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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Spike


    Any sort of improvement on an international level is only good for the sport, however it is nice having charismatic players as well, and some countries do struggle to produce those sort of magnetic players, but that isn’t something that can be really controlled. I couldn’t say if Bangladesh or Afghanistan have had players that are just simply cool, like Muralithiran or Lara.
  2. Spike


    CM Punk is old and a cunt but his misgivings are justified. He does love to moan but whenever he does there is a very strong reason. Colt Cobana is a bitch and that cunt isn't hurting for money, you guys wouldn't know but whenever you drive up 294 in Chicago you see the prick's face plastered on dozens of billboards advertising custom t-shirt printing.
  3. Alonso really isn't that bad. He was a heat magnet at Chelsea but he is a perfectly fine fullback, and he will probably excel in Spain as their is less reliance on pace.
  4. I imagine he'd want Klopp at Dusseldorf.
  5. lol I thought you were saying ‘fuck off idiot, this is England not poncey Spain’
  6. Then you didn’t bother reading the whole post. If you don’t get the point, then I don’t know how to describe it clearer. I really don’t understand how you got hung up on that.
  7. Well not necessarily. In Spain for instance, a 'release clause' is triggered when a player buys out the remainer of the contract on a pre-agreed amount, this is circumvented by the 'purchasing' club 'loaning' that amount to the player. This specific manner of 'release clause' is very much illegal in the UK so @Happy Blue is correct to a degree. I think English clubs typically use a 'good faith' clause that promises a player they will enter negotiations when certain conditions are met, not that they will necessarily accept the offer. This is essentially what happened with the Luis Suarez to Arsenal incident, that being 40,000,000 pounds were the bare minimum of entering a negotiation with Liverpool.
  8. Spike


    Yes this still isn’t boxing, whatever boxing does is irrelevant to this. It is like saying the A-League must sell out because the AFL does.
  9. Spike


    This isn’t boxing.
  10. Spike


    Probably because it comes so infrequently that everyone gets super hyped. If you had 200+ shows a year you'd be less pumped.
  11. I had a feeling it was that video.
  12. Spike


    Toni Storm is attractive and I would hold her hand, if you know what I mean.
  13. Spike


    Just saw some stats, Burl’s fifer is the cheapest ever taken against Australia ODI. good on him
  14. Spike


    Australia were destroyed by the Zimbabwe captain, what a game he had
  15. A rumour about Melo is that he missed games because he caught gonorrhoea from hookers that’s funny as fuck sounds like @Devil-Dick Willie
  16. Spike


    A lot more white blokes on the Zimbabwe team than I expected. I thought all the white Zimbabweans had left the country many years ago.
  17. yeah I can honestly say I forgot the World Cup was a thing in December this year. Shocking stuff really, you'd want to hope no players have catastrophic injuries during it.
  18. What's the over/under on the date for Arthur's first injury?
  19. I was just singing this song to myself not five minutes ago!
  20. I keep thinking about this, everyday it comes to my mind. ‘Mammal of the year’ what a strange award. Do I have a chance to win? What do I have to so?
  21. Spike

    Off Topic

    I may have to copy that reply for the next time I get a unknown message
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