different extremes. Humans are always looking for a socially justifiable method of violence: state, police, gang, hooliganism, military, you'll find no society without some form of group executed violence. There are different acts of individual violence, to the extreme there are massacres, murders, and lesser acts like; bullying, domestic, civil, and other which can lead to murder itself. One can look at a society and see violence but underneath there a peaceful individuals, one can look at a peaceful society and underneath see violent individuals. We use violence to intimidate, instill peace, punish, warn, control, dominate,
  9. Spike

    Off Topic

    That is egregious to state that it is a phenomenon restricted to the USA.
  10. Spike

    Off Topic

    Humans at large... is it really a mental illness when have killed eachother for so long? I'd say the real mental illness is peacetime... it is uncharacteristic of humans.
  11. Spike

    Off Topic

    Disagree. The Las Vegas shooter had no history of mental illness and was showing no signs of it. This is an easy thing to palm off onto the mentally ill but unfortunately one does not need to be insane to kill other humans. If that were the case we as a species wouldn't be so marvelous at warfare.
  12. Spike

    Off Topic

    Guns are banned in plenty of places in America. It would only ever work with a federal buy-back initiative and huge raids. I don't think any government could afford the buy-back and I'd hate to be apart of those raids getting bullet sprayed down at you by angry rednecks and gangbangers. It is quite literally a damned if you do, damned if you don't scenario.
  13. Spike

    Off Topic

    I'm sick of every other dickhead thinking that they know the answer to America's gun problem. Especially foreigners like myself, smarmy faced pricks lecturing others from a pedastal.
  14. Rarely does a fish jump into the lap of the fisherman, excpet when the fisherman mentions Barcelona around the Tony-trouts found in the Thames...
  15. You are very easy to fish. You really are no fun allowed when it comes to Barcelona. Could joke with you all day about Arsenal, but the other team is off-limits.
  16. There is no synchronised diving thread
  17. Wayne Gretzky is the greatest team-sport athlete of all time.

    1. football forums


      Can't disagree with that. 

    2. football forums

      Viva la FCB

      Theres really no arguement against him to be made.

    3. football forums


      To top it off, there is no controversy or negative statements to be made out of his character. A rare talent and a rarer man.

  18. Re watching the game and to be honest the most impressive moment from both team was Alba's and Suarez's synchronized dive at the 87th minute.
  19. Spike

    Off Topic

    I don't give two turds about guns because it doesn't affect me and it's scenario with no solution. Insurance on the other hand may have a solution...
  20. Spike

    Off Topic

    So since we didn't have health insurance for a bit and the insurance companies are fucking us royally we will probably be fined in the range of $3000. My wife thought she'd just hyphenate her last name with mine, I didn't really care at the time but it is coming back to haunt us as most websites won't accept characters outside of letters ergo making it impossible to verify identity. Fuck you Obama and you're bullshit fucking catch at the end of the ACA. Yeah, just fine the people that can't afford health insurance, fucking cocksucker.
  21. Spike

    Off Topic

    @Cannabis when was the firts time you went to the Anfield Road Stand at Anfield?
  22. Spike

    Off Topic

    I will turn you firts born into a vindaloo.
  23. Spike

    Off Topic

    It's called an Oxford comma, you nonce. It separates the items on the list. For instance: 'Hall and Oates, and Madonna played tonight's concert.' That states that Hall and Oates are one item and Madonna is another. If the sentence were: 'Hall, Oates and Madonna' it would imply either two things; firstly that there are three individual acts, or that Hall performed and then Oates and Madonna performed.
  24. Spike

    Off Topic

    Says the bloke with a sentence fragment, and lack of capitalisation for each sentence.
  25. Spike

    Off Topic

    I gotta get the damned job firts
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