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Everything posted by Spike

  1. It's Italian style, you should know it by now. Loan in now, buy next season. I swear that is how most Italian transfers go through.
  2. Spike

    Off Topic

    lol @Catholics
  3. Spike

    Off Topic

    @Berserker bad news mate. Your government voted to keep abortion legal. Better be on your toes mate, your mum might try to jab you with a coat hanger. Keep us updated. Tah.
  4. Spike

    Off Topic

    Those are shit pommy insults. The Strine vocabulary is much more refined.
  5. Spike

    Off Topic

    I don't understand the reference.
  6. Spike

    Off Topic

    I love how much people get wound up by Brian, and at the same time accuse him of being wound up.
  7. Spike

    Off Topic

    Australia 'Bucks nights are mint'. 'Bucks nights are fucking mint, ya gronk cunt'.
  8. Spike

    Off Topic

    Actually yes!
  9. Spike

    Off Topic

    Ha, he was a portly gentleman of 50+ that could pass as Franco's body double.
  10. Spike

    Off Topic

    Because he looked exactly like him, you goof
  11. Spike

    Off Topic

    THE falangista. But no joke he was the doppelgänger of Franco.
  12. Spike

    Off Topic

    I sold a brownie to the obese zombie of el caudillo today. @SirBalon@Kowabunga
  13. Spike

    Off Topic

    A relative, unfortunately. Of course I can't stop thinking about it, how could I not? It would surprise some people on here but beneath my abrasive exterior is a sensitive sucker that cares about people. When it was coming, I knew, I fucking knew already but I was holding my breathe hoping, and that was all I could do. It seems I'm a magnet for damaged people, there are others...
  14. Spike

    Off Topic

    A few days ago a friend of mind confided in me that they were sexually abused for half a decade. Feels bad, man.
  15. Spike

    Off Topic

    A while back a glass panel fell off the sideof a building in Chicago. The impact sliced a lady in half in front of her daughter.
  16. I was making drinks at work and someone's name is 'Minge'. Fucking hell, I got to yell out minge several times.xD

    1. football forums


      All i can say is this is your 56th status update most by any member. No one else has even made 40 :congrats:

  17. Spike

    Off Topic

    I'm so bored I might just kill myself.
  18. Messi peaked in 2010. Hot dog, what a season.
  19. Spike

    Rugby League

    Pretty casual. Growing up I liked the Roosters but I started watching the Broncos when I got older. It is funny despite being from Queensland, Brisbane felt as foreign as Sydney for the longest time. In general I like all Brisbane sports teams.
  20. What's Everton's? Being so constantly disappointed in the team you have to support another on the side?
  21. That assumption is pretty weak considering how grossly overpaid they are for their return.
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