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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Spike

    Off Topic

    It's been two years!?
  2. Spike


    That is a long five minutes
  3. Spike

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    I fully agree - we are mature enough to know when to stop
  4. Spike

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    A friend of mine is a season ticket holder for the Chicago Fire and today he and his friend won bonus pitchside seats as a perk of being season ticket holders, and he invited me to come. The problem being it is in few hours, and Soldier Field is really hard to get to where I am. Unfortunately I had to turn it down because I don’t think I could arrive on time. It is really stupid for the Chciago Fire to do this on the day of.
  5. Spike

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    A full stop to period based jokes
  6. Spike

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    Also it is because I had just woken up to a bunch of smartarsery, my mental banter shields weren’t ready I am a victim of injustice. @Whiskey please report this to the cyber police
  7. Spike

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    I expect a lot from you Stanley. Period jokes in 2022? Cum on
  8. C- Nice work on adding the apostrophe to ‘notes’ but a huge misstep on not removing the apostrophe from ‘I’m’. I suggest a dosage of Dusséldörf’s famous Kóolsch to remedy your struggles.
  9. Crash Bandicoot 4 This game is unnecessarily difficult/punishing and not in a rewarding way. Each level is two or three times the length of the original trilogy, and have an unreasonable amount of boxes and hidden boxes. If you play Crash like me, you enjoy getting all the boxes and gems, but this game makes it a chore. Who wants to do 15+ minute levels multiple times? Some levels have trick jumps or manoeuvres that require Super Meatboy levels of speed and precision, but Super Meatboy has 15 second levels and a reload time of less than a second. This doesn’t, it’s agonising. not good/10
  10. Staniam this is a correct use of an apostrophe, you got so wound up about using them wrong you circled back to correct.
  11. It is Harajuku Girls, get it right Staniel
  12. Unfunny. Funny. Learn the difference Tommy. She is still alive so the sentence can continue.
  13. Spike

    Off Topic

    Typical, at least put a little effort in it instead of bottom of the barrel jokes.
  14. Spike

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    It drives me bloody barmy when people a chuck an apostrophe when writing out decades. It isn’t 00’s, the 00s don’t own anything. One could write ‘00s or ‘90s; because those are contractions, but an apostrophe before an S isn’t pluralisation, it dictates a noun’s ownership. I see it all the time in professional writing and official documentation. My grammar isn’t perfect but that is definitely a pet peeve.
  15. Spike

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    You'll be right mate
  16. Nice. I’ve been to Traverse and Mackinac Island
  17. My wife is from Chicago
  18. You need a car in every city in America, that is forgone. We are talking about going somewhere, I don’t know what our budget is, I’d like to go somewhere new I suppose
  19. @Coma I hope you took a ferry and didn't go up via Wisconsin.
  20. @Dr. Gonzo is San Diego a good visit?
  21. Spike

    Off Topic

    Did he ever get his PM working on mobile?
  22. Fought, lost and colonised. No wonder The English had a hankerin for colonisation in classical era. You'd have to go to the rural mountains of Wales to find a Briton without any Norman, Angle, Saxon, Roman, Dane, Norwegian, French, and whatever heritage in between. Their name would be Roary Lloplwhanynlown.
  23. Another geriatric English player in the A-League. he better score 20+
  24. Fucken insane that he was shot with a homemade gun of all things. I may be wrong but the last political assassination Japan was live broadcasted when someone rushed the stage and slashed up the leader of the communist party
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