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Everything posted by Spike

  1. Martin Braithwaite is a billionaire land lord fuck him. He is scum that trades land as a commodity.
  2. During January 2019 there was a weather even called a ‘polar vortex’. The temperature was the same on Fahrenheit and Celsius. -38’
  3. You said he is a cunt. I said oh yeah I agree. Then I gave a specific piece of commentary and of his showcasing his cuntiness. I thought it was obvious.
  4. Go on boys, guess the coldest winter temp I have witnessed in Chicago
  5. He probably didn’t mention it was built in 1832
  6. I live in Chicago. Melbourne weather is child’s play in comparison. There isn’t a single location in Australia that has winter as bad as here.
  7. What do you mean? I literally just explained it to you, I honestly don’t know how you could misread or not understand my post, I am actually shocked. You are fucking with me right?
  8. Now that I think about it, yes he is a cunt. 'It's pronounced Hall-and in Norway, but we are in England so we will say Haa-land'. Who the fuck openly admits to mispronouncing someone's name intentionally?
  9. Yeah maybe, but you can’t blame me for being sceptical about third hand info
  10. Surely not? It seems more like it was clumsily worded than anything. Why would he hate Scousers?
  11. I will closer to fruition, so the info is more accurate. We are still a ways away but it ultimately depends on employment, you wouldn't' happen to know if any companies that develop gambling software are in WA
  12. I don't know if it is 'legit' or not but I wouldn't be opposed to WA. I know you and one other person from my hometown...
  13. @Devil-Dick Willie maybe I'm biased but when I was at a bar in the Chicago airport I met a Japanese-American man whose is from Hiroshima originally. Maybe I'm being sentimental but meeting someone whose parents and family were survivors of the nukes is a very confronting reality. He spoke of how 'they didn't know what it was, or that it could happen. Then knew they could be bombed but not like that. The next day my aunts were in the town helping people, looking through the rubble, they didn't know they could get sick from the fallout, they didn't even have cloth masks to wear, they had no protection from it. They didn't need to do that to us'. Goddamn man, it just kills me inside when people are so cold about it. They say it like it is a fact 'it had to be done'. 'They deserved it'. 'They were war criminals'. 'It's for what the did in Asia and Pearl Harbour'. Geez America is fine dishing out divine retribution, but where is the retribution for the Native Americans? Where is the retribution for enslaving humans? It is the holier than thou attitude, the dismissiveness of the actuality of using the most powerful weapon ever on humans.
  14. I hate the ‘it saved lives’. Did it? It just traded some lives for others like they are statistics. Japan was already bombed out, Tokyo was on fire, and the cherry of it all was the people were turned to dust, children deformed, generations of people lost. It’s the most destructive force ever invented, it could destroy the planet and it was used twice. It’s fine to say ‘it ended the war’ because it is true, it did end the war. But never say it was justified, or moral, if you can moralise nukes, you can moralise anything.
  15. Thanks John, I really do appreciate it. I think we are a lot more frail then we think we are, a lot of put on a brave face and make it seem like we are invincible but we've all been through the motions, I went through a similar thing to your wife. My most vivid memory, more vivid than even my wedding, or any other joyous moment, is the death of my grandfather. I remember everything, where it happened, the date, the time, the conversations, it was 24th of February 2008, my 14th birthday, it was just after lunch, around 3pm. I was sitting outside listening to an iPod I was given that morning as a gift, my grandfather had been gardening in the side yard at my nan's request. He was talking to me about my acne, it was bad and painful at the time, he mentioned when he was my age his father told him [piss on his hands and rub the urine on his face to kill the acne]. I wasn't sure about his advice and thought he was messing with me but he was dead serious. Then he went stiff and starting convulsing, I didn't know what was happening immediately, and still I thought he was messing with me but then it become painfully clear to me that he was having some sort of fit. I ran away to get someone, barefoot, my feet were cut up by rocks and sticks. He died. I was the last person to speak with him, I was the last person to see him alive, I was the person that saw him die. My family was so overcome with grief nobody stopped to think of me, the only person that gave me any thought was my friend that I called that evening, he came around and we watched Pulp Fiction. A week later he was buried, I didn't go to the Wake, instead I stayed home and my friend came to visit. We stole some beers and afterwards butterscotch schnaps, my friend invited around a girl he was keen on, I didn't pay her any attention, I didn't care if she was here or there, nothing really mattered. I saw people who hadn't been in our lives come and go as the funeral did, I was angry that they showed up for his death when they weren't there for his life, I felt angry that they had the nerve to grieve like I was. I still have nightmares about it, sometimes I think it may as well still be the 24th of February 2008, I don't think that day ever really ended for me.
  16. I don’t know really where to post this but I guess I’m looking for some sort of cathartic moment. I have never really admitted this to myself or anyone really, I guess I have been in denial about the reality of the situation; when I was 19 I visited a psychiatrist because I had been feeling suicidal. The doctor diagnosed me as having Bipolar mood disorder type II, recommended that I enter therapy (which I never did) and take anti-depressants and mood stabilisers which I took for about 7/8 years, which I, on my own just stopped taking maybe two years ago, I was sick of being medicated, like a zombie with the blinds pulled down. I never really accepted it as a fact, my thought process was closer to: ‘nah, I can’t be Bipolar those people are crazy, and I am not crazy’. In the last month though maybe I am coming to terms with all of this, maybe it isn’t normal to be energetic, optimistic, kind, sociable, full of life one day, and to wake up the next feeling like a lead blanket has covered my body and mind, unable to even function as a normal person, I can’t even so much as eat or clean up a dirty tea cup, how can something so normal become an insurmountable task? Maybe it isn’t normal to erratically become sensitive to every little incident to the point of self-hate, shame, and anger. Maybe it isn’t normal to feel invincible and completely blinded to actions having consequences. I think my denial is caused by the types of people that wear these sort of things as a badge of honour, or as an excuse for what they do and how they act. I don’t want it to be an excuse or something to lean on, I hate it, I hate how it is defined as a thing people go through, like an observational phenomenon, I want to take responsibility for myself, because that is all I am, myself, and if I wasn’t me, I wouldn’t feel this way, right? I don’t really know what to do, or even if there is anything to do. It isn’t like there is a stimuli or an event that needs discussing, there isn’t a problem to analyse and solve, it is just the daily ebb and flow of my mind, existing in two extremes. I often feel like there is no one to relate to, no one that I can speak freely with, I know this is the role of a therapist but I don’t want a professional relationship, I want a personal one, I don’t want to open my wallet and mind to a stranger in a detached setting, it isn’t right. These feelings of isolation are compounded by my physical isolation, no family, few close living friends, this leads way to loneliness and pessimism, and when someone starts thinking this way they can’t see the forrest for the trees, I know people are close to me, love me, but I don’t feel it, it’s like I’m not even really here, like I’m on an extended holiday waiting to come back home. If people feel the same way, maybe it’s comforting to know people can understand me, because a lot of the time I don’t, I don’t know why I lose interest in my hobbies or passions day to day. I’m just sitting on the couch lamenting wasting a Saturday while discontented to not do anything to fix that, it would be very easy to do so, but I am unable to, there is no initiative. Thanks foe reading if you got all the way through it, even if no one replies it feels nice to let it out in the open, well at least ina very minor way.
  17. 77 years ago USA nuked Japan twice. And to this day people still say ‘iT hAD to Be DoNE’. That’s some top quality brainwashing. I’m sure of Germany won people would say ‘It HaD tO BE dONe’ as well. It’s an atrocity, there is no other description. Am I the crazy one? I would think the only two times a nuke has been dropped on real humans is one of the worst things to have ever happened in the history of humans.
  18. 400k for a flat is theivery.
  19. Continuing on the Atleti discussion. If I remember correctly, this situation is remarkably similar but Atleti approached it with a little more caution than Barca. If I'm right, post Sergio Aguero; Atletico were pressured to continue their having marquee forwards but they were in financial distress, so they signed Falcao whom they couldn't technically afford but with creative accounting there were able to swing it into action. I think the idea was to get success now, flip Falcao (which they did to Monaco), and use whatever money they won in competition and Falcao to float the team to further success, then success leads to more success, once a standard of performance is achieved it is just about maintaining the momentum. It looks like Barcelona are tying to do the same thing but much more aggressively, a dozen transfers instead of one, and they can't even flip the players they do buy.
  20. I wonder Barcelona sold this to the incoming players. It must have been one convincing lie.
  21. How is it exaggerated? They are quite literally selling future assets for instant return. That’s dire.
  22. @SirBalon what a strange reality that Atleti is better run than Barca. Hell, Depor is probably run better.
  23. But if he makes the same joke 15'000 times it might be funny once.
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