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Everything posted by Spike

  1. I’d say incredibly embarrassing.
  2. wtf are these ‘levers’
  3. Spike

    Off Topic

    @Devil-Dick Willie
  4. Springboks aren’t deer? They just be a gazelle or sonething
  5. This sounds like a shitty magical movie from 1992 where two kids come of age. One man becomes the teacher he never thought he could be, and two boys become the men they are supposed to. Coming this summer, The Silver Linings of Pooftas. Rated G for Disney.
  6. Why is that you earn that much but some teachers earn a pittance? I don’t get it
  7. That’s an outrageous loan. Unless teachers earn more than I thought, but still I wouldn’t have thought two teachers would be taking more than 150,000 together
  8. Loaned 1 mil? That is insane.
  9. Ah so you bought with only the second worst interest rate in Australian history, I hope it is going well for you though. I generally know little about Perth and Freo. How hard is it to get a bank loan for a mortgage?
  10. My concern is a little different. To get the best of both worlds, it cannot be too small or too large. Too small and you’re the only guy that can do something and you’re working three days a week for 14 hours, too large and you might end up on third shift working over night. The place I am at right now has a great schedule 40 hours a week, never work on weekends, and I often get to leave early. Now the benefits aren’t great but they are by Yankee standards. I am in a good position now to learn a lot of shit, I could easily end up doing cellar or brew work.
  11. Yeah, I wouldn’t know, and I wouldn’t know the BBL output of these places. I imagine some would produce a decent amount. I wonder what the typical pay is.
  12. There is a lot more too it than how you make it sound.
  13. I haven’t done that in over a year. I work in brewing beer.
  14. I’m from a town of 1,200 and currently living in the metro of city that literally has gangs murdering each other daily. I think whatever Wollongong offers could please me. Though I suppose the industry I am in probably has little presence there.
  15. What’s wrong with the Gong?
  16. Typical costs, agreements, that sort of thing. I wouldn't know how much rent would cost, or what the typical house looks like in Illawarra.
  17. I also don’t really have much of a luxury living with family, as they all live on one remote country town, it does make everything a lot more complex as I am not stated to inherit any particularly relevant real estate.
  18. @Toinho @Devil-Dick Willie @Harry So we are slowly but surely arranging things to immigrate to Australia. Ideally it’d be ASAP but with the housing market it’s all about patience, even though my homesickness is slowly killing me. I am kind of out of the loop having not rented since 2014, so any of your experiences with bank loans, mortgages, renting, would be really helpful for me. Especially since the three of you live in very different areas of the country, and I’m not opposed to living in any of them, although the Brisbane area is ideal because that’s closest to home, and I am very much a dyed in the wool Qlder.
  19. Spike


    my enjoyment of this rubbish is directly propotrtional to drinks consumed
  20. Spike


    spike = maddog
  21. Spike


    yeah but i have been drinking for five hours and that too mich reading
  22. Spike


    holy fucking shit give logan the strap the man is dimes
  23. Spike


    If you didn't know any better you'd think that Logan Paul was an actual every week wrestler. jesus christ some of the guys that do this for a living should be ashamed.
  24. Depends on how the contract is worded I suppose
  25. I was under the impression that if he left the club that whatever he is owed is forfeit.
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