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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Spike

    Off Topic

    Just fucking sick to shite of being a barista, mate. I need something 'real' I need a skill.
  2. Spike

    Off Topic

    For instance, 'how the fuck do I get to be an apprentice if all the apprenticeships require two years of apprenticeship experience?" lmao
  3. Spike

    Off Topic

    Any of you blokes done an apprenticeship before?
  4. Spike

    TF365 Memes

    I like how they are ancient memes.
  5. That is true. I'm not saying it's a requirement that it be known in public. My initial question was more of a rhetorical one; musing the idea of how many or how little people are related directly - as it's impossible to know. Also a curiosity of how open the knowledge is.
  6. That is a fair enough sentiment. As I said earlier, the knowledge isn't to burden people with the sins of the father. I would think, as I said with the disconnect between the past and the present, it's a sensitive issue but to forget entirely is a travasty, and a mistake. I don't think this regime will ever be idolised but looking at the past and it's atrocities you'll find eventually in time they stop having an impact. I speak not just for the children of Nazi Germany, but the world over -as the times of WW2 influence more than the Germans. Do the times of Genghis Khan mean anything to you? Do you feel anything about the millions killed? I don't particularly, I can't speak for you but I can't imagine you're outrage would be that severe. In time the same thing will happen to WW2, and when people forget is when repeat history. My question was more of a larger curiosity in the mind frame of a country that has evolved incredibly over the last 150 years. I'm not here to rub it in people's face or remind them of things they don't want to, I just want to understand the German mindset. Aren't there people in Germany rallying around the flags of Neo-Nazism in this day and age? Perhaps if they knew the reality they wouldn't be flying those flags. Of course, the reality of it doesn't exist anymore because it's in the past but when things become blurry they are much easier for weak minds to romanticise.The same logic applies to many places, many people from Turkey deny that an Armenian genocide even occurred.
  7. It is funny that you would make this joke when I explicitly said that it doesn't matter what people ancestors did on personal level.
  8. Thanks for the mature response. IMHO it is when memories fade that people make the same mistakes. For instance their is a reason why young people get around pretending to be fascists, nazis, and communists it is because they are from a world that never experienced any of those things.Of course for most of the time it is a phase that won't amount to anything but all it takes is one incident to ruin lives. On my own side my paternal grandfather uncle is a war hero from the pacific. Books written in how great he was, only forgetting he was a notorious cheat and a liar. Poisoning horses with lead during races, amongst other dodgey things. Nothing to serious but something that would be lost in time if not told verbally.
  9. Spike

    Off Topic

    Auckland is the New York of the Southern Hemisphere. Makes Sydney look slike shite
  10. Who gives a shit? It's called curiosity, it's called understanding the past. Shit, my brother has a different father and I know for a fact that someone in his heritage has shot Aboriginals but that has no bearing on himself as a human, why is that important? It's to understand and appreciate the past. When you know, that someone close in your heritage has done horrible actions, it makes it so much more corporeal. The moment it's forgotten is when it happens again. I was just curious about the degree of understanding German people have for their past especially celebrities, rather knowing the skeletons of the past, I now know that they hide their heads in the sand. So thanks for answering my question. I am and you are definitely related to murderers, rapists, and theives, and despite all that we are none of those things. Doesn't that interest you in the slightest? Despite the sins of the father humans carve independent roads? That in less than a century a country can go from being a fascist-ethno state to the forerunners of tolerance in Europe?
  11. What is your problem? Just fucking say it mate and don't hide behind that sort of bullshit. God forbid someone asks a sincere question about Germany.
  12. I wonder how many German footballers are directly related to openly Nazi ancestors. Something that never really occurred to me because there is a huge disconnect in my mind between modern Germany and Nazi Germany. I imagine many are related to former soldiers and military personal but I'm talking about Hugo 'I'm actually a member of the party' Boss level. A guy I lived with both of his grandparents were in the Wermacht and were even a part of those bizarre eugenic Aryan programs to make Aryan children. Bloody well easy to forget that it hasn't even been a century.
  13. Spike

    Off Topic

    His father is German, what the fuck do you expect from his comedy?
  14. That thing would actually be decent at packed stadiums.
  15. Spike

    Off Topic

    Kinda gutted that my trip to Manly didn't coincide with the biannual 'kick a poofta/kinghit a leb' celebrations
  16. Last few moments with my family. I don't when I'll see them next.:(

    1. football forums


      On point @Cannabis, i'll learn from his mistake and give your gf a big time parting gift when i leave tonight.

    2. football forums


      Make the most of the moments mate, family is the most important thing we have. It's the foundations of our existence. 

    3. football forums


      @Cannabis it omly takes a second to post on here ya cunt. I was sitting with my brother while he was crying on my lap and I was trying to do something cathartic while we sat in silence


  17. Spike

    Off Topic

    Why do they do this to people? https://www.abc.net.au/news/rural/2018-04-05/tree-clearing-parliamentary-committee-submissions-high/9618092
  18. Spike

    Off Topic

    Yeah, years ago. This country is strangeling the bush to death. It makes me sad hearing that it is happening to WA as well. This country was built on agriculture but the Greens would rather protect a tree that grows like a weed than the farmers that have loved and taken care of the land for nealy 200 years. Big pat on the back DiNatale mate, you're killing people lives.
  19. Spike

    Off Topic

    Town's population has dropped nearly 25% in the last few years. With the new Labour laws concerning the mulga tree has put a noose around the neck of the farming industry. South-West Queensland is dying, it is so sad. Meth, drought, and laws.
  20. Spike

    Off Topic

    My family has owned property on the Gold Coast and Manley; aka two markets that would sell in the millions. Instead they put eggs in property out west where depending on the weather, changes from semi-desert to desert. Fuck my ear. Now they own none of it, some dickhead bought the family lands and they live in houses that can't be sold because they live in a dying town. @Toinho @Harry @Devil-Dick Willie
  21. Woke up this morning and my back has given out :( I can't stand up!

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. football forums


      What are you wearing?

    3. football forums

      Dr. Gonzo

      that's shit 

    4. football forums


      Please see a chiropractic sooner rather than later 

  22. I'm home!

    1. football forums


      Hello home, I'm Tommy. 

    2. football forums
  23. In any capacity. It is junk information for the most part, semantics that are not practical or useful.
  24. In what manner does knowing that improve your life?
  25. I talk a lot of shite about Aussie football but it will be the biggest sport in Oz in time. Unlike the other sports it just keeps on slowly getting more entrenched. It will only be time until it's a cultural sport.

    1. football forums


      Don't you think football is the only sport that can become a cultural sport anywhere ?

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